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Created December 16, 2016 13:17
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* Created by PhpStorm.
* User: baumanisk
* Date: 12/08/2016
* Time: 14:16
* @version 1.1.0
* @var int $colCount
* @var string $url
* @var string $head
* @var array $mapping
* @var stdClass $rules
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<ul id="tabs" class="nav nav-tabs" data-tabs="tabs">
<li class="active"><a href="#tab1" data-toggle="tab">Matrix</a></li>
<li><a href="#tab2" data-toggle="tab">Auto Userright Assigner</a></li>
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<div class="tab-pane active" id="tab1">
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<button type="button" data-toggle="modal" data-target="#confirm-delete" class="run-script btn btn-danger">Run File name recognition script</button>
<button type="button" class="reset btn btn-default">Reset Search</button>
<div class="btn-group" data-toggle="buttons">
<label class="btn btn-info">
<input type="checkbox" class=toggle-assigned autocomplete="off"><span>Hide Old and Already Assigned</span>
<button type="button" class="btn btn-default popover-button">
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<div class="hidden">
<div class="popover-target"></div>
<table id="media-access" class="bootstrap-popup focus-highlight">
<tr class="tablesorter-ignoreRow">
<td class="pager" colspan="<?=$colCount?>">
<img src="<?=$url?>/first.png" class="first"/>
<img src="<?=$url?>/prev.png" class="prev"/>
<span class="pagedisplay"></span>
<!-- this can be any element, including an input -->
<img src="<?=$url?>/next.png" class="next"/>
<img src="<?=$url?>/last.png" class="last"/>
<select class="pagesize">
<option value="25">25</option>
<option value="50">50</option>
<option value="75">75</option>
<option value="200">200</option>
<option value="500">500</option>
<option value="1000">1000</option>
<option value="2000">2000</option>
<select class="gotoPage" title="Select page number">
<th data-sorter=false data-filter=false class="fixed">ID</th>
<th data-sorter=false data-filter=false class="fixed">Upload date (GMT)</th>
<th class="fixed">Media files</th>
<!-- tbody will be loaded via JSON -->
<td class="pager" colspan="<?=$colCount?>">
<img src="<?=$url?>/first.png" class="first"/>
<img src="<?=$url?>/prev.png" class="prev"/>
<span class="pagedisplay"></span>
<!-- this can be any element, including an input -->
<img src="<?=$url?>/next.png" class="next"/>
<img src="<?=$url?>/last.png" class="last"/>
<select class="pagesize">
<option value="25">25</option>
<option value="50">50</option>
<option value="75">75</option>
<option value="200">200</option>
<option value="500">500</option>
<option value="1000">1000</option>
<option value="2000">2000</option>
<div class="tab-pane" id="tab2">
<div class="row">
<div class="control-group col-sm-12" id="fields">
<div class="alert alert-info">
<p>To change products and their relation to userrights, please speak with <a href="">Karl</a>.</p>
<div class="controls">
<form role="form" autocomplete="off" class="row">
<?php foreach ($mapping as $product => $data) {
$products = $rules ? $rules->{$product} : $data['names']; //if rules are not set yet, use the hardcoded ones ?>
<div class='product col-xs-2'>
<h1 class=product-title><?=$product?></h1>
<?php foreach ($products as $name) { ?>
<div class='entry input-group'>
<input class='form-control prefix' name='fields[]' type='text' value='<?=$name?>' readonly/>
<span class='input-group-btn'>
<button class='btn btn-remove btn-danger' type='button'>
<span class='glyphicon glyphicon-minus'></span>
<?php } ?>
<div class='entry input-group'>
<input class='form-control' name='fields[]' type='text' placeholder='Enter new rule here'/>
<span class='input-group-btn'>
<button class='btn btn-success btn-add' type='button'>
<span class='glyphicon glyphicon-plus'></span>
<?php } ?>
<small>Press <span class="glyphicon glyphicon-plus gs"></span> to add another form field :)</small>
<div class="modal fade" id="confirm-delete" tabindex="-1" role="dialog">
<div class="modal-dialog">
<div class="modal-content">
<div class="modal-header">
<button type="button" class="close" data-dismiss="modal" aria-hidden="true">×</button>
<h4 class="modal-title" id="myModalLabel">Confirm Userright Rewrite</h4>
<div class="modal-body">
<p>You are about to reset rights for files that have known patterns in their names. If you or somebody else has set rights for these files manually, this information will be lost.</p>
<p>This procedure is irreversible, do you want to proceed?</p>
<div class="modal-footer">
<button type="button" class="btn btn-default" data-dismiss="modal">Cancel</button>
<button type="button" class="btn btn-danger btn-ok">Yes</button>
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