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Created May 28, 2015 03:34
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Counter-trolling exercise with Daniel Amaya (freenode)
23:14 -!- Irssi: Starting query in freenode with damaya_
23:14 <emilyrose> can I help you?
23:15 <emilyrose> 23:14 damaya_ [] requested CTCP
VERSION from emilyrose:
23:15 <damaya_> feel ashamed of yourself
23:15 <damaya_> amazed you use irsii
23:15 <emilyrose> I do
23:15 <emilyrose> every single day
23:15 <emilyrose> now what?
23:15 <damaya_> I still imagine you're on a macbook
23:15 <emilyrose> I own 3
23:15 <damaya_> anyway, kick me from your shithole, find by me
23:15 <damaya_> haha
23:15 <emilyrose> I've already done that
23:15 <emilyrose> anything else I can do?
23:15 <damaya_> s/find/fine
23:16 <emilyrose> you forgot the trailing /
23:16 <damaya_> quit "programming"
23:16 <emilyrose> which makes that an invalid program
23:16 <damaya_> in quotes
23:16 <emilyrose> I have
23:16 <damaya_> thank god, not that you ever really did
23:16 <emilyrose> never did, nope
23:17 <emilyrose> I'm glad we had this talk
23:17 <damaya_> the only thing I respect about you is that you might be a woman
23:18 <damaya_> other than that, you're a node.js dev, so that takes it down a million points
23:18 <emilyrose> cool
23:18 -!- damaya_ []
23:18 -!- ircname : Daniel Amaya
23:18 -!- server : [Washington, DC, USA]
23:18 -!- End of WHOIS
23:18 <damaya_> last thing: if you're a female I say awesome that you went into programming
23:18 <damaya_> have a nice day fuckhead
23:19 <emilyrose> it's this kind of trolling that made me quit
23:19 <damaya_> good, you quit a shitty language, now pick up one tht doesn't suck
23:19 <damaya_> might I suggest C, or Go if you're still trying to be a hipster
23:19 <emilyrose> every other language has even worse communities
23:20 <damaya_> and I'm not trolling saying "thumbs up" for being a female programmer
23:20 <emilyrose> where the kind of behaviour you're exhibiting is the norm
23:20 <damaya_> good, it's good behavior
23:20 <emilyrose> so those languages are actively hostile to me
23:20 <emilyrose> and prevent me from getting involved
23:20 <damaya_> elitism is not a bad thing
23:20 <emilyrose> s/elitism/toxicity/
23:20 <damaya_> ah, no, point taken
23:20 <emilyrose> and it is very bad
23:20 <damaya_> I just work with a macbook loving node.js piece of shit
23:20 <damaya_> who destroyed a bunch of yaml because he chooses to use atom
23:20 <emilyrose> right
23:21 <damaya_> I hate you guys
23:21 <emilyrose> but I'm not a guy
23:21 <damaya_> and girls
23:21 <emilyrose> or a girl
23:21 <damaya_> and aliens
23:21 <emilyrose> right, because women don't exist
23:21 <damaya_> and guy/girl, borneos, biblios, etc
23:21 <damaya_> whatever the fuck you are
23:21 <damaya_> women, guys, boys, girls
23:21 <emilyrose> sweet
23:21 <emilyrose> I'm glad you're in such a great mood
23:21 <damaya_> hey
23:22 <emilyrose> it's awesome to chat with people that have such a zeal for life and programming
23:22 <damaya_> are there a lot of women in this field?
23:22 <emilyrose> it really motivates me to keep trying to survive in such a shithole of an
industry :)
23:22 <damaya_> I noticed there were almost no women whatsoever in any of my CS classes
23:22 <damaya_> I was thinking about this the other day, ya know
23:22 <emilyrose> because guys like you do shit like this
23:22 <emilyrose> every fucking day
23:22 <emilyrose> it gets so tiring
23:22 <emilyrose> a lot of women find other work
23:22 <emilyrose> women like me
