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Last active April 18, 2016 17:34
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An algorithm to evaluate mathematical expressions by partial postfix conversion optimization
#precedance and the operation of each binary operator
prec = { "**": 3,
"*": 2,
"/": 2,
'%': 2,
"+": 1,
"-": 1,
"$": 0}
operFunc = {'+': lambda a, b: a + b,
'-': lambda a, b: a - b,
'*': lambda a, b: a * b,
'/': lambda a, b: a / b,
'%': lambda a, b: a % b,
"**": lambda a, b: a ** b}
#Get the user input
operator, operand = [], []
expr = input() + " $"
for i in expr.split(" "):
#print(operand, operator, i)
if i.isdigit():
#Push all the operands into the stack
#While the precedance of the top of stack
#is equal to or less than new operator
#perform the opration of operator on top of the stack
#and then push the new operator
while len(operator) > 0 and prec[i] <= prec[operator[len(operator) - 1]]:
#print(operand, operator)
opr = operator.pop()
op1 = operand.pop()
op2 = operand.pop()
operand.append(func[opr](op2, op1))
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A simple python program to evaluate an infix expression by converting it to a post fix expression

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