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Instantly share code, notes, and snippets.

Created June 15, 2024 11:22
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#![cfg_attr(not(feature = "std"), no_std)]
mod real_estate {
use ink::storage::Mapping;
pub struct RealEstate {
avg_block_time: u8,
decimals: u8,
tax: u8,
rental_limit_months: u8,
rental_limit_blocks: u64,
total_supply: u64,
total_supply2: u64,
rent_per_30_day: u64,
accumulated: u64,
blocks_per_30_day: u64,
rental_begin: u64,
occupied_until: u64,
tax_deduct: u64,
name: String,
symbol: String,
gov: AccountId,
main_property_owner: AccountId,
tenant: AccountId,
stakeholders: Vec<AccountId>,
revenues: Mapping<AccountId, u64>,
shares: Mapping<AccountId, u64>,
allowed: Mapping<(AccountId, AccountId), u64>,
rent_paid_until: Mapping<AccountId, u64>,
shares_offered: Mapping<AccountId, u64>,
share_sell_price: Mapping<AccountId, u64>,
pub struct ShareTransfer {
from: Option<AccountId>,
to: Option<AccountId>,
shares: u64,
pub struct Seizure {
seized_from: Option<AccountId>,
to: Option<AccountId>,
shares: u64,
pub struct ChangedTax {
new_tax: u64,
pub struct MainPropertyOwner {
new_main_property_owner: AccountId,
pub struct NewStakeHolder {
stakeholder_added: AccountId,
pub struct CurrentlyEligibleToPayRent {
tenant: AccountId,
pub struct PrePayRentLimit {
months: u8,
pub struct AvgBlockTimeChangedTo {
avg_block_time: u8,
pub struct RentPer30DaySetTo {
rent_per_30_day: u64,
pub struct StakeHolderBanned {
banned: AccountId,
pub struct RevenuesDistributed {
shareholder: AccountId,
gained: u64,
total: u64,
pub struct Withdrawal {
shareholder: AccountId,
withdrawn: u64,
pub struct Rental {
date: u64,
renter: AccountId,
rent_paid: u64,
tax: u64,
distributable_revenue: u64,
rented_from: u64,
rented_until: u64,
pub struct SharesOffered {
seller: AccountId,
amount_shares: u64,
price_per_share: u64,
pub struct SharesSold {
seller: AccountId,
buyer: AccountId,
shares_sold: u64,
price_per_share: u64,
impl RealEstate {
pub fn new(property_id: String, property_symbol: String, main_property_owner: AccountId, tax: u8, avg_block_time: u8) -> Self {
let gov = Self::env().caller();
let total_supply = 100;
let total_supply2 = total_supply.pow(2);
let blocks_per_30_day = 60 * 60 * 24 * 30 / avg_block_time as u64;
let mut stakeholders = Vec::new();
let mut allowed = Mapping::new();
allowed.insert(&(main_property_owner, gov), &u64::MAX);
let mut shares = Mapping::new();
shares.insert(&main_property_owner, &total_supply);
Self {
decimals: 0,
rental_limit_months: 12,
rental_limit_blocks: blocks_per_30_day * 12,
rent_per_30_day: 0,
accumulated: 0,
rental_begin: 0,
occupied_until: 0,
tax_deduct: 0,
name: property_id,
symbol: property_symbol,
tenant: Default::default(),
revenues: Mapping::new(),
rent_paid_until: Mapping::new(),
shares_offered: Mapping::new(),
share_sell_price: Mapping::new(),
pub fn show_shares_of(&self, owner: AccountId) -> u64 {
pub fn is_stakeholder(&self, address: AccountId) -> (bool, u64) {
for (index, stakeholder) in self.stakeholders.iter().enumerate() {
if *stakeholder == address {
return (true, index as u64);
(false, 0)
pub fn current_tenant_check(&self, tenant_check: AccountId) -> (bool, u64) {
assert!(self.occupied_until == self.rent_paid_until.get(&self.tenant).unwrap_or(0));
let rent_paid_until = self.rent_paid_until.get(&tenant_check).unwrap_or(0);
if rent_paid_until > Self::env().block_number() {