23:22 <damaya_> It's not like anyone is stopping women from entering this field, blocking the
doors, anything like that
23:22 <emilyrose> totally
23:22 <damaya_> why?
23:23 <emilyrose> not at all
23:23 <damaya_> because of some shit talk?
23:23 <damaya_> seriously?
23:23 <emilyrose> haha
23:23 <emilyrose> because of some pervasive hostile environment?
23:23 <damaya_> I don't know dude, gotta have thick skin in life, any field
23:23 <emilyrose> noooooo
23:23 <emilyrose> hahahahahaha
23:23 <damaya_> s/dude/woman
23:23 <damaya_> you're saying you don't?
23:23 <damaya_> you're literally asking that nobody offend you
23:23 <damaya_> hahahahaha
23:23 <damaya_> :D
23:24 <emilyrose> yep
23:24 <emilyrose> and you're literally going out of your way to be a shitbag
23:24 <emilyrose> telling me to get a thick skin while at the same time pissing and moaning about
people using a technology you don't personally enjoy
23:24 <emilyrose> talk about thin skinned
23:24 <damaya_> hm
23:24 <damaya_> I don't think that's hypocritical
23:24 <emilyrose> not even a little bit ;)
23:25 <damaya_> I'm saying stop developing shit in shit, that's all
23:25 <emilyrose> and then you suggest languages with communities that are literal shit
23:25 <damaya_> you have plenty of great languages to choose from, why bring your shitty language
23:25 <emilyrose> so what is the alternative?
23:25 <damaya_> WHY?
23:25 <damaya_> Perl
23:25 <emilyrose> shit
23:25 <damaya_> wait a fucking second
23:25 <damaya_> what
23:25 <damaya_> what is shit about it?
23:25 <emilyrose> I said
23:25 <emilyrose> shit
23:25 <emilyrose> everything
23:25 <emilyrose> the community
23:25 <emilyrose> the syntax
23:25 <emilyrose> everything
23:26 <damaya_> Hm, it's a good language, powerful, etc. I'd chose a language based on the
23:26 <damaya_> As far as the community goes, they are pretty good
23:26 <emilyrose> well you also enjoy wallowing in the filth of troll behaviour
23:26 <emilyrose> SO
23:27 <emilyrose> obviously you'd be comfortable there
23:27 <emilyrose> I however
23:27 <damaya_> I've encountered some assholes, but that's expected, and should be
23:27 <emilyrose> prefer a constructive community
23:27 <emilyrose> that supports each other
23:27 <damaya_> 90% of the assholes I encounter are amazing programmers
23:27 <emilyrose> and doesn't go out of their way to try and make people feel bad
23:27 <damaya_> So you choose a shitty language?
23:27 <damaya_> For that reason?
23:27 <emilyrose> definitely
23:27 <emilyrose> because at the end of the day
23:27 <emilyrose> all software is written for
23:27 <emilyrose> say it with me
23:27 <emilyrose> people
23:27 <damaya_> 20 years ago I installed Slackware Linux. I went on IRC (EFnet back in the day)
and asked some questions, to which I was told RTFM, and berated
23:27 <emilyrose> so go fuck yourself now please :)
23:28 <damaya_> I could have went back to Windows, but didn't and thank god
23:28 <emilyrose> go
23:28 <emilyrose> fuck
23:28 <emilyrose> yourself
23:28 <emilyrose> and stop talking to me now
23:28 <emilyrose> kthxbye
23:28 <damaya_> later, enjoy your shit language with a wonderful community
23:28 <damaya_> haha
23:28 <emilyrose> I do
23:28 <emilyrose> enjoy trolling the internet endlessly in search of some glimmer of a sense of
control in your life
23:29 <damaya_> I'm saving this conversation and posting it, just letting you know.
23:30 <emilyrose> cool! send me the link so I can post it to twitter!
23:30 <emilyrose> :)
23:30 <damaya_> will do
23:30 <emilyrose> thanks feller
Copy link

