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Last active August 29, 2015 14:18
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mdev decides to make it their personal mission to discuss my name on #node.js
15:21 < mdev> that nick of yours :(
15:21 < mdev> I heard audio tapes of her, incredibly disturbing and sad
15:21 <@emilyrose> mdev: what?
15:22 < mdev> of emily rose
15:22 <@emilyrose> not me
15:22 <@emilyrose> this isn't a 'nickname', it's my real name
15:23 < mdev> she was a woman that was possessed and starved herself to death, defecated everywhere,
and who ultimately died, there's real life audio of her online, is very disturbing,
doesn't sound like a woman at all...there's been movies made about her
15:24 <@emilyrose> mdev: you're making me uncomfortable right now
15:24 <@emilyrose> mdev: can you find somewhere else to talk about that please?
15:25 < mdev> figured that's what your nick was from
15:25 < harbhub> to be fair, your name made them uncomfortable first
15:25 < breakingthings> that character is fictional, mdev
15:25 < harbhub> let's call it even
15:26 <@emilyrose> harbhub: this is my name
15:26 < mdev> definitely not fictional, was a real woman, again her audio tapes are online, you can
find real life pics of her too in her last days, those are incredibly disturbing too
15:26 < gkatsev> i... uh... what emilyrose said. Let's talk about something else.
15:26 < mdev> hopefully that poor womans in Heaven now
15:26 < breakingthings> mdev: No, the "Emily Rose" character is fictional, created for the horror
15:26 <@emilyrose> mdev: how many more times should I ask you to stop before it would be reasonable
to expect you to?
15:27 <@emilyrose> I deserve to be able to chat without people making disturbing commentary on my
15:27 < mdev> breaking 2 seconds of research show she's not at all fictional...but is fine, is off
15:27 < mdev> question: was I the only one kicked just now?
15:29 < matthewt> yep
15:29 < mdev> that's what I thought...I was simply responding to him, the conversation was over a
long time ago really. Just because you have the ability to abuse, doesn't mean you
15:29 < mdev> there was many others conversing and 100% you ignored them and targeted me...
15:30 < breakingthings> nobody else was comparing her name to a disturbing charicature.
15:30 < breakingthings> :/
15:30 <@emilyrose> mdev: you are the only one being problematic right now. It's not abuse to kick
you from the channel after asking you 3 times to stop.
15:30 < Mikul_> I am installing NVM but when I restart terminal then it give error "-bash: nvm:
command not found"
15:30 < GreenJello> b> for(var i=0;i<1e4;i++)process.stdout.write('blah ')
15:30 < babelbot> GreenJello: blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah
blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah
blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah
blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah
blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah…
15:31 < breakingthings> 10/10
15:31 < breakingthings> would blah again
15:31 < GreenJello> mikul_, there's a line you need to put in you bash profile
15:31 < mdev> i'm being problematic? Ok, let's ignore everyone and target me, then justify your
abuse with it's all my fault
15:31 -!- mode/#Node.js [+b *!*mdev@unaffiliated/mdev] by emilyrose
15:31 -!- mdev was kicked from #Node.js by emilyrose [mdev]
15:31 -!- trigoman [] has joined #Node.js
15:32 <@emilyrose> sounds good
15:28 -!- Irssi: Starting query in freenode with mdev
15:31 <emilyrose> it really shouldn't be this difficult to get you to stop making offensive
commentary on my name
15:32 <mdev> why do you continue to abuse your status
15:32 <emilyrose> let me explain this to you clearly
15:32 <mdev> did the individuals who gave you op know you act in this manner?
15:32 <emilyrose> I asked you nicely 3 times to stop with the disturbing comparison of me to a
fictional character
15:32 <emilyrose> you refused
15:32 <mdev> would they appreciate you treating users in this way?
