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Kaustubh Patange KaustubhPatange

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source ~/.vimrc
" Causes problems with some mappings
"source ~/.ideavimrc
remap <SPACE> <Nop>
let mapleader="\<Space>"
""" runtime/defaults.vim
set history=200
set showcmd
KaustubhPatange /
Created October 1, 2023 09:43
A script to recursively delete Slack channel's messages and replies posted by you.
# A script to recursively delete Slack channel's messages and replies posted by you.
# Preparation:
# - Create a slack app and install it in your workspace or any channel
# - In OAuth & Permissions, add channels:read, chat:write, groups:read, im:read, incoming-webhook, mpim:read, users:read
# scopes to both Bot and User Token scopes, you might need to reinstall it in the workspace.
# - Get "User OAuth Token".
# - pip install requests==2.28.1 termcolor
import time
KaustubhPatange /
Created October 1, 2023 09:38
A script to recursively delete Slack DM's messages and replies.
# A script to recursively delete Slack DM's messages and replies.
# Preparation:
# - Create a slack app and install it in your workspace or any channel
# - In OAuth & Permissions, add channels:read, chat:write, groups:read, im:read, incoming-webhook, mpim:read, users:read
# scopes to both Bot and User Token scopes, you might need to reinstall it in the workspace.
# - Get "User OAuth Token".
# - pip install requests==2.28.1 termcolor
KaustubhPatange / ActivityResultExtensions.kt
Created February 23, 2022 11:11
Some extension methods to use ActivityResult API in a callback way.
package com.kpstv.xclipper.extensions
import android.content.Intent
import androidx.activity.ComponentActivity
import androidx.activity.result.ActivityResult
import androidx.activity.result.ActivityResultLauncher
import androidx.activity.result.contract.ActivityResultContract
import androidx.activity.result.contract.ActivityResultContracts
import java.util.*
KaustubhPatange / library.kt
Last active December 26, 2020 14:35
Mapping a data class to another data class typically found in the apps which follows clean architecture (domain, etc.)
* If there is two same classes like below one maybe domain & other may be entity
* Following method might help to map such instance to other classes.
* This is done completely through reflection by matching parameters name.
* [convertType] This can be used to transform intermediate values if their types are different in other.
inline fun <reified F : Any, reified T : Any> mapToClass(from: F, convertType: (String, Any?) -> Any? = { _,v -> v }): T {
val args = HashMap<KParameter, Any?>()
KaustubhPatange / publish.gradle
Last active February 5, 2021 05:04
A Gradle script to automatically publish Android library to maven or sonatype provided your central sync is enabled.
* Copyright 2020 Kaustubh Patange
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
KaustubhPatange / clean-proj.ps1
Created April 3, 2020 09:55
An utility to clean temp files in project.
# Created by Kaustubh Patange
# Date Modified: 3rd April 2020
# @Platform: Windows (only) - A Powershell script
# @Summary: We often get into some space issues during coding, especially when you are
# doing Android development (native) in Android Studio which exceptionally
# creates larger gradle downloads and stuff. This is applicable also for
# flutter, Xamarin or even a standard .Net project, etc.