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Created June 25, 2019 22:05
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[2133.93] Log: Unsuppressed event UICore
[2133.93] ScriptLog: UI state stack:
[2133.93] uicore: ============================================================
[2133.93] uicore: ---- BEGIN UIScreenStack.PrintScreenStack() -------------
[2133.93] uicore:
[2133.93] uicore: ---- Stack: General Information ----------------
[2133.93] uicore: Stack.GetCurrentScreen() = NPSBDP_UIArmory_PromotionHero_1
[2133.93] uicore: Stack.IsInputBlocked = False
[2133.93] uicore:
[2133.93] uicore: ---- Screens[]: Classes and Instance Names ---
[2133.93] uicore: 0: NPSBDP_UIArmory_PromotionHero, NPSBDP_UIArmory_PromotionHero_1
[2133.93] uicore: 1: UIMouseGuard_RotatePawn, UIMouseGuard_RotatePawn_1
[2133.93] uicore: 2: UIAfterAction_LW, UIAfterAction_LW_0
[2133.93] uicore: 3: UIFacilityGrid, UIFacilityGrid_0
[2133.93] uicore: 4: UIAvengerHUD, UIAvengerHUD_0
[2133.93] uicore: 5: UIEventNotices, UIEventNotices_2
[2133.93] uicore:
[2133.93] uicore: ---- Screen.MCPath ----------------------------
[2133.93] uicore: 0: _level0.theInterfaceMgr.NPSBDP_UIArmory_PromotionHero_1.theScreen
[2133.93] uicore: 1: _level0.theInterfaceMgr.UIMouseGuard_RotatePawn_1.MouseGuardMC
[2133.93] uicore: 2: _level0.theInterfaceMgr.UIAfterAction_LW_0.theScreen
[2133.93] uicore: 3: _level0.theInterfaceMgr.UIFacilityGrid_0.theScreen
[2133.93] uicore: 4: _level0.theInterfaceMgr.UIAvengerHUD_0.theScreen
[2133.93] uicore: 5: _level0.theInterfaceMgr.UIEventNotices_2.theScreen
[2133.93] uicore:
[2133.93] uicore: ---- Unreal Visibility -----------------------
[2133.93] uicore: 0: bIsVisible = True NPSBDP_UIArmory_PromotionHero_1
[2133.93] uicore: 1: bIsVisible = True UIMouseGuard_RotatePawn_1
[2133.93] uicore: 2: bIsVisible = False UIAfterAction_LW_0
[2133.93] uicore: 3: bIsVisible = False UIFacilityGrid_0
[2133.93] uicore: 4: bIsVisible = True UIAvengerHUD_0
[2133.93] uicore: 5: bIsVisible = False UIEventNotices_2
[2133.93] uicore:
[2133.93] uicore: ---- Owned by 2D vs. 3D movies --------------
[2133.93] uicore: 0: 3D NPSBDP_UIArmory_PromotionHero_1
[2133.93] uicore: 1: 3D UIMouseGuard_RotatePawn_1
[2133.93] uicore: 2: 2D UIAfterAction_LW_0
[2133.93] uicore: 3: 2D UIFacilityGrid_0
[2133.93] uicore: 4: 2D UIAvengerHUD_0
[2133.93] uicore: 5: 2D UIEventNotices_2
[2133.93] uicore:
[2133.93] uicore: ---- ScreensHiddenForCinematic[] -------------
[2133.93] uicore: Nothing to show because ScreensHiddenForCinematic.Length = 0,
[2133.93] uicore:
[2133.