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Created January 14, 2016 02:19
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How to be a jerk on IRC (freenode)
20:58 -!- Irssi: Starting query in freenode with aniasis
20:58 <emilyrose> hey
20:58 <emilyrose> do you have a minute to chat?
20:59 <emilyrose> I have a concern I'd like to discuss with you
21:00 <aniasis> ??
21:02 <emilyrose> I was noticing that you were using language that could come across as unnecessarily abrasive
21:02 <aniasis> what language?
21:02 <emilyrose> I was wondering if you'd had the chance to review the CoC for the channel
21:03 <aniasis> what language?
21:04 <aniasis> are you a server op or channel op
21:05 <emilyrose> I'm PMing you as a concerned member of the community
21:05 <aniasis> what did I say that was abrasive?
21:05 <emilyrose> I noticed that there was hostility in the conversation that seemed to be centered around the conversation you had
started with your initial question
21:05 <aniasis> and?
21:05 <aniasis> They trolled me and I get banned?
21:07 <emilyrose> <aniasis>konobi, the subject being the greatest library. You are trying to be smart but you are just being a troll.
21:07 <emilyrose> <aniasis>Most people here don't even know howto program let alone develop solutions.
21:07 <emilyrose> <aniasis>not a bunch of 22 year olds who read
21:07 <emilyrose> <aniasis>jfhbrook, see you keep getting caught up on syntax. I know you can't answer my question.
21:07 <emilyrose> <aniasis>jfhbrook, I'm not suggesting you are lame because of that. I'm suggesting you are lame because you are
trolling my question.
21:08 <aniasis> exactly
21:08 <emilyrose> <aniasis>II'm saying that it is a markup language and because you read some history on HTML doesn't make you a
21:08 <emilyrose> <aniasis>joepie91, please stop talking. You had a 10 minute conversation about how to use promises.
21:08 <emilyrose> <aniasis>joepie91, then why do you keep trying to look clever?
21:08 <aniasis> If you don't know the answer then why are you attacking me.
21:08 <aniasis> I'm not flooding the channel.
21:08 <aniasis> I just asked a question.
21:08 <emilyrose> <aniasis>Sorella, I'm done talking to you also.
21:09 <emilyrose> who is attacking you exactly?
21:09 <aniasis> Do you have the entire log or do I need to cut/paste also
21:09 <emilyrose> I have the whole log
21:09 <emilyrose> but your question was "what language"
21:10 <emilyrose> so I was showing you "what language"
21:10 <aniasis> I may not be a regular on node.js but I have been using this server for years
21:10 <emilyrose> that's great!
21:10 <emilyrose> if you'd like to participate in the community
21:10 <emilyrose> you need to adhere to the community guidelines
21:10 <emilyrose> like everyone else
21:10 <aniasis> No my point is that you can't use preferential treatment
21:10 <emilyrose> all of the things I pasted to you are unacceptable for one reason or another
21:10 <emilyrose> I'd be happy to discuss exactly *why* if you're confused
21:10 <emilyrose> preferential treatment doesn't enter into the formula here
21:10 <emilyrose> I'd like to discuss how you can be unbanned
21:11 <aniasis> it absolutely does
21:11 <emilyrose> let me know if you want to have that conversation
21:11 <emilyrose> otherwise have a great night ^-^
21:11 <aniasis> I don't care to be unbanned
21:11 <emilyrose> cool
21:11 <emilyrose> take care!
21:11 <aniasis> There is no help in that channel
21:11 <aniasis> just a bunch of know it alls
21:13 <emilyrose> the CoC applies to all community events and spaces
21:13 <emilyrose> just so you're informed :)
21:14 <emilyrose> all conferences/summits, GitHub contributions, the mailing list, etc.
21:14 <aniasis> I'm reporting you for preferential treatment
21:14 <aniasis> so please stop harassing me
21:14 <aniasis> I don't care for your threats no matter how nice they are
21:16 <emilyrose> let me know if I can help with your report in any way
21:16 <emilyrose> take care
21:16 <aniasis> please stop messaging me
21:17 <aniasis> You don't know who I am. And best believe if I decide to contribute to node I don't need your permission nexxy
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