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Created June 3, 2020 17:33
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from nilearn import plotting
import numpy as np
import nibabel as nib
import os
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from pathlib import Path
import scipy
class Preprocessor():
def __init__(self, load_dir, save_dir, data_list):
self.load_dir = load_dir
self.save_dir = save_dir
self.data_list = data_list
self.data_list = np.asarray(data_list)
self.plot_min = -2000
self.plot_max = 1000
self.hu_min = -1000
self.hu_max = None
def preprocess_dataset(self):
for (filename, air, fat) in self.data_list:
img, affine, spacing = self._load_img(filename, print_header=False)
self._plot_histogram(img, "Raw data")
img = self._estimate_HU(img, air, fat)
img = self._clip(img, a_min=self.hu_min, a_max=self.hu_max)
self._plot_histogram(img, "HU estimated")
img, new_spacing = self._resample(img, spacing)
self._save_img(filename, img, np.eye(4), new_spacing)
def _load_correct_HU_filenames(self, img_dir):
valid_extensions = ('.nii.gz', '.nii')
filenames = []
# Load filenames
for file in os.listdir(img_dir):
if file.endswith(valid_extensions):
occurences = file.count(".")
for _ in range(occurences):
file = Path(file).stem
if not np.isin(file, self.data_list[:, 0]): # Add only filename if it is not already in data_list
filenames.append((file, None, None))
filenames = np.asarray(filenames)
self.data_list = np.append(self.data_list, filenames, axis=0)
def _load_img(self, filename, print_header=True):
img = nib.load(self.load_dir + filename + ".nii.gz")
if print_header:
affine = img.affine
img_np = img.get_fdata()
spacing = img.header["pixdim"][1:4]
return img_np, affine, spacing
def _estimate_HU(self, img, air, fat):
if air is None:
return img
air_HU = -1000
fat_HU = -100
air = int(air)
fat = int(fat)
delta_air_fat_HU = abs(air_HU - fat_HU)
delta_air = abs(air - air_HU)
delta_fat_air_rgb = abs(fat - air)
ratio = delta_air_fat_HU / delta_fat_air_rgb
img = img - air
img = img * ratio
img = img + air_HU
return img
def _clip(self, img, a_min=None, a_max=None):
return np.clip(img, a_min=a_min, a_max=a_max)
def _resample(self, img, spacing, new_spacing=[1,1,1]):
resize_factor = spacing / new_spacing
new_real_shape = img.shape * resize_factor
new_shape = np.round(new_real_shape)
real_resize_factor = new_shape / img.shape
new_spacing = spacing / real_resize_factor
img = scipy.ndimage.interpolation.zoom(img, real_resize_factor)
return img, new_spacing
def _save_img(self, filename, img, affine=np.eye(4), new_spacing=None):
img = nib.Nifti1Image(img, affine=affine), self.save_dir + filename + ".nii.gz")
def _plot_histogram(self, data, title):
bin_size = 10
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
data_flat = data.flatten()
_ = ax.hist(data_flat, bins=np.arange(self.plot_min, self.plot_max + bin_size, bin_size), density=True)
plt.ylim(0, 0.02)
def _plot_niigz(self, filename):
plotting.plot_img(self.load_dir + filename + ".nii.gz", cmap='gray', vmin=self.plot_min, vmax=self.plot_max)
if __name__ == '__main__':
# Every '.nii' or '.nii.gz' file in this directory will be preprocesed (HU estimation + resampling).
_load_dir = "C:/Users/Karol/datasets/COVID-19_CT_Lung_and_Infection_Segmentation_Dataset/"
_save_dir = "C:/Users/Karol/datasets/Dataset Preprocessed/"
# Add any files from the _load_dir that need to get HU estimation. Every other file will only get resampled.
_incorrect_HU_data_list = [("radiopaedia_4_85506_1", 59, 210), # Filename, Air, Fat
("radiopaedia_7_85703_0", 66, 208),
("radiopaedia_10_85902_1", 59, 212),
("radiopaedia_10_85902_3", 57, 215),
("radiopaedia_14_85914_0", 37, 198),
("radiopaedia_27_86410_0", 63, 212),
("radiopaedia_29_86490_1", 59, 210),
("radiopaedia_29_86491_1", 59, 208),
("radiopaedia_36_86526_0", 30, 196),
("radiopaedia_40_86625_0", 47, 197)]
preprocessor = Preprocessor(_load_dir, _save_dir, _incorrect_HU_data_list)
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