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Last active June 2, 2021 14:57
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protocol ContextError : ErrorType {
mutating func addContext<T>(type: T.Type)
protocol Contextualizable {}
extension Contextualizable {
func addContext(var error: ContextError) -> ContextError {
return error
struct Error: ContextError {
var source : String
let reason : String
init(reason: String, file: String = __FILE__, function: String = __FUNCTION__, line: Int = __LINE__) {
self.reason = reason
self.source = "\(file):\(function):\(line)"
mutating func addContext<T>(type: T.Type) {
source += ":\(type)"
struct Parent: Contextualizable {
func myFunction() throws {
throw addContext(Error(reason: "An important reason"))
do {
try Parent().myFunction()
} catch {
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