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Last active July 3, 2023 06:31
Static Next.js serve on s3 with CloudFront
import { S3Client, GetObjectCommand } from '@aws-sdk/client-s3'
const TTL = 10000
const S3_REGION = '' // Update this with your s3 region
const S3_BUCKET_NAME = '' // Update this with your s3 bucket name
const S3_FILE_PATH = 'routes-manifest.json'
const s3 = new S3Client({ region: S3_REGION })
const s3Params = {
let jsonFile
const pullStream = async body => {
const buffers = []
for await (const chunk of body) {
return Buffer.concat(buffers)
const getRoutes = async () => {
if (jsonFile) return jsonFile
const response = await s3.send(new GetObjectCommand(s3Params))
jsonFile = JSON.parse(await pullStream(response.Body))
setTimeout(() => (jsonFile = undefined), TTL)
return jsonFile
const getOriginPath = async clientPath => {
const { staticRoutes, dynamicRoutes } = await getRoutes()
const staticUserRoute = staticRoutes.find(obj => clientPath.match(obj['regex']))
const dynamicUserRoute = dynamicRoutes.find(obj => clientPath.match(obj['regex']))
let redirectPage
let routeParams
if (staticUserRoute) {
redirectPage = staticUserRoute['page']
} else if (dynamicUserRoute) {
routeParams = {}
const regex = new RegExp(dynamicUserRoute.namedRegex)
const matches = regex.exec(clientPath)
for (const key in dynamicUserRoute.routeKeys) {
const newKey = key.replace('nxtP', '')
routeParams[newKey] = matches.groups[key]
redirectPage =
for (const param in routeParams) {
redirectPage = redirectPage.replace(`[${param}]`, routeParams[param])
} else {
return '/404.html'
return redirectPage.endsWith('/') ? `${redirectPage}index.html` : `${redirectPage}/index.html`
export const handler = async (event, context, callback) => {
context.callbackWaitsForEmptyEventLoop = false
const request = event.Records[0].cf.request
const { uri } = request
console.log(`URI: ${uri}`)
if (uri.indexOf('.') >= 0 || uri === '/') {
request.uri = uri === '/' ? '/index.html' : uri
return callback(null, request)
try {
request.uri = await getOriginPath(uri)
callback(null, request)
} catch (err) {
callback(null, request)
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