For context, this is what was said prior to them versioning my IRC client:

23:09 -!- damaya_ [] has joined #Node.js
23:09 -!- yellowbig [~yellowbig@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
23:09 -!- trevorlinton [] has joined #Node.js
23:10 -!- kevinswiber [] has joined 
23:10 < damaya_> whose bright idea was it to take a shitty language and make it server-side when 
                 there are great languages for server-side?
23:10 -!- yellowbig [~yellowbig@] has joined #Node.js
23:10 -!- braincrash [] has joined #Node.js
23:10 < damaya_> Was this to allow people who probably should never touch programming the ability 
                 to create shitty web apps?
23:10 -!- howitdo [~howitdo@unaffiliated/howitdo] has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds]
23:10 -!- mhernandez1 [] has quit 
          [Ping timeout: 258 seconds]
23:11 < damaya_> Node.js programmers are not programmers, and if you reach for Node.js, you 
                 should feel some shame in yourself.
23:12 -!- php [~php@unaffiliated/laravel] has quit [Quit: <?="Leaving";?> // Leaving]
23:12 < Havvy> konobi:  You around?
23:12 -!- schredder [~schredder@2604:ec80:6:0:263:20ff:fe36:bf89] has quit [Ping timeout: 256 
23:12 < Havvy> Or mscdex...
23:13 < Havvy> Or emilyrose..., we've got a troll ^^
23:13 < damaya_> Haha, node.js is the new PHP, and I love that there's a massive amount of 
                 articles detailing how to move from PHP to Node.js
23:13 -!- shama [] has joined #Node.js
23:13 -!- chinglish [~chinglish@] has joined #Node.js
23:13 < damaya_> Node.js, the language for people who could never, ever learn C, use a Macbook, 
                 definitely couldn't handle Python, Perl, or Lisp.
23:13 < damaya_> Fuck your shitty javascript language
23:13 -!- ebsen [] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
23:13 -!- schredder [~schredder@2604:ec80:6:0:263:20ff:fe36:bf89] has joined #Node.js
23:14 < NinjaBanjo> damaya_: so javascript isn't a language and is uncapable of anything. nice.
23:14 -!- mode/#Node.js [+b *!*damaya@*] by emilyrose
23:14 -!- damaya_ was kicked from #Node.js by emilyrose [damaya_]

Copy link

In a stunning turn of events, he actually later follows up with this gem:

23:30 <emilyrose> thanks feller
Day changed to 28 May 2015
00:22 <damaya_> Hey, I have a quick question for you. Are you interested in more girls (young girls) getting into programming?
00:22 <damaya_> I mean, 10, 11, middle school aged, etc
00:22 <damaya_> It's unfortunately rare to encounter a female programmer, so I am talking to you, regardless of your chosen language.
00:23 <damaya_> Anyway, the reason I ask is because, as I had said earlier, I don't see a lot of women in this field, and I do hear a lot of complaining about it. However, 
                as said earlier, there's nothing really blocking women from entering the field.
00:23 <damaya_> So, trying to figure out exactly what it is that makes women not want to enter this field.
00:24 <damaya_> (And, by the way, I actually enjoyed a bit of our conversation earlier, and I see you as a rare human being that may be somewhat interesting.)
00:25 <damaya_> In that regard, I'd like to figure out a better way to get younger women into programming at a young age, without being condescending (e.g., make a cool 
                Barbie application).
00:25 <damaya_> I guess it's something that has been discussed, most likely ad nauseam, but it's still an issue that exists
00:26 <damaya_> and I don't think it has shit to do with a hostile environment, because I happen to be in this field and see the hostility/toxicity constantly, and it has 
                zero impact on most people whatsoever
00:27 <damaya_> And I don't think the whole toxicity aspect is confined to just this field. Business people are cutthroat, and so on. It's something that exists in every 
00:28 <damaya_> But why did I not see more women in my CS classes? That's what I'd like to understand.
00:39 <damaya_> By the way, before I go pass out, just want to say not to let a person like me stop you from being in this field. After thinking about it for a moment, I 
                felt quite bad that someone like myself could push women out of this field.
00:40 <damaya_> That's a terrible thing in a field that lacks good diversity, different viewpoints, etc.
00:40 <damaya_> I may be an asshole, and I may hate the language you program in, but I certainly don't want to be in the party responsible for pushing anyone away from 
                doing this. So, sorry about all that.
00:41 <damaya_> I do still hate Node.js though.
00:41 <damaya_> Have a good night

The lack of self-awareness is truly startling. I am in awe.

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