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Created November 14, 2019 03:26
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from numpy import zeros, linspace, pi, cos,sin, array
import numpy as np
import math
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
def getCalc(order, w, Phi, phiOrder,phim, T, dt):
print("order="+str(order)+" w="+str(w)+" Phi="+str(Phi))
# omega = 2
# m_phi = 50
# Period = 2*pi/m_phi
# dt = T / 1000
# T = 100*Period
N_t = int(round(T/dt))
t = linspace(0, N_t*dt, N_t + 1)
# Lambda = 2
# Phi = 10
u = zeros(N_t+1)
v = zeros(N_t+1)
lognum = zeros(N_t+1)
# 初期条件
X_0 = 1
V_0 = 0
u[0] = X_0
v[0] = V_0
lognum[0] = 0
maxlognum = 0
maxU = 1
# 差分計算
for n in range(N_t):
u[n+1] = u[n] + dt*v[n]
v[n+1] = v[n] - dt*w*u[n+1] - dt*(Phi*(sin(phim*(n+1)*dt)))**phiOrder*u[n+1]**order
# v[n+1] = v[n] - dt*w*u[n+1] - dt*(Phi*5)**phiOrder*u[n+1]**order
lognum[n+1] = math.log(((math.sqrt(w))/2)*((v[n+1]**2)/(w**2) + u[n+1]**2))
if maxlognum < lognum[n+1]:
maxlognum = lognum[n+1]
if maxU < u[n+1]:
maxU = u[n+1]
print("last log(n)="+str(lognum[N_t-1]))
print("max log(n)="+str(maxlognum))
return t,u,v,lognum,maxU,maxlognum
def use_fowardeuler2():
t = []
ulist = []
u_rescale_list = []
vlist = []
lognumlist = []
maxUlist = []
maxlognumlist = []
# y'' - (a - q cos(2t)) y^order == 0
maxnum_m = 1 # max order
maxnum = 1 # parameter
# T = 28 # maxtime
T = 23
dt = 0.0001
# q = [0.01*n for n in range(maxnum)] # narrow resonance
Phi = [200 for n in range(maxnum)] # broad resonance
phiOrder = [2 for n in range(maxnum)]
w = [1 for n in range(maxnum)]
phim = [ math.pi for n in range(maxnum)]
# a = [100 for n in range(maxnum)]
order = [3 for n in range(maxnum_m)]
# alpha = [-0.000000000000001 for n in range(maxnum)]
# order = [1+2*n for n in range(maxnum_m)]
for m in range(maxnum_m):
for n in range(maxnum):
t,u,v,lognum,maxU,maxlognum = getCalc(order[m],w[n],Phi[n],phiOrder[n],phim[n], T, dt)
u_rescale = u * maxlognum/maxU
fig = plt.figure()
for m in range(maxnum_m):
for n in range(maxnum):
# plt.plot(t, ulist[m*maxnum+n], label="n="+str(order[m])+" "+"a="+str(a[n])+" q="+str(q[n]))
plt.plot(t, lognumlist[m*maxnum+n],label="w="+str(w[n])+" "+"Phi="+str(Phi[n])+" n="+str(order[m]))
# fig.legend(l, str(n), "upper left")
# l1,l2 = plt.plot(t,u_rescale, "b-", t, lognum, "r--")
# l1 = plt.plot(t,u, "b-")
# fig.legend((l1), ("numerical"), "upper")
# fig.legend((l1,l2), ("numerical", "lognum"), "upper left")
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