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Forked from luciomartinez/
Created April 14, 2016 07:29
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Git for humans

How to get a remote repository (from BitBucket, GitHub or anyone)

$ git clone<username>/<repository>.git

If you have added a SSH key, then you can also use this command:

$ git clone<username>/<repository>.git

How to create a new repository from the command line

$ touch
$ git init
$ git add
$ git commit -m "first commit"
$ git remote add origin<username>/<repository>.git
$ git push -u origin master

How to updates files in GitHub repository when it has been already created

First, get the repository and open it..

$ git clone <url:repository> # See above
$ cd <repository>

You can specify the file(s) and/or folder(s) to update

$ git add [<file|folder>[<file|folder>[...]]]

Or you can add the whole directory

$ git add .

NOTE: the previous two commands do not record removed files, to do so use the -A option

$ git add -A .

Now commit the changes (record them locally):

$ git commit -m "my commit message"

After one or many commits you can use push to upload them into the remote repository

$ git push

NOTE: the first time you will need to enter:

$ git push -u origin master

I'm getting errors

If a commit was added from the Web but not in the local directory, then will be an error trying to add something from a terminal.

To solve this you can:

  • Make a copy of your current files
  • Download the most up-to-date repository (use clone)
  • Update the downloaded repository with your changes
  • And now add, commit, etc..

How to close a bug while committing

$ git commit -m "Close #BUG_ID after implement security"

How to change a commit message

If a commit was made and not yet published (previous git push), then it's simple to change its message:

$ git commit --amend -m "A new message for the previous commit"

How to create a branch

$ git checkout -b <newbranch> # Generate and checkout new branch

How to merge Master with Branch

After create the pull request online you do:

$ git status
On branch master
Your branch is up-to-date with 'origin/master'.
nothing to commit, working directory clean
$ git merge --strategy-option theirs origin/<branch> 
$ git push

How to merge Branch with Master

HINT: It is the same than above!

$ git checkout <branch>
$ git merge --strategy-option theirs origin/master
$ git push

NOTE: change the strategy to your convenience, see the man page.

How to remove a Branch

$ git branch -d <branch>

How to undo last commit

Thanks to Andrew!

If you do not want to lose any change:

$ git reset --soft HEAD^ # Like you never did git commit

After that, remember to do git reset HEAD . to unstage files (it will not destroy any change!).

If you also want to destroy your changes:

$ git reset --hard HEAD^ # Like you were lazy after second last commit

Pay attention with the times that you apply git reset! If you apply it twice, it will revert also the second last commit. You could end up having a diverged branch, then you'll need to do git pull, and conflicts aren't fun ;)

How to go back in history

First thing is to know where to go, find the hash of the commit to go:

$ git log
commit 1234567890abcdef1234567890abcdef00000000
Author: Name <email>

Then deatach the HEAD to the commit wanted:

$ git checkout 123456789 # Using the first nine is more than enough

Thanks to Jefromi!

Generate tags

NOTE: before do it you will like to save any local change (commit & push).

$ git tag -a 1.1 -m "my commit message"
$ git push --tags

Remove tags

This will only remove it locally. Otherwise you may want to take a look at the bottom of this.

$ git tag -d 1.1

User's Configuration

Check your actual configuration with the following commands.

$ git config --get
$ git config --get

Add and/or update the values with the following commands.

$ git config --global "Your name"
$ git config --global ""

Some concepts

There is a difference between BRANCH and origin/BRANCH:

  • BRANCH is the local one and
  • origin/BRANCH is the remote one

Check out the full list of Git commands.

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