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Created September 27, 2020 16:09
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import telegram.ext as tg
from telegram import Update, TelegramError
from telegram.ext import run_async, CallbackContext, CommandHandler, DispatcherHandlerStop, Dispatcher
def process_update(self, update):
for group in self.groups:
for handler in (x for x in self.handlers[group] if x.check_update(update)):
# I think this line is the problem:
handler.handle_update(update, self, handler.check_update(update))
# Stop processing with any other handler.
except DispatcherHandlerStop:
self.logger.debug("Stopping further handlers due to DispatcherHandlerStop")
# Dispatch any error.
except TelegramError as te:
self.logger.warning("A TelegramError was raised while processing the Update")
self.dispatch_error(update, te)
except DispatcherHandlerStop:
self.logger.debug("Error handler stopped further handlers")
except Exception:
self.logger.exception("An uncaught error was raised while handling the error")
# Errors should not stop the thread.
except Exception:
self.logger.exception("An uncaught error was raised while processing the update")
def start(update: Update, context: CallbackContext):
if update.effective_chat.type == "private":
args = context.args
first_name = update.effective_user.first_name
update.effective_message.reply_text("Hello " + first_name)
update.effective_message.reply_text("You started this bot in a group.") # START_IN_GROUP
if __name__ == '__main__':
TOKEN = "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"
updater = tg.Updater(TOKEN, workers=WORKERS, use_context=True)
dispatcher = updater.dispatcher
start_handler = CommandHandler("start", start)
Dispatcher.process_update = process_update
updater.start_polling(timeout=15, read_latency=4)
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