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Created June 3, 2020 01:33
Rock Paper Scissors! Kata
Rock Paper Scissors
Let's play! You have to return which player won! In case of a draw return Draw!.
rps('scissors','paper') // Player 1 won!
rps('scissors','rock') // Player 2 won!
rps('paper','paper') // Draw!
const rps = (p1, p2) => {
if (p1 == p2)
{return "Draw!";}
else if ((p1 == "scissors" && p2 == "paper") ||
(p1 == "paper" && p2 == "rock") ||
(p1 == "rock" && p2 == "scissors") )
{return "Player 1 won!";}
{ return "Player 2 won!";}
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