15:32 <emilyrose> I kicked you
15:32 <emilyrose> and now you are continuing still
15:32 <mdev> it's not a fictonal character
15:32 <mdev>
15:32 <mdev> that's who she is
15:33 <mdev> and I was done with the conversation, others chimed in/asked questions
15:33 <emilyrose> I'm done talking to you
15:33 <emilyrose> if you have an issue with your ban, take it up with other ops
15:33 <mdev> that's fine, also be done abusing your status
15:33 <emilyrose> I'll be sure to provide them with a log of the incident
15:33 <mdev> lol at ban
15:33 <emilyrose> it's not abuse to moderate the channel in accordance with the channel policy
15:33 <emilyrose> nice try though
15:33 <mdev> you really need to remove it, i'll let the abuse go
15:33 <mdev> but if you don't remove it
15:33 <emilyrose> not a chance
15:33 <emilyrose> have a good day
15:33 <mdev> other ops are being contacted
15:34 <mdev> ok, your choice
15:34 <emilyrose> I already invited you to message other ops
15:34 <emilyrose> take care
15:34 <mdev> I don;t need your invitation, you're in the wrong here and you know it
15:34 <mdev> whether they correct your wrong is of no importance, you're who's doing it, and should
instead do the right thing
15:38 <mdev> founders been contacted...I think there's a good chance he'll be reasonable, as he was
kind enough to help me about a half hour ago on a node issue. Honestly though
regardless if he lifts the ban or not, you really need to not be an op anymore until
you can treat people right IMHO.
15:40 <emilyrose> 1) it's my decision whether to lift the ban
15:40 <emilyrose> 2) you are the one who needs to learn how to treat people right. I respectfully
asked you several times to stop. You refused. This is *your* lesson.
15:41 <emilyrose> you're going to have to work it out with me if you want to get back into #node.js
15:41 <emilyrose> not try to go over my head
15:41 <emilyrose> sorry
15:42 <mdev> well the logs are available, these and the channels, if tjfontaine reasonable he'll
remove your ban and teach you a "lesson" about not abusing. I was in no violation, I
ended the conversation happily when you asked and would have even earlier if people
didn't ask questions/comment on it
15:42 <mdev> those same people you ignore entirely and focus on me
15:42 <emilyrose> those people weren't saying distubing things
15:42 <emilyrose> you were
15:42 <mdev> ...
15:42 <emilyrose> so yes, I focused on you
15:42 <emilyrose> and again
15:42 <emilyrose> he will not remove the ban
15:42 <emilyrose> if anyone does, it will be me
15:42 <emilyrose> this is a channel policy
15:42 <emilyrose> lol
15:42 <mdev> you can try and justify the ban but you know full well it shouldn't have been set
15:43 <mdev> just because you're permitted apparently to abuse doesn'tmean you should
15:43 <emilyrose> I know full and well that I set the ban justly
15:43 <emilyrose> so if you want to pretend you know my thoughts better than I do we can stop right
15:43 <mdev> if shoe were on the other foot you wouldn't want people banning you and laughing
because they're convince other ops won't do anything
15:43 <emilyrose> because I'm not going to have a discussion with someone who thinks they're better
than me
15:43 <emilyrose> I'm not laughing
15:43 <mdev> "better than you"...sigh i'm not better than anyone
15:43 <emilyrose> I'm actually quite distressed by the fact that you feel you have the right to make
commentary on my name in a public channel regardless of my repeated attempts to
ask you to stop
15:44 <emilyrose> then stop acting like you know what I'm thinking
15:44 <mdev> but I also wouldn't be banning people like you for invalid reasons and laughing and
being completely unreasonable
15:44 <emilyrose> listen to me
15:44 <emilyrose> 1) I'm not laughing
15:44 <emilyrose> 2) I'm not being unreasonable
15:44 <emilyrose> 3) my reason for ban was completely valid
15:44 <emilyrose> I'm sorry if that's difficult for you to reason with, but until we can agree on
those things, there's not much I can say
15:44 <emilyrose> I'm happy to discuss how you can get back into the channel if you like
15:45 <mdev> well look, I apologize if you took offense, you have a famous name, the comment the
proceeded yours that said you found it offense agreed with me, the ban wasn't needed,
the conversation was long over
15:45 <emilyrose> but if you're going to insist on debating the justifications around your ban then
there's not much to discuss
15:45 <mdev> I wasn't aware that emily rose herself was fictional is after a real person but the
real persons name is different
15:45 <emilyrose> the ban is needed until we have an understanding on what is expected from people
in #node.js
15:45 <emilyrose> mdev I am a real person
15:45 <emilyrose> a real person with the name Emily Rose
15:45 <emilyrose> do you not understand that?
