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Last active October 15, 2019 09:33
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Save KartaviK/f6d7d02ad729863ec8171057bded189c to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Searching substring in sub-nodes of exist collection htmlnode elements
* Simple usage:
* Initing:
* $.search.init(
* '.node' // Selector of elements
* ['.inner_title', 'description', 'comments'], // Colelciton of selectors where is need to search substring,
* 'search-ui', // Name of data attribute to write index of element to search and state
* 'search-highlight' // Name of class for highlighting of find substrings
* );
* Searching:
* $
* 'some test substring', // String to search
* true // Do or not to do highlight
* );
* $.search.state; // You can get statistic of find elements in simple collection, it will reset with next invoked run()
(function ($) {
$.search = {
target: null,
selectors: [],
dataAttribute: 'search-ui',
highlightClass: 'search-highlight',
state: [],
inited: false,
init: function (target, selectors, dataAttribute = 'search-ui', highlightClass = 'search-highlight') { = $(target);
this.state = [];
this.selectors = selectors;
this.dataAttribute = dataAttribute;
this.highlightClass = highlightClass;
$(, node) => {
$(node).attr(`data-${this.dataAttribute}`, index);
$.search.selectors.forEach(selector => this.state[index].push({name: selector, count: 0}));
this.inited = true;
run: function (text, doHighlight = true) {
if (!this.inited) {
console.error('Search plugin was not initialized!');
$(, node) => {
this.state[index].forEach(selector => {
let targetSelector = this.state[index].find(item => ===;
$(node).find(, node) => {
if (this.regex(text).exec($(node).html().trim())) {
doHighlight && this.highlight(text);
hideNegativeResults: function () {
this.state.forEach((selectors, index) => {
if (selectors.reduce((sum, selector) => sum + selector.count, 0) === 0) {
highlight: function (text, hideNegativeResults = true) {
hideNegativeResults && this.hideNegativeResults();
this.state.forEach((selectors, index) => {
selectors.filter(selector => selector.count > 0).forEach(selector => {
.html((_, html) => html.replace(
`<span class="${this.highlightClass}">$1</span>`
resetState: function () {
this.state.forEach(selectors => selectors.forEach(selector => selector.count = 0));
clearHighlight: function () {
$(`.${this.highlightClass}`).each((_, node) => $(node).replaceWith(node.childNodes));
regex: function (pattern) {
return new RegExp(`(${pattern.replace(/[-[\]{}()*+?.,\\^$|#\s]/g, "\\$&")})`, 'giu');
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