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Created December 17, 2015 22:55
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This is a very basic fun calculator application implemented with exception handling and object orientation
This package contains basic mathematical implementation with the following functionality
1. add - addition
2. sub - subtraction
3. mul - multiplication
4. div - division
5. pwr - power
6. log - logarithm
7. exp - exponential
import math
import Constants
class Calculator:
# Methods
def __init__(self):
Constructor for the class
:param: none
:return: nothing
self.result = 0
def add(self, num1=0, num2=0):
Addition of two numbers
add(a,b) -> sum of a and b
:param num1: int, float, double, const or long
:param num2: int, float, double, const or long
:return: num1 + num2
self.result = num1 + num2
print 'Sum is: %f' % self.result
return self.result
def sub(self, num1=0, num2=0):
Difference of two numbers
sub(a,b) -> difference of a and b
:param num1: int, float, double, const or long
:param num2: int, float, double, const or long
:return: num1 - num2
self.result = num1 - num2
print 'Difference is: %f' % self.result
return self.result
def mul(self, num1=0, num2=0):
Multiplication of two numbers
mul(a,b) -> multiplication of a and b
:param num1: int, float, double, const or long
:param num2: int, float, double, const or long
:return: num1 * num2
self.result = num1 * num2
print 'Product is: %f' % self.result
return self.result
def div(self, num1=1, num2=1):
Division of two numbers
div(a,b) -> division of a and b
:param num1: int, float, double, const or long
:param num2: int, float, double, const or long
:return: num1 / num2
self.result = num1 / float(num2)
except ZeroDivisionError:
print "Division not possible, cannot divide with zero"
print 'Division is: %f' % self.result
return self.result
def pwr(self, b=1, n=0):
Exponentiation with base b and exponent n
pwr(b,n) -> exponentiation with base b and exponent n
:param b: base (can be int, float, double, const or long)
:param n: exponent (can be int, float, double, const or long)
:return: b ** n
self.result = b ** float(n)
except ValueError:
print "Negative number cannot be raised to a fractional power"
print 'Power is: %f' % self.result
return self.result
def log(self, a, b=10):
Logarithm of a with base b
log(a,n) -> exponentiation with base a and exponent n
:param a: int, float, double, const or long
:param b: base (can be int, float, double, const or long)
:return: log(a,b)
self.result = math.log(a, b)
except ValueError:
print "Logarithm doesn't exist for the specified value"
print 'Logarithm is: %f' % self.result
return self.result
def exp(self, n=1):
Exponential with power n
exp(n) -> exponentiation with base a and exponent n
:param n: power (can be int, float, double, const or long)
:return: exp(n)
self.result = self.pwr(Constants.e, n)
print 'Exponential is: %f' % self.result
return self.result
Basic utility constants used for this application
import math
e = math.e
pi = math.pi
Calculator Application, with basic mathematical functionality
import Calculator
def main():
calculator = Calculator.Calculator()
sumv = calculator.add(10, 20)
sub = calculator.sub(10, 20)
mul = calculator.mul()
div = calculator.div(10, 100)
pwr = calculator.pwr(3, 0.25)
log = calculator.log(1,7)
exp = calculator.exp(-1.5)
if __name__ == '__main__':
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