15:46 <mdev> that you decided to broadcast on irc...a public medium
15:46 <mdev> then get upset if someone comments on it
15:46 <emilyrose> so that means you have the right to make disturbing commentary on it in a
community support channel?
15:46 <emilyrose> I don't think so
15:46 <mdev> if your name was billgates and I said something about billgates
15:46 <emilyrose> my name is not an invitation for you to make offensive remarks
15:46 <mdev> see what I mean that's incredibly petty
15:47 <emilyrose> it's also not justification for you to continue your commentary after I ask you to
15:47 <mdev> I didn't say anything insulting was just explaining who she was
15:47 <emilyrose> and *that* is why you were banned
15:47 <emilyrose> not for the original comments
15:47 <emilyrose> but for refusing to stop when I made it clear I was uncomfortable
15:47 <mdev> what about everyone else?
15:47 <mdev> why would you ignore them
15:47 <mdev> why not say "everyone please get off the topic"
15:47 <mdev> that's what a reasonable, mature, op would have done
15:47 <emilyrose> ok, we're done here
15:47 <mdev> that wasn't being petty
15:48 <mdev> and targeting 1 person
15:48 <mdev> because you could...
15:48 <emilyrose> until you're done calling me immature and unreasonable, we have nothign further to
15:48 <emilyrose> policy
15:48 <emilyrose> policy*
15:48 <emilyrose> let me know when you want to understand how to contribute to the channel in
accordance with policy**
15:48 <mdev> your ban is unreasonable and honestly I think you know that at this point
15:49 <mdev> policy?
15:49 <mdev> does node.js never have off topic chat? exactly.
15:49 <mdev> and look at the logs I said clearly it was off topic my last comment on the subject in channel
15:49 <mdev> as in I was fine with dropping it
15:49 <mdev> you just banned cause you could
15:50 <mdev> which i'm not even upset over, what disappoints me is after the fact you refuse to lift the ban after reviewing things. Instead you want to be petty, talk about 'teaching me a lesson''s all unecessary
15:51 <mdev> I didn't insult you, I wasn't the only one discussing the topic, and I was happy to drop it, in fact it was already dropped, you just banned anyway
16:02 <mdev> I already apologize to you, even though this ban was and is unreasonable
16:02 <mdev> are you just not going to lift it?
16:02 <mdev> so that's were on the same page
16:07 <emilyrose> I'm not going to lift the ban until we come to an understanding on why it is reasonable
16:07 <emilyrose> I'm not interested in hearing your opinions on why you think it was unreasonable
16:08 <emilyrose> within the context of this channel, with the protocols we have established, it was a reasonable ban
16:08 <emilyrose> until you can understand and acknowledge that, we have nothign to discuss
16:09 <emilyrose> the reason I banned you was so that we could have a conversation on what is expected from participants of #node.js
16:09 <emilyrose> not so that I can hear you endlessly ranting about how unreasonable I am in PM
16:09 <emilyrose> it's really easy to understand how to not get banned in the future
16:09 <emilyrose> but I'm waiting to hear you express an interest in understanding that
16:10 <emilyrose> so far all I've gotten from you is a (seemingly intense) desire to debate the merits of my ban
16:10 <emilyrose> which is not a conversation I'm willing to have anymore
16:19 <mdev> well listen, I apologize once more if you feel I insulted you in any way. And you didn't have to ban me to have a conversation, a simple /pm would have worked.
