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Created March 24, 2020 22:23
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Help - Solving Fredholm Integrals of the First Kind
% Original article:
% Any help is appreciated.
%% Defining constants %%
% From Table 1
N1 = 30; % T1 pulses
N2 = 4000; % T2 pulses
% From Page 1018, right before part II
Nx = 100; % Num of discretized T1
Ny = 100; % Num of discretized T2
%% Defining ranges %%
% From Table 1
tau1s = logspace(log10(5E-4), log10(4), N1); % Discretized times
tau2s = 2E-4 : 2E-4 : N2 * 2E-4; % Discretized times
xs = logspace(log10(0.05), log10(0.4), Nx); % Discretized T1 relaxation time
ys = logspace(log10(0.05), log10(0.4), Ny); % Discretized T2 relaxation time
%% Kernels
kern1 = zeros(N1, Nx);
kern2 = zeros(N2, Ny);
for ii = 1:N1
kern1(ii, :) = kernel1(tau1s(ii), xs); % Function defined at the end
for jj = 1:N2
kern2(jj, :) = kernel2(tau2s(jj), ys);
%% Visualizing the Kernels
figure('Name', 'Visualizing the Kernels');
subplot(1, 2, 1);
subplot(1, 2, 2);
%% Generating model A (Table 1)
[X, Y] = meshgrid(xs, ys);
mux = 0.2;
muy = 0.1;
sigma = 0.01;
Ft = exp( -( (X - mux) .^ 2 + (Y - muy) .^ 2) ./ (2 * sigma .^ 2 )); % (Nx x Ny)
%% Visualizing model A
figure('Name', 'Visualizing the Joint Probability function');
contourf(Y, X, Ft);
ax = gca();
ax.XScale = 'log';
ax.YScale = 'log';
% Stretched because of the log scale. Why is his not stretched? Different
% sigma?
%% Calculating the perfect signal matrix (Eq. 4)
S = kern1 * Ft * kern2'; % (N1 x N2)
%S = S ./ max(S, [], 'all'); % Normalizing doesn't change much.
%% Visualizing the signal matrix
figure('Name', 'Visualizing the ideal signal');
colormap parula;
%% Generate something similar to Fig 1 C, but no SVD yet
hold on
plot(tau2s, S(1, :))
plot(tau2s, S(15, :))
plot(tau2s, S(19, :))
plot(tau2s, S(30, :))
hold off
%% Adding some normal noise to the signal matrix
M = S + randn(size(S)) * 2;
figure('Name', 'Visualizing the noisy signal');
colormap parula;
%% Generate something similar to Fig 1 A
hold on
plot(tau2s, M(1, :))
plot(tau2s, M(15, :))
plot(tau2s, M(19, :))
plot(tau2s, M(30, :))
hold off
%%% Step 1 %%%
% Calculating the SVD of both kernels
[U1, S1, V1] = svd(kern1);
[U2, S2, V2] = svd(kern2);
%% Visualizing the singular Values (Fig 1B)
hold on
plot(diag(S1(1:4, 1:4)));
plot(diag(S2(1:10, 1:10)));
ax = gca();
ax.YScale = 'log';
hold off
%% Defining the number of singular values to use. Should be enough.
s1 = 4;
s2 = 10;
%% Regenerating the spectrum from SVD (Eq. 12)
Mtiltil = U1(1:N1, 1:s1) * U1(1:N1, 1:s1)' * M * U2(1:N2, 1:s2) * U2(1:N2, 1:s2)'; % (N1 x N2)
figure('Name', 'Visualizing reconstructed signal');
colormap parula;
%% Generating Fig1 C
hold on
plot(tau2s, Mtiltil(1, :))
plot(tau2s, Mtiltil(15, :))
plot(tau2s, Mtiltil(19, :))
plot(tau2s, Mtiltil(30, :))
hold off
%% Generating the compressed data (Eq. 14)
Mtil = U1(1:N1, 1:s1)' * M * U2(1:N2, 1:s2); % (s1 x s2)
%% Visualizing the compressed data (Fig 1-D)
plot(reshape(Mtil, [s1*s2, 1]))
% Looks a bit different, I wonder why? Is it the amount of randomness?
