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Created March 24, 2012 23:54
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#include <string.h> //declares strcpy and strlength and strcmp
#include <stdio.h>
int CodeBook_check(char[], int, char[][6], int); /*function declaration*/
int main (int argc, char *argv[])
FILE * myfile;//make a file name variable
if (argv==0) //choosing between stdin and file
myfile = stdin;//if stdin has input
myfile=fopen("text.txt", "r"); //if no stdin, open file
char st[361]; //declare the character string
int i = 0, j=1; //declare variables
char z='!';
int count = 0; // create a count, count will tell me how many codebook
int end_count = 0, u=0;//declare variable end_count
int codebook =0;//declare variable codebook
char CodeBook[90][6]; //declare array codebook
while (fgets(st, 6, myfile)!=0) //this while loop gets the characters 5 at a time/
u=j;// setting up a variable for comparison
j = CodeBook_check(st, z, CodeBook, j); //this sub routine checks the string to see if there is a previous entry
if (j!=u) //if the code has incremented
//printf("%d", j);// this is just checking that j is incrementing
codebook +=1;
count +=1;
if (count>=90)
while (fgets(st, 6, myfile)!=0)//this while loop gets the characters 5 at a time/
printf("%s", st);
if (!(st[i] == '\n')) //this is a statement added to check for an empty file.
printf("\n"); //if there is one, it prints a null
printf("%d %d %d", end_count, count, codebook);
return 0;
/*This codebook subroutine checks the letters of the string against all existing
strings in the codebook to see if there is a match. if so, it inserts the exhisting code. if not, it
creates a new code*/
int CodeBook_check(char st[], int z, char CodeBook[][6], int j)
int i=0;//declare a counter for the for loop
int f=strlen(st); // find string length for the strncpy and for loop
int p; // declare variable p for the for loop counter
for (i=0; i<j; i++)
if (strncmp(CodeBook[i], st, f)==0) //if string compare is the same
z-=i;//adjust the z value to output the appropiate symbol
printf("%c", z);
return j; //return the new z value
printf("%c", z);
strncpy(CodeBook[j], st, f); //add word to code book
j++; //increment codebook pointer
return j;
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