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Created October 26, 2022 17:22
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  • Save Kattoor/202701587395730c2d3348fcbd249465 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save Kattoor/202701587395730c2d3348fcbd249465 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
import {globby} from 'globby';
import fs from 'fs';
import {execSync} from 'child_process';
const path = 'C:\\Users\\jaspe\\out\\\\';
const filePaths = (await globby('**/*.dds', {cwd: path})).map((pathSuffix) => path + pathSuffix.replace(/\//g, '\\'));
let count = 0;
for (let filePath of filePaths) {
const folder = filePath.split('\\').slice(0, -1).join('\\') + '\\';
const fileName = filePath.split('\\').slice(-1)[0].slice(0, -4);
const allGroupFiles = (await globby(`**/${fileName}\.[!png]*`, {cwd: folder})).map((pathSuffix) => folder + pathSuffix);
if (allGroupFiles.length > 1) {
const relevantGroupFiles = [...allGroupFiles].filter((path) => !path.endsWith('a'));
relevantGroupFiles.sort((file1, file2) => file1.localeCompare(file2));
relevantGroupFiles.splice(1, relevantGroupFiles.length - 2);
const [headerFilePath, dataFilePath] = relevantGroupFiles;
const headerFileBuffer = fs.readFileSync(headerFilePath);
const dataFileBuffer = fs.readFileSync(dataFilePath);
headerFileBuffer[0x1c] = 0; // set mip count
const fullFileBuffer = Buffer.concat([headerFileBuffer.slice(0, 0x94), dataFileBuffer]);
allGroupFiles.forEach((filePath) => fs.rmSync(filePath));
fs.writeFileSync(`${folder}${fileName}.dds`, fullFileBuffer);
/*const buffers = => fs.readFileSync(path));
const all = Buffer.concat(buffers);
allGroupFiles.forEach((path) => fs.rmSync(path));
fs.writeFileSync(`${folder}${fileName}.dds`, all);*/
try {
execSync(`texconv.exe "${fileName}.dds" -ft png -y`, {env: process.env, cwd: folder});
} catch (a) {
try {
execSync(`texconv.exe "${fileName}.dds" -ft png -f rgba -y`, {env: process.env, cwd: folder});
} catch (b) {
console.log(`Couldn't convert ${folder}${fileName}`);
console.log(`Assembled and converted ${++count} of ${filePaths.length}\t${folder}${fileName}`);
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