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Created September 12, 2021 10:05
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  • Save Kattoor/bf9ff15c87478a6de6eabb811d04e681 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save Kattoor/bf9ff15c87478a6de6eabb811d04e681 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
const fs = require('fs');
const data = fs.readFileSync('out/javelindata_areadefinitions.datasheet');
const amountOfColumnsOffset = 0x44;
const amountOfRowsOffset = 0x48;
const headersOffset = 0x5c;
const amountOfBytesInHeader = 12;
const amountOfBytesInCell = 8;
const amountOfColumns = data.readInt32LE(amountOfColumnsOffset);
const amountOfRows = data.readInt32LE(amountOfRowsOffset);
const cellsOffset = headersOffset + amountOfColumns * amountOfBytesInHeader;
const amountOfBytesInRow = amountOfBytesInCell * amountOfColumns;
const stringsOffset = cellsOffset + amountOfRows * amountOfColumns * amountOfBytesInCell;
const headers = [];
for (let i = 0; i < amountOfColumns; i++) {
const headerOffset = headersOffset + i * amountOfBytesInHeader;
const stringValue = readStringValue(headerOffset);
const text = readCString(data, stringsOffset, stringValue.stringOffset);
const type = data.readInt32LE(headerOffset + 8);
headers.push({text, type});
const rows = [];
for (let i = 0; i < amountOfRows; i++) {
const cells = [];
for (let j = 0; j < amountOfColumns; j++) {
const cellOffset = cellsOffset + i * amountOfBytesInRow + j * amountOfBytesInCell;
const cellValue = readCell(cellOffset);
const columnType = headers[j].type;
cells.push(parseCellValueToType(cellValue, columnType));
function handleInnerComma(text) {
if (typeof text !== 'string') {
return text;
if (text.includes(',')) {
return `"${text}"`;
} else {
return text;
function toCsv(headers, rows) {
return [ => handleInnerComma(header.text)).join(','), =>','))
fs.writeFileSync('./output.csv', toCsv(headers, rows));
function readCString(data, stringsOffset, value) {
const offset = stringsOffset + value.readInt32LE(0);
let lengthUntilNullTermination = 0;
let nextByte;
do {
nextByte = data.readInt8(offset + lengthUntilNullTermination++);
} while (nextByte !== 0)
if (lengthUntilNullTermination === 1) {
return null;
return data.slice(offset, offset + lengthUntilNullTermination - 1).toString();
function parseCellValueToType(cellValue, type) {
switch (type) {
case 1:
return readCString(data, stringsOffset, cellValue);
case 2:
return cellValue.readFloatLE(0);
case 3:
return !!cellValue.readInt32LE(0);
function readCell(offset) {
const stringOffset = data.readInt32LE(offset);
const cellValue = data.slice(offset + 4, offset + 8);
return cellValue;
function readStringValue(offset) {
const hash = data.slice(offset, offset + 4);
const stringOffset = data.slice(offset + 4, offset + 8);
return {hash, stringOffset};
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Any chance you can also change this so instead of it just focused on one file 'out/javelindata_areadefinitions.datasheet'

You make it so it checks all the files in that folder like '*.datasheet' and converts them all ?

I have been using this but I have to manually change the name for each datasheet file and Im not sure how to code it to work the other way.

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