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Created April 6, 2017 05:06
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module ImageAnalyzer
open System
open System.Drawing
open Emgu.CV
open Emgu.CV.Structure
type HistComparisonCategory =
| PerfectMatch
| CloseMatch //between 75% and 100%
| LooseMatch //between 40% and 75%
| MajorDifference //between 10 and 40%
| NoRelevance //between 1% and 10%
| NoMatch
type HistogramMetadata = {
Histogram : float32 array
Comparison : HistComparisonCategory
type HistComparison = {
Metadata : HistogramMetadata
ComparisonGrade : float
type DetectionMetadata = {
NumberOfFaces : int
FacePositions : Point list
type DetectionCategory =
| Detected
| NotDetected
type DetectionResult = {
DetectionSuccess : bool
Metadata : DetectionMetadata option
type FaceData = {
Metadata : DetectionMetadata
ComparisonGrade : float
type ImageMetadata = {
HistogramMeta : HistComparison
FaceDetectionMeta : FaceData
OverallScore : float
let produceImageColorHistogram(srcPath: string) =
let img = new Image<Gray, byte>(srcPath)
// Create and initialize histogram
let hist = new DenseHistogram(256, new RangeF(0.0f, 255.0f));
// Histogram Computing
let depthMatrix = Array.create 1 img
let compareImageColorHistogram(local:string, dbImg: string) =
let localResult = produceImageColorHistogram local
let dbResult = produceImageColorHistogram dbImg
let dbSum = dbResult|> Array.sum |> float
let localSum = localResult|> Array.sum |> float
let factor = Math.Abs(1.0 - dbSum/localSum)
let comparison =
match factor with
| perfect when perfect = 0.0 -> PerfectMatch
| minVariance when minVariance >= 0.75 && minVariance < 1.00 -> CloseMatch
| someVariance when someVariance >= 0.4 && someVariance < 0.75 -> LooseMatch
| bigDiff when bigDiff >= 0.10 && bigDiff < 0.40 -> MajorDifference
| major when major >= 0.09 && major < 0.00 -> NoRelevance
| _ -> NoMatch
{ Histogram = dbResult; Comparison = comparison }
let retrieveComparisonGrade category =
match category with
| PerfectMatch -> 5.0
| CloseMatch -> 4.0
| LooseMatch -> 3.0
| MajorDifference -> 2.0
| NoRelevance -> 1.0
| NoMatch -> 0.0
let getPositions (rects: Rectangle array) =
let mutable locations = []
for rectangle in rects do
locations <- locations |> List.append [rectangle.Location]
let produceFaceMedataInImage(srcPath: string) =
let capture = new Capture()
let haarCascade = new CascadeClassifier(@"haarcascade_frontalface_alt.xml")
let img = new Image<Bgr, byte>(srcPath)
let grayFrames = img.Convert<Gray, byte>()
let faces = haarCascade.DetectMultiScale(grayFrames,1.0975,3, Size.Empty)
let detectionOp = faces |> Array.length > 0
match detectionOp with
| true ->
{ DetectionSuccess = true; Metadata = Some { NumberOfFaces = (faces |> Array.length); FacePositions = (getPositions faces) } }
| false ->
{ DetectionSuccess = false; Metadata = None }
let computeFaceDataWhenSimilar(fMeta: DetectionMetadata, sMeta: DetectionMetadata) =
let mutable sameFacePosCount = 0
let zipFacePositions = fMeta.FacePositions |> sMeta.FacePositions
let areFacesAtSamePositions =
|> List.forall(fun (pos: Point*Point) ->
let fPos = fst pos
let sPos = snd pos
let predicate = (fPos.X = sPos.X && fPos.Y = sPos.Y)
if predicate then sameFacePosCount <- sameFacePosCount + 1
if areFacesAtSamePositions then 5.0
let factor = (sameFacePosCount |> float)/(fMeta.FacePositions.Length |> float)
2.50 + factor * 2.50
let compareFaceDetectionResults(local: string, dbImg:string) =
let localResult = produceFaceMedataInImage local
let dbResult = produceFaceMedataInImage dbImg
let detectionResult =
match localResult.DetectionSuccess, dbResult.DetectionSuccess with
| (true, true) -> Detected
| _,_ -> NotDetected
let grade =
match detectionResult with
| Detected ->
let lData = localResult.Metadata.Value
let dData = dbResult.Metadata.Value
if lData.NumberOfFaces = dData.NumberOfFaces && lData.FacePositions.Length = dData.FacePositions.Length then
elif lData.NumberOfFaces < dData.NumberOfFaces then 5.0 * ((lData.NumberOfFaces |>float)/(dData.NumberOfFaces|>float))
else 0.0
| NotDetected -> 0.0
{ Metadata = dbResult.Metadata.Value; ComparisonGrade = grade }
let compareImages(firstPath: string, secondPath: string) =
let histMetadata = compareImageColorHistogram(firstPath, secondPath)
let histGrade = retrieveComparisonGrade histMetadata.Comparison
let faceMetadata = compareFaceDetectionResults(firstPath, secondPath)
let overallScore = histGrade + faceMetadata.ComparisonGrade
HistogramMeta =
Metadata = histMetadata
ComparisonGrade = histGrade
FaceDetectionMeta = faceMetadata
OverallScore = overallScore
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