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Created January 21, 2016 18:50
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12:36 -!- Irssi: Starting query in freenode with spidervex
12:37 <emilyrose> hey, I just wanted to reach out to you so you know that I'm available to chat if you'd like to talk about being
unbanned in #node.js
12:38 <spidervex> Talk about getting unbanned? I'd rather talk about why i was banned
12:39 <emilyrose> well, same conversation really :)
12:39 <emilyrose> if you're not sure what resulted in a ban
12:39 <emilyrose> here it is:
12:39 <emilyrose> 12:18 < spidervex> Oh no. Progressives and their PC culture are now in my tech chatrooms.
12:40 <spidervex> Did that break some rule or something?
12:40 <emilyrose> yes
12:40 <emilyrose> we expect everyone to be respectful of each other in #node.js
12:41 <emilyrose> your statement came across as a clear indication that you did not respect the fact that we were being considerate
of each other
12:41 <emilyrose> "Progressives" and "PC culture" are dog whistles
12:41 <emilyrose> so, some reading that may help avoid this in the future:
12:42 <spidervex> I agree in respect, which is why I don't think it's appropriate to chew someone out on their use of language.
12:42 <emilyrose>
12:42 <emilyrose>
12:42 <emilyrose>
12:42 <emilyrose> these are all linked in the topic
12:43 <emilyrose> I would agree with you if anyone actually was being chewed out
12:43 <emilyrose> but the person in question appreciated the correction and we had moved on
12:43 <emilyrose> it was respectful
12:43 <emilyrose> you chose to bring it back up with a flippant troll response
12:43 <emilyrose> so no, "I agree in respect" is not a sufficient explanation for your behavior
13:26 <spidervex> Can i get unbanned if promise not to talk about the hot programmers I work with?
13:28 <spidervex> You have an interesting history.
13:29 <emilyrose> what makes you say that?
13:30 * emilyrose pretends she doesn't know what Wikipedia article you were just viewing
13:30 <emilyrose> sorry, Wikia*
13:31 <spidervex> Yeah. Also talking to friends in #node.js they said the ops there don't like people going against their political
13:32 <spidervex> So I don't have much of a chance of getting back in. Especially considering I'm an pro-gamergate, anti-feminist.
13:34 <spidervex> I can find somewhere else to help people.
13:34 <emilyrose> oh
13:34 <emilyrose> yep, take care
13:34 <spidervex> Somewhere that people don't mix their political views with business.
13:35 <emilyrose> keep pretending that people aren't political :)
13:35 <emilyrose> it will get you SO far in life ;)
13:36 <emilyrose> being "pro-gamergate" and "anti-feminist" is a very lazy way to say, "I have no clue what I'm doing with my life,
but damn am I angry for some reason."
13:36 <emilyrose> <3
13:36 <emilyrose> take care of yourself out there
13:38 <spidervex> Don't worry. I will. You kind of just pushed me one more step to being an activist. Before I just learned about the
stupidity going on. But now it's having an effect on my professional life.
13:38 <emilyrose> the 'stupidity' in question here is you refusing to have a constructive conversation with me
13:38 <emilyrose> lol
13:39 <emilyrose> I approached you with a clear indication that I sought resolution
13:39 <emilyrose> you've declined thus far
13:39 <emilyrose> still happy to have that conversation
13:47 <spidervex> Nah. I'm good. I don't need to get unbanned. I can promise a lot of things. But putting up with trolls is not one
of them.
13:48 <emilyrose> hey, we're on the same page there! :)
13:48 <emilyrose> (hence this conversation)
13:48 <emilyrose> <3 ciao
13:48 <spidervex> C'ya
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