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Last active November 8, 2021 14:48
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  • Save KaratekHD/59ccea41e9aa20127eb222a4677ecf85 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save KaratekHD/59ccea41e9aa20127eb222a4677ecf85 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Tool to deploy openSUSE (and other distributions) on the Mars MA3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Author: KaratekHD <>
# License: Do whatever you want with it, just don't claim it as your own
import os
import tarfile
import sys
import argparse
from termcolor import colored
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
description="Deploy openSUSE Tumbleweed to the Mars MA3.")
parser.add_argument("-r", "--rootfs", help="Path to rottfs.tar", required=True)
parser.add_argument("-d", "--device", help="Deviceprefix to deploy to (e.g. /dev/mmcblk0p)", required=True)
parser.add_argument("-i", "--input_dir", help="Build files generated by", required=True)
args = parser.parse_args()
rootfs_path = args.rootfs
block = args.device
# Check if script is run as root
if os.geteuid() != 0:
print(colored("Script must be run as root, relaunching...", "cyan"))
# Relaunch script as root
# Get all args to one string
os.system("sudo python3 " + " ".join(sys.argv))
# Exit script
# Check if args.input-dir is a directory
if not os.path.isdir(args.input_dir):
print(colored("Input directory is invalid!", "red"))
# Check if block device exists
if not os.path.exists(block):
print(colored("Block device does not exist", "red"))
# Check if something is mounted on /mnt abort if so
if os.path.ismount("/mnt"):
print(colored("Please unmount /mnt before running this script", "red"))
# Check if /mnt/boot exists and create if not
if not os.path.exists("/mnt/boot"):
# Check if /mnt/rootfs exists and create if not
if not os.path.exists("/mnt/rootfs"):
# Umount all partitions
# Check if /mnt/rootfs is mounted
if os.path.ismount("/mnt/rootfs"):
print(colored("Unmounting /mnt/rootfs", "yellow"))
os.system("umount -l /mnt/rootfs")
# Check if /mnt/boot is mounted
if os.path.ismount("/mnt/boot"):
print(colored("Unmounting /mnt/boot"))
os.system("umount -l /mnt/boot")
# TODO: Partitioning of the SD card
# Format the SD card
print(colored("Formatting partition 1 with fat32...", "yellow"))
os.system("mkfs.vfat -F 32 -n BOOT {}1".format(block))
print(colored("Formatted partition 1", "green"))
print(colored("Formatting partition 3 with ext2...", "yellow"))
os.system("mkfs.ext2 -L rootfs {}3".format(block))
print(colored("Formatted partition 3", "green"))
# Flash preloader
print(colored("Flashing preloader...", "yellow"))
os.system("dd if=preloader-mkpimage.bin of={}2 status=progress".format(block))
print(colored("Preloader flashed!", "green"))
print(colored("Syncing...", "yellow"))
print(colored("Synced!", "green"))
# Check if device is mounted
if not os.path.ismount("/mnt/rootfs"):
print(colored("Mounting /mnt/rootfs", "yellow"))
os.system("sudo mount {}3 /mnt/rootfs".format(block))
if not os.path.ismount("/mnt/boot"):
print(colored("Mounting /mnt/boot", "yellow"))
os.system("sudo mount {}1 /mnt/boot".format(block))
print(colored("Copying files to /mnt/boot", "yellow"))
# List of files to copy
files = ["uImage", "devicetree.dtb", "fpga.rbf", "u-boot.img", "uboot.scr"]
# Copy files to /mnt/boot with progress bar
for file in files:
print(colored("- " + file, "green"))
with open(file, "rb") as f:
with open("/mnt/boot/" + file, "wb") as f2:
while True:
data =
if not data:
# Remove everything from /mnt/rootfs
print(colored("Removing everything from /mnt/rootfs...", "yellow"))
os.system("rm -rf /mnt/rootfs/*")
# Extract rootfs from tarfile to /mnt/rootfs
# Check wether tarfile is .gz or .xz
compression = ""
if rootfs_path.endswith(".gz") or rootfs_path.endswith(".xz"):
if rootfs_path.endswith(".gz"):
compression = "gz"
elif rootfs_path.endswith(".xz"):
compression = "xz"
print(colored("Extracting rootfs from {} to /mnt/rootfs...".format(rootfs_path), "yellow"))
with, "r:" + compression) as tar:
print(colored("Extracted {} to /mnt/rootfs".format(rootfs_path), "green"))
# Extract .tar
print(colored("Extracting {} to /mnt/rootfs...".format(rootfs_path), "yellow"))
with as tar:
print(colored("Extracted {} to /mnt/rootfs".format(rootfs_path), "green"))
print(colored("Syncing...", "yellow"))
print(colored("Umounting devices...", "yellow"))
os.system("umount /mnt/boot")
os.system("umount /mnt/rootfs")
print(colored("Done", "green"))
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