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Created March 7, 2020 01:49
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  • Save KatieFrogs/56526294cc7b42997479ccd194edd162 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save KatieFrogs/56526294cc7b42997479ccd194edd162 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
import os
import sys
import hashlib
import base64
import sqlite3
def md5(md5hash, filename):
with open(filename, "rb") as file:
for chunk in iter(lambda: * 1024), b""):
def get_hashes(root):
hashes = {}
diffs = ["easy", "normal", "hard", "oni", "ura"]
dirs = os.listdir(root)
for dir in dirs:
if dir.isdigit() and os.path.isdir(dir):
files = os.listdir(os.path.join(root, dir))
md5hash = hashlib.md5()
if "main.tja" in files:
md5(md5hash, os.path.join(dir, "main.tja"))
for diff in diffs:
if diff + ".osu" in files:
md5(md5hash, os.path.join(root, dir, diff + ".osu"))
hashes[dir] = base64.b64encode(md5hash.digest())[:-2]
return hashes
def write_db(database):
db = sqlite3.connect(database)
hashes = get_hashes(".")
for id in hashes:
cur = db.cursor()
cur.execute("update songs set hash = ? where id = ?", (hashes[id].decode(), int(id)))
if len(sys.argv) >= 2:
print("Please provide the path to the Taiko Web database file as the first argument")
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