let days_remaining = (rent_paid_until - Self::env().block_number()) * self.avg_block_time as u64 / 86400;
(true, days_remaining)
} else {
(false, 0)
pub fn add_stakeholder(&mut self, stakeholder: AccountId) {
if !self.is_stakeholder(stakeholder).0 {
self.allowed.insert(&(stakeholder,, &u64::MAX);
self.env().emit_event(NewStakeHolder { stakeholder_added: stakeholder });
pub fn ban_stakeholder(&mut self, stakeholder: AccountId) {
if self.is_stakeholder(stakeholder).0 {
let index = self.is_stakeholder(stakeholder).1 as usize;
let shares = self.shares.get(&stakeholder).unwrap_or(0);
self.seizure_from(stakeholder,, shares);
self.env().emit_event(StakeHolderBanned { banned: stakeholder });
pub fn set_tax(&mut self, tax: u8) {
assert!(tax <= 100, "Valid tax rate (0% - 100%) required"); = tax;
self.env().emit_event(ChangedTax { new_tax: tax as u64 });
pub fn set_avg_block_time(&mut self, seconds_per_block: u8) {
assert!(seconds_per_block > 0, "Please enter a value above 0");
self.avg_block_time = seconds_per_block;
self.blocks_per_30_day = 60 * 60 * 24 * 30 / self.avg_block_time as u64;
self.env().emit_event(AvgBlockTimeChangedTo { avg_block_time: self.avg_block_time });
pub fn distribute(&mut self) {
let mut accumulated = self.accumulated;
for stakeholder in &self.stakeholders {
let shares = self.show_shares_of(*stakeholder);
let eth_to_receive = (accumulated / self.total_supply) * shares;
accumulated -= eth_to_receive;
let revenue = self.revenues.get(stakeholder).unwrap_or(0) + eth_to_receive;
self.revenues.insert(stakeholder, &revenue);
self.env().emit_event(RevenuesDistributed {
shareholder: *stakeholder,
gained: eth_to_receive,
total: revenue,
self.accumulated = accumulated;
pub fn seizure_from(&mut self, from: AccountId, to: AccountId, value: u64) -> bool {
let allowance = self.allowed.get(&(from, self.env().caller())).unwrap_or(0);
let from_shares = self.shares.get(&from).unwrap_or(0);
assert!(from_shares >= value && allowance >= value);
self.shares.insert(&to, &(self.shares.get(&to).unwrap_or(0) + value));
self.shares.insert(&from, &(from_shares - value));
if allowance < u64::MAX {
self.allowed.insert(&(from, self.env().caller()), &(allowance - value));
}#![cfg_attr(not(feature = "std"), no_std)]
use ink_lang as ink;
mod real_estate {
use ink_storage::collections::HashMap as StorageHashMap;
pub struct RealEstate {
avg_block_time: u8,
decimals: u8,
tax: u8,
rental_limit_months: u8,
rental_limit_blocks: u64,
total_supply: u64,
total_supply2: u64,
rent_per_30_day: u128,
accumulated: u128,
blocks_per_30_day: u64,
rental_begin: u64,
occupied_until: u64,
tax_deduct: u128,
name: String,
symbol: String,
gov: AccountId,
main_property_owner: AccountId,
tenant: AccountId,
stakeholders: Vec<AccountId>,
revenues: StorageHashMap<AccountId, u128>,
shares: StorageHashMap<AccountId, u64>,
allowed: StorageHashMap<(AccountId, AccountId), u64>,
rent_paid_until: StorageHashMap<AccountId, u64>,
shares_offered: StorageHashMap<AccountId, u64>,
share_sell_price: StorageHashMap<AccountId, u128>,
pub struct ShareTransfer {
from: Option<AccountId>,
to: Option<AccountId>,
shares: u64,
pub struct Seizure {
seized_from: Option<AccountId>,
to: Option<AccountId>,
shares: u64,
pub struct ChangedTax {
new_tax: u8,
pub struct MainPropertyOwner {
new_main_property_owner: AccountId,
pub struct NewStakeholder {
stakeholder_added: AccountId,
pub struct CurrentlyEligibleToPayRent {
tenant: AccountId,
pub struct PrePayRentLimit {
months: u8,
pub struct AvgBlockTimeChangedTo {
seconds: u8,
