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Last active November 7, 2018 05:58
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PD Prework

Activity 1

  1. 18. Always code review your own work first. (Looking at my own work as if its someone elses will help me identify simple solutions that maybe I over thought. 15. Don’t count the number of hours.(Work hard not hardly work. Time is well spent when learning and absorbing new information.) 11. Take responsibility for your mistakes. (Accepting the mistake and then learning from it is key.)

Activity 2

1.Checklists can help you reduce complex situtaions. In the interview the 35% decrease in deaths soley due to a two min checklist in an operating room is astounding. Checklists can help when working with a team. Its an honest check-in of if every team member did all the preparation for the project or task at hand.

Activity 3

  1. Accountability top strength. I would be proud to bring that up in a professional setting/interview. I like getting to a solution or finding the answer and I enjoy working with co-workers to get to that solution.
  2. I work best in environments where others are accountable. I really thrive with other problem solvers, I dont trhive when im in a setting where the majority of the group are lazy, or statisified with what is. Things can always be improved.
  3. Organization would be my greatest area for improvement.
  4. I really hope to use my skills to help keep me honest in my understanding of software development. This is a career field that requires constant learning and adapting to stay relevant in the workforce.
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