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Created December 10, 2015 21:42
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  • Save KayneWest/d358b89f968f3c1918bb to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import pprint
import datetime
from py2neo.neo4j import Index
from wikitools import wiki
from wikitools import api
from wikitools import category
import wikitools
from wikitools import page
import re
from import NoPage, Page
from py2neo import neo4j, node, rel
import logging
#people = re.compile(r'Category:.*People', re.I)
#badlinks = re.compile(r'stubs|Help:|Talk:|Wikipedia|Template:|Portal:|Outline of|List of|Outlines of|Catalog of|Lists of|Glossary|Glossaries|Index of|Timeline of|History of|Chronology|Index of|Overview|Journals|Redirects|Book:')
needless = re.compile(r' \(')
site = wiki.Wiki("")
graph_db = neo4j.GraphDatabaseService("http://localhost:8080/db/data/")
## for testing only, make sure we have a clean slate!!
#@type : Index
db_categories = graph_db.get_or_create_index(neo4j.Node, "Categories")
#@type : Index
db_pages = graph_db.get_or_create_index(neo4j.Node, "Pages")
def log(msg):
print("{} {}".format(str(, msg))
def WTree(name, visitedCategories=set(), dbcat=None):
For a given category, query subcategories and get categories and pages.
Query subcategories recursively
:type name: str
:type visitedCategories: set
# wronglinks =, name)
# if wronglinks:
# log("wrongslinks matched, exiting")
# return
# try:
cat = category.Category(site, "Category:"+name)
if dbcat is None:
dbcat = db_categories.get_or_create("name", name, {"name": name, "pageid": cat.pageid})
dbcat["pageid"] = cat.pageid
catlist = cat.getAllMembers(namespaces=[14], titleonly=True)
# :type pagelist:list[Page]
pagelist = cat.getAllMembers(namespaces=[0], titleonly=True)
# do pages first
for page in pagelist:
# no longer filtering people, so don't need page contents
# txt = page.getWikiText(expandtemplates=False, force=False)
# if txt is None: continue
# # log("len of wikitext = {}".format(len(txt)))
# txt = txt.decode('utf8').encode('ascii', 'ignore')
# if, txt):
# continue
title = page.encode('ascii', 'ignore')
# log(" page: {}".format(title))
# at this point, have all the info we need, so save to db
# (try to find node first, if exists, just make a connection, if not, create it first
db_page = db_pages.get("name", title)
if not len(db_page):
db_page = db_pages.create("name", title, {"name": title})
db_page = db_page[0]
# db_page = db_pages.get_or_create("name", title, {"name": title})
# db_page.set_labels('Page')
graph_db.create(rel(dbcat, "has", db_page))
except Exception as ex:
if ex is NoPage:
log("Page not found! {}".format(page))
log('exception occured! page: {}, msg: {}'.format(page, ex.message))
log(" {} pages saved".format(len(pagelist)))
# now do categories
for catname in catlist:
new = False
# get or create child category
catname = catname[9:]
childcat = db_categories.get("name", catname)
if not len(childcat):
new = True
childcat = db_categories.create("name", catname, {"name": catname})
childcat = childcat[0]
# link up to parent
graph_db.create(rel(dbcat, "has", childcat))
# if existing AND already visited, skip
# NOTE: in the future, might change to just not go into existing ones at all, but it might lead to lost data if run was never finished
if new is False and ('d' in childcat or catname in visitedCategories):
log(" - about to dive into subcategory '{}'".format(catname))
WTree(catname, visitedCategories, childcat)
childcat['d'] =
log("Finished processing {}".format(name))
# except Exception as ex:
# # if ex is NoPage:
# log('main exception occurred! page not found='+ex.message)
# pprint.pprint(ex)
if __name__ == "__main__":
CategoryTree = {}
cat = 'Machine learning'
print("{} Started processing category '{}'".format(str(, cat))
print("{} Finished processing category '{}'".format(str(, cat))
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