pub struct RentPer30DaySetTo {
weis: u128,
pub struct StakeholderBanned {
banned: AccountId,
pub struct RevenuesDistributed {
shareholder: AccountId,
gained: u128,
total: u128,
pub struct Withdrawal {
shareholder: AccountId,
withdrawn: u128,
pub struct Rental {
date: u64,
renter: AccountId,
rent_paid: u128,
tax: u128,
distributable_revenue: u128,
rented_from: u64,
rented_until: u64,
pub struct SharesOffered {
seller: AccountId,
amount_shares: u64,
price_per_share: u128,
pub struct SharesSold {
seller: AccountId,
buyer: AccountId,
shares_sold: u64,
price_per_share: u128,
impl RealEstate {
pub fn new(
property_id: String,
property_symbol: String,
main_property_owner: AccountId,
tax: u8,
avg_block_time: u8,
) -> Self {
let mut shares = StorageHashMap::new();
shares.insert(main_property_owner, 100);
let mut stakeholders = Vec::new();
let gov = Self::env().caller();
let mut allowed = StorageHashMap::new();
allowed.insert((main_property_owner, gov), u64::MAX);
let blocks_per_30_day = 60 * 60 * 24 * 30 / avg_block_time as u64;
let rental_limit_blocks = 12 * blocks_per_30_day;
Self {
decimals: 0,
rental_limit_months: 12,
total_supply: 100,
total_supply2: 100 * 100,
rent_per_30_day: 0,
accumulated: 0,
rental_begin: 0,
occupied_until: 0,
tax_deduct: 0,
name: property_id,
symbol: property_symbol,
tenant: Default::default(),
revenues: StorageHashMap::new(),
rent_paid_until: StorageHashMap::new(),
shares_offered: StorageHashMap::new(),
share_sell_price: StorageHashMap::new(),
pub fn show_shares_of(&self, owner: AccountId) -> u64 {
pub fn is_stakeholder(&self, address: AccountId) -> (bool, usize) {
for (index, stakeholder) in self.stakeholders.iter().enumerate() {
if *stakeholder == address {
return (true, index);
(false, 0)
pub fn current_tenant_check(&self, tenant_check: AccountId) -> (bool, u64) {
let rent_paid_until = *self.rent_paid_until.get(&tenant_check).unwrap_or(&0);
if self.occupied_until == rent_paid_until {
if rent_paid_until > self.env().block_number() {
let days_remaining = (rent_paid_until - self.env().block_number())
* self.avg_block_time as u64
/ 86400;
return (true, days_remaining);
(false, 0)
#[ink(keep_attr = "only_gov")]
pub fn add_stakeholder(&mut self, stakeholder: AccountId) {
let (is_stakeholder, _) = self.is_stakeholder(stakeholder);
if !is_stakeholder {
self.allowed.insert((stakeholder,, u64::MAX);
self.env().emit_event(NewStakeholder {
stakeholder_added: stakeholder,
#[ink(keep_attr = "only_gov")]
pub fn ban_stakeholder(&mut self, stakeholder: AccountId) {
let (is_stakeholder, index) = self.is_stakeholder(stakeholder);
if is_stakeholder {
let shares = *self.shares.get(&stakeholder).unwrap_or(&0);
self.seizure_from(stakeholder,, shares);
self.env().emit_event(StakeholderBanned { banned: stakeholder });
#[ink(keep_attr = "only_gov")]
pub fn set_tax(&mut self, x: u8) {
assert!(x <= 100, "Valid tax rate (0% - 100%) required"); = x;
self.env().emit_event(ChangedTax { new_tax: x });
#[ink(keep_attr = "only_gov")]
pub fn set_avg_block_time(&mut self, s_per_block: u8) {
assert!(s_per_block > 0, "Please enter a value above 0");
self.avg_block_time = s_per_block;
self.blocks_per_30_day = (60 * 60 * 24 * 30) / s_per_block as u64;
self.env().emit_event(AvgBlockTimeChangedTo {
seconds: s_per_block,
#[ink(keep_attr = "only_gov")]
pub fn distribute(&mut self) {
let accumulated = self.accumulated;
for stakeholder in &self.stakeholders {
let shares = self.show_shares_of(*stakeholder);
