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Created July 14, 2015 17:48
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object Language {
def langs: Try[Seq[Language]] = {
Try { val m = for {
l<- current.configuration.getConfig("langs")
a <- l.getConfig("mapping")
} yield a { c=>Language(c, m.get.getString(c).get)}.toList.sortBy(_.c)}
object Language {
* Gets a list of all languages supported from the configuration file. The "langs.mapping" field
* is a JSON object with keys as 2 character country codes and the values as full, native language
* names.
def getSupportedLanguages: Try[Seq[Language]] = {
Try {
val languageMappings = for {
langs <- current.configuration.getConfig("langs")
mapping <- langs.getConfig("mapping")
} yield mapping
val countryCodes = languageMappings.get.keys { code =>
Language(code, languageMappings.get.getString(code).get)
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