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Last active January 22, 2023 02:45
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Extract tile heads from a minecraft world
# Depends on:
# sudo apt install libjson-perl
# sudo apt install libcompress-raw-zlib-perl
if [[ ! -d world ]]; then
tar -xf ${1} world
if [[ ! -d run ]]; then
git clone run
if [[ ! -f run/mca.jar ]]; then
wget -O run/mca.jar
mkdir -p scratch/json
mkdir -p scratch/csv
mkdir -p target
java -jar run/mca.jar --mode select --world world --query 'Palette contains "player_head"' --output scratch/csv/mca.tiles.csv
java -jar run/mca.jar --mode select --world world --query 'Entities contains "armor_stand"' --output scratch/csv/mca.entities.csv
jq -R -r '[. | split(";")] | map((.[0]|tonumber), (.[1]|tonumber), (fmod(.[2]|tonumber; 32)|length), (fmod(.[3]|tonumber; 32)|length)) | @csv' scratch/csv/mca.tiles.csv > scratch/csv/tiles.csv
jq -R -r '[. | split(";")] | map((.[0]|tonumber), (.[1]|tonumber), (fmod(.[2]|tonumber; 32)|length), (fmod(.[3]|tonumber; 32)|length)) | @csv' scratch/csv/mca.entities.csv > scratch/csv/entities.csv
wait_for_jobs () {
while test $(jobs -p | wc -w) -ge "$((2*$(nproc)))"; do wait -n; done
get_tile_heads() {
./run/region ${1} ${2} ${3} | ./run/inflate-zlib | ./run/nbt2json | jaq -r '[.. | select(.key? == "textures") | .value.values[][].value]' > scratch/json/${1##*/}.${2}.${3}.tile.json
get_entity_heads() {
./run/region ${1} ${2} ${3} | ./run/inflate-zlib | ./run/nbt2json | jaq -r '[.. | select(.key? == "textures") | .value.values[][].value]' > scratch/json/${1##*/}.${2}.${3}.entity.json
while IFS="," read -r rx rz x z; do
get_tile_heads "world/region/r.${rx}.${rz}.mca" ${x} ${z} &
done < scratch/csv/tiles.csv
while IFS="," read -r rx rz x z; do
get_entity_heads "world/entities/r.${rx}.${rz}.mca" ${x} ${z} &
done < scratch/csv/entities.csv
yq -y -s '. | add | unique' scratch/json/*.json > target/heads.yml
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