% Different data sizes?
%% Check if the norms are the same (Eq. 18)
norm(Mtil, 'fro') - norm(Mtiltil, 'fro') < 1E-4
%%% Step 2 %%%
% Calculate the compressed Kernels (Eq. 15)
K1til = S1(1:s1, 1:s1) * V1(1:Nx, 1:s1)'; % (s1 x Nx)
K2til = S2(1:s2, 1:s2) * V2(1:Ny, 1:s2)'; % (s2 x Ny)
%% Calculate the tensor product of the kernels (Eq. 20)
K0til = kron(K1til, K2til); % (s1s2 x NxNy)
%% Lexicographically arrange Mtil into mtil
mtil = reshape(Mtil, s1*s2, 1);
%% Minimization with (inverse?) Newton method (Eq. 31, 32, 33)
% Is this the correct method? From
cr = ones(s1*s2, 1); % Initial Guess
alpha = 1; % Initial Guess
gamma = 1; % Step size.
prev_chi_val = 1E8; % Just to check when it's converging
epsilon = 0.001;
maxiter = 50;
for num = 1:maxiter
G_calc = G(cr, K0til, Nx, Ny); % Needed for all 3 functions. Defined at the end
chi_val = chi(cr, G_calc, alpha, mtil); % Defined at the end
D_chi = der1_chi(cr, G_calc, alpha, mtil); % Defined at the end
DD_chi = der2_chi(G_calc, alpha); % Defined at the end
cr = cr - gamma .* inv(DD_chi) * D_chi; % Performing newton step
fprintf('Iter %d: chi= %f, delta= %f\n', num, chi_val, prev_chi_val - chi_val);
if abs(prev_chi_val - chi_val) < epsilon
prev_chi_val = chi_val; % Update Guess
%% Getting fr (Eq. 25)
fr = zeros(Nx*Ny, 1);
for ii = 1:Nx*Ny
temp = K0til(:, ii)' * cr;
if temp > 0
fr(ii) = K0til(:, ii)' * cr;
%% Getting Fr
Fr = reshape(fr, [Nx, Ny]);
%% Visualizing new Fr
fig = figure('Name', 'Comparing the Joint Probability functions');
subplot(1, 2, 1)
contourf(Y, X, Ft);
ax = gca();
ax.XScale = 'log';
ax.YScale = 'log';
subplot(1, 2, 2)
contourf(Y, X, Fr);
ax = gca();
ax.XScale = 'log';
ax.YScale = 'log';
% This obviously looks very very wrong...
%%% Function Definitions %%%
%% Pre Step 1 - Kernel function definition
function kern1 = kernel1(t1, x)
kern1 = 1 - 2 * exp(-t1./x);
function kern2 = kernel2(t2, y)
kern2 = exp(-t2./y);
%% Step 2 - Optimization functions
function out = G(cr, K0til, Nx, Ny)
temp = zeros(Nx * Ny, Nx * Ny);
for ii = 1:Nx*Ny
%for jj = 1:Ny
% if ii == jj
temp(ii, ii) = heaviside(K0til(1:end, ii)' * cr);
% end
out = K0til * temp * K0til';
function out = chi(cr, G_calc, alpha, mtil)
out = 0.5 * cr' * (G_calc + alpha .* eye(size(G_calc))) * cr - cr' * mtil;
function out = der1_chi(cr, G_calc, alpha, mtil)
out = (G_calc + alpha .* eye(size(G_calc))) * cr - mtil;
function out = der2_chi(G_calc, alpha)
out = G_calc + alpha .* eye(size(G_calc));
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