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Created May 15, 2020 19:29
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#pragma once
#include "opentime/errorStatus.h"
#include "opentime/version.h"
#include <cmath>
#include <string>
namespace opentime
enum IsDropFrameRate : int
InferFromRate = -1,
ForceNo = 0,
ForceYes = 1,
class RationalTime
explicit RationalTime (double value = 0, double rate = 1)
: _value{ value }, _rate{ rate }
RationalTime (RationalTime const&) = default;
RationalTime& operator= (RationalTime const&) = default;
bool is_invalid_time () const { return _rate <= 0; }
double value () const { return _value; }
double rate () const { return _rate; }
RationalTime rescaled_to (double new_rate) const
return RationalTime{ value_rescaled_to (new_rate), new_rate };
RationalTime rescaled_to (RationalTime rt) const
return RationalTime{ value_rescaled_to (rt._rate), rt._rate };
double value_rescaled_to (double new_rate) const
return new_rate == _rate ? _value : (_value * new_rate) / _rate;
double value_rescaled_to (RationalTime rt) const
return value_rescaled_to (rt._rate);
bool almost_equal (RationalTime other, double delta = 0) const
return fabs (value_rescaled_to (other._rate) - other._value) <= delta;
static RationalTime duration_from_start_end_time (
RationalTime start_time, RationalTime end_time_exclusive)
return start_time._rate == end_time_exclusive._rate
? RationalTime{ end_time_exclusive._value -
start_time._rate }
: RationalTime{ end_time_exclusive.value_rescaled_to (
start_time) -
start_time._rate };
static bool is_valid_timecode_rate (double rate);
static RationalTime from_frames (double frame, double rate)
return RationalTime{ double (int (frame)), rate };
static RationalTime from_seconds (double seconds)
return RationalTime{ seconds, 1 };
static RationalTime from_timecode (
std::string const& timecode, double rate, ErrorStatus* error_status);
static RationalTime from_time_string (
std::string const& time_string, double rate, ErrorStatus* error_status);
int to_frames () const { return int (_value); }
int to_frames (double rate) const { return int (value_rescaled_to (rate)); }
double to_seconds () const { return value_rescaled_to (1); }
std::string to_timecode (
double rate,
IsDropFrameRate drop_frame,
ErrorStatus* error_status) const;
std::string to_timecode (ErrorStatus* error_status) const
return to_timecode (
_rate, IsDropFrameRate::InferFromRate, error_status);
std::string to_time_string () const;
RationalTime const& operator+= (RationalTime other)
if (_rate < other._rate)
_value = other._value + value_rescaled_to (other._rate);
_rate = other._rate;
_value += other.value_rescaled_to (_rate);
return *this;
RationalTime const& operator-= (RationalTime other)
if (_rate < other._rate)
_value = value_rescaled_to (other._rate) - other._value;
_rate = other._rate;
_value -= other.value_rescaled_to (_rate);
return *this;
friend RationalTime operator+ (RationalTime lhs, RationalTime rhs)
return (lhs._rate < rhs._rate)
? RationalTime{ lhs.value_rescaled_to (rhs._rate) +
rhs._rate }
: RationalTime{ rhs.value_rescaled_to (lhs._rate) +
lhs._rate };
friend RationalTime operator- (RationalTime lhs, RationalTime rhs)
return (lhs._rate < rhs._rate)
? RationalTime{ lhs.value_rescaled_to (rhs._rate) -
rhs._rate }
: RationalTime{ lhs._value -
rhs.value_rescaled_to (lhs._rate),
lhs._rate };
friend RationalTime operator- (RationalTime lhs)
return RationalTime{ -lhs._value, lhs._rate };
friend bool operator> (RationalTime lhs, RationalTime rhs)
return (lhs._value / lhs._rate) > (rhs._value / rhs._rate);
friend bool operator>= (RationalTime lhs, RationalTime rhs)
return (lhs._value / lhs._rate) >= (rhs._value / rhs._rate);
friend bool operator< (RationalTime lhs, RationalTime rhs)
return !(lhs >= rhs);
friend bool operator<= (RationalTime lhs, RationalTime rhs)
return !(lhs > rhs);
friend bool operator== (RationalTime lhs, RationalTime rhs)
return lhs.value_rescaled_to (rhs._rate) == rhs._value;
friend bool operator!= (RationalTime lhs, RationalTime rhs)
return !(lhs == rhs);
static RationalTime _invalid_time;
static constexpr double _invalid_rate = -1;
RationalTime _floor () const
return RationalTime{ floor (_value), _rate };
friend class TimeTransform;
friend class TimeRange;
double _value, _rate;
} // namespace OPENTIME_VERSION
} // namespace opentime
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