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Created September 8, 2017 19:14
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PowerShell script to ping a Url with retries and timeouts
[string] $Url,
[int] $MaxRetries = 3,
[int] $OneRetryTimeout = 5,
[int] $OverallTimeout = 60,
[int] $WaitBetweenRetries = 1
if ([System.String]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($Url))
throw "Parameter 'Url' cannot be empty"
$Success = $false
$RetriesLeft = $MaxRetries
$TimeLeft = [timespan]::fromseconds($OverallTimeout)
Write-Host "Pinging url - $Url"
$StopWatch = [Diagnostics.Stopwatch]::StartNew()
$Response = Invoke-WebRequest $Url -UseBasicParsing -TimeoutSec $OneRetryTimeout
$StatusCode = $Response.StatusDescription
$StatusCodeInt = $Response.StatusCode
$StatusText = "Ping returned status $StatusCode ($StatusCodeInt)"
$ExceptionOccurred = $false
if ($_.Exception.Response.StatusCode)
$StatusCode = $_.Exception.Response.StatusCode
$StatusCodeInt = $StatusCode.value__
$StatusText = "Ping returned status $StatusCode ($StatusCodeInt)"
$StatusText = $_.Exception.Message
$ExceptionOccurred = $true
Write-Host $StatusText
Write-Host 'Time elapsed' $StopWatch.Elapsed
$Success = (($StatusCodeInt -eq 200) -and -not($ExceptionOccurred))
Start-Sleep $WaitBetweenRetries
while (($Success -eq $false) -and ($RetriesLeft -ge 0) -and ($TimeLeft -ge 0))
if ($Success)
Write-Host "Ping OK!" -ForegroundColor Green
throw "Ping failed: '$Url'"
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Is there a way to use this with an IP address instead of a URL?

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