16:21 <emilyrose> lol
16:21 <emilyrose>
16:21 <emilyrose> classic
16:21 <emilyrose> I'm not sure how much clearer I can be here
16:22 <mdev> well then let me be clear
16:22 <emilyrose> you were banned because you ignored repeated requests that you stop
16:22 <mdev> i'm not interested to cattering to any sort of "power trip" if that's what this is
16:22 <emilyrose> I *did* have to ban you, my words weren't enough
16:22 <mdev> you're op i'm not, this is true
16:22 <emilyrose> the only thing that made you notice was the fact that you're not excluded from the channel
16:22 <mdev> but honestly I apologized, I have an interest of rejoining the channel
16:22 <mdev> either you can a)lift the ban or b) not lift it
16:22 <mdev> either way it, it is what it is
16:22 <emilyrose> I can understand how you could feel as though this has something to do with a 'power trip' but I can assure you I feel no sense of satisfaction with this encounter
16:23 <emilyrose> on the contrary
16:23 <emilyrose> this conversation is draining to me and I really which we weren't in this situation in the first place
16:23 <emilyrose> but you chose to ignore my words and are still ignoring the heart of the issue
16:23 <mdev> well there is no issue then, I have no problem with you personally
16:23 <mdev> I have a problem with being banned though, once that's lifted, if that's lifted
16:23 <emilyrose> there is still an issue
16:24 <mdev> there's nothing more to it
16:24 <emilyrose> several issues, really
16:24 <emilyrose> 1) you're still trying to make this conversation about you being banned
16:24 <mdev> I commented on your namely, harmelessly as I was suprised to see it and figured you named yourself after a famous movie actress, you got upset and kicked then banned
16:24 <emilyrose> 2) we've still not reached an understanding as to how you participate in the channel without violating the policy
16:24 <emilyrose> that's a terribly innacurate summary
16:24 <mdev> I apologized and you want to prolong all this, teaching me a lesson,'s really unecessary, no lesson is being taught here
16:25 <emilyrose> I asked you repeatedly to stop
16:25 <emilyrose> you chose to continue
16:25 <emilyrose> I kicked you
16:25 <emilyrose> you chose to continue
16:25 <emilyrose> I then banned you
16:25 <mdev> I answered others who chimed in, but ultimately was done
16:25 <emilyrose> cool
16:25 <emilyrose> if there's nothing to learn here then we're done
16:25 <emilyrose> take care
16:25 <mdev> when I saw your requests to stop
16:26 <mdev> take care as well, and if you decide to lift the ban, feel free to let me know
16:26 <emilyrose> not going to happen until we have a conversation about what's expected of people in #node.js
16:26 <mdev> there's really nothing to it beyond that, i'm not an issue for the channel, I rarely even chat there so
16:26 <emilyrose> if you rarely chat here then I suppose it's not worth discussing
16:27 <mdev> why don't you lift the ban, then have a group conversation in #node.js about these expectations you're so set on
16:27 <emilyrose> we would much rather keep the channel safe for the people who frequent it than risk letting it become toxic
16:27 <mdev> that way everyone can learn
16:27 <mdev> !
16:27 <mdev> channel safe?
16:27 <emilyrose> the rest of the channel (for the most part) has no problem with the expectations
16:27 <mdev> how did I make the channel unsafe?
16:27 <emilyrose> they're posted in the topic
16:27 <emilyrose> you ignored my very clear indication that I was uncomfortable with what you were saying
16:28 <mdev> I stopped, you banned after the fact
16:28 <emilyrose> you have the logs too :)
16:28 <emilyrose> read them again
16:28 <mdev> check otu the logs I said it was off topic indicating I was done with it
16:28 <mdev> would have ended even sooner but others chimed in, so that's only reason
16:29 <emilyrose> and if our conversation had actually been about the issue, you would probably be back in the channel by now
16:29 <emilyrose> but instead you got indignant and tried to make me feel like I was in the wrong for enforcing the channel policy
16:29 <emilyrose> you even tried to go around me and find another op to side with you
16:29 <emilyrose> all of that is unsafe behavior
16:33 <mdev> unsafe really?