let eth_to_receive = (accumulated / self.total_supply) * shares as u128;
self.accumulated -= eth_to_receive;
*self.revenues.entry(*stakeholder).or_insert(0) += eth_to_receive;
self.env().emit_event(RevenuesDistributed {
shareholder: *stakeholder,
gained: eth_to_receive,
total: *self.revenues.get(stakeholder).unwrap_or(&0),
pub fn seizure_from(
&mut self,
from: AccountId,
to: AccountId,
value: u64,
) -> bool {
let allowance = *self.allowed.get(&(from, self.env().caller())).unwrap_or(&0);
let from_balance = *self.shares.get(&from).unwrap_or(&0);
if from_balance >= value && allowance >= value {
*self.shares.entry(from).or_insert(0) -= value;
*self.shares.entry(to).or_insert(0)*self.shares.entry(to).or_insert(0) += value;
self.allowed.insert((from, self.env().caller()), allowance - value);
self.env().emit_event(Seizure {
seized_from: Some(from),
to: Some(to),
shares: value,
return true;
#[ink(keep_attr = "only_gov")]
pub fn set_rent_per_30_day(&mut self, rent: u128) {
self.rent_per_30_day = rent;
self.env().emit_event(RentPer30DaySetTo { weis: rent });
pub fn pay_rent(&mut self) {
let caller = self.env().caller();
let rent_paid_until = *self.rent_paid_until.get(&caller).unwrap_or(&0);
let current_block = self.env().block_number();
assert!(current_block < rent_paid_until + self.rental_limit_blocks, "Rent cannot be prepaid for more than the rental limit");
let rent_duration = rent_paid_until.saturating_sub(current_block);
let rent_to_pay = self.rent_per_30_day * rent_duration as u128 / self.blocks_per_30_day as u128;
assert!(self.env().transferred_balance() >= rent_to_pay, "Insufficient rent payment");
let tax_amount = rent_to_pay * as u128 / 100;
let distributable_revenue = rent_to_pay - tax_amount;
self.accumulated += distributable_revenue;
self.tenant = caller;
self.rental_begin = current_block;
self.occupied_until = rent_paid_until + rent_duration;
self.env().emit_event(Rental {
date: current_block,
renter: caller,
rent_paid: rent_to_pay,
tax: tax_amount,
rented_from: current_block,
rented_until: self.occupied_until,
pub fn offer_shares_for_sale(&mut self, amount_shares: u64, price_per_share: u128) {
let caller = self.env().caller();
let caller_shares = self.show_shares_of(caller);
assert!(caller_shares >= amount_shares, "Insufficient shares to sell");
self.shares_offered.insert(caller, amount_shares);
self.share_sell_price.insert(caller, price_per_share);
self.env().emit_event(SharesOffered {
seller: caller,
pub fn buy_shares(&mut self, seller: AccountId, amount_shares: u64) {
let buyer = self.env().caller();
let sell_price = *self.share_sell_price.get(&seller).unwrap_or(&0);
let total_price = sell_price * amount_shares as u128;
assert!(self.env().transferred_balance() >= total_price, "Insufficient payment");
let seller_shares = self.show_shares_of(seller);
assert!(seller_shares >= amount_shares, "Seller does not have enough shares");
*self.shares.entry(seller).or_insert(0) -= amount_shares;
*self.shares.entry(buyer).or_insert(0) += amount_shares;
self.env().emit_event(SharesSold {
shares_sold: amount_shares,
price_per_share: sell_price,
pub fn withdraw_revenue(&mut self) {
let caller = self.env().caller();
let revenue = *self.revenues.get(&caller).unwrap_or(&0);
assert!(revenue > 0, "No revenue to withdraw");
self.revenues.insert(caller, 0);
self.env().transfer(caller, revenue).expect("Transfer failed");
self.env().emit_event(Withdrawal {
shareholder: caller,
withdrawn: revenue,
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