16:34 <emilyrose> that's what I said, yes.
16:34 <emilyrose> it tells me that you have disregard for others and are more concerned with your right to express offensive opinions than you are existing harmoniously in a support channel that isn't even supposed to be about horror movies.
16:34 <mdev> who or what is being put in danger by me contacting another op on what I feel is clearly a ban that shouldn't have been set? What happen to you "encouraging" me to contact others
16:35 <emilyrose> it tells me that you believe you have a right to be here regardless of how others feel about it
16:35 <mdev> does that mean then, you yourself were being unsafe?
16:35 <mdev> unsafe behavior...
16:35 <emilyrose> I'm sorry if that's a term you're not comfortable with
16:35 <emilyrose> but that's how I see this situation
16:35 <emilyrose> you are someone I wouldn't feel safe with in the same room
16:36 <mdev> really?
16:36 <emilyrose> really
16:36 <mdev> like channel or actual room?
16:36 <emilyrose> like in a physical room
16:37 <mdev> ok, well you're clearly taking this way over board, because first of all you don't know me, as I don't know you, and to say things like you'd be unsafe with me in some room is ridiculous
16:37 <emilyrose> you think so?
16:37 <emilyrose> have a look at what some other people are saying
16:37 <mdev> I know so
16:37 <emilyrose>
16:38 <emilyrose> konobi also commented on the gist as well
16:38 <emilyrose>
16:38 <emilyrose> he is an op that has been at this as long as I have
16:38 <emilyrose> nobody else seems to think I'm being unreasonable or going overboard
16:38 <emilyrose> I think your unique position puts you at a disadvantage for seeing things the way they are
16:39 <mdev> make sure you post the full logs, not that it matters, as clearly these are your internet friends, so they're gonna side with you on everything regardless
16:39 <emilyrose> I'm sorry if you think it's ridiculous to say that someone who demonstrates a willful disregard of my safety/comfort is someone I would feel unsafe around in the physical world
16:40 <emilyrose> clearly
16:40 <emilyrose> it's just because they're my internet friends
16:40 <emilyrose> lol
16:40 <mdev> it is
16:40 <emilyrose> there's no way you could be wrong here
16:40 <emilyrose> rofl
16:40 <emilyrose> get a grip
16:40 <mdev> and the fact you're a female
16:40 <emilyrose> I'm "a female"?
16:40 <emilyrose> where did you get that idea?
16:40 <emilyrose> tell me more
16:40 <mdev> you claim your name is "emily"
16:41 <emilyrose> "claim"
16:41 <emilyrose> lol
16:41 <emilyrose> as though it's some dubious claim that requires evidence?
16:41 <emilyrose> also, what does my name have to do with you making the assertion that I'm "a female"
16:42 <mdev> honestly I don't care what your name is, or if you're a female, all this is beyond ridiculous at this point. The whole pettyness, the non-sense ban, the 'teach me a lesson', the attempt of trying to publically shame me, it's a joke really
16:42 <mdev> I didn't insult you and I simply commented on a famous name that you happen to have
16:42 <mdev> so seriously get over it and stop acting in this manner
16:43 <mdev> oh and the "I feel unsafe" non-sense too, that was a nice one...
16:43 <emilyrose> the fact that you think this is a joke
16:43 <emilyrose> makes it overwhelmingly clear that the ban is permanent
16:43 <emilyrose> take care
16:44 <mdev> it is a joke, you're clearly bored or something, no adult would act like this over nothing
16:44 <mdev> make it permante them, you're completely out of line as is and IMHO should not be an op at all
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konobi commented Apr 3, 2015

And the rest of us ops agreed that the ban stands.

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Oh hell yes. I came back to the channel and tried to ban just in case he hadn't been.

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ljharb commented Apr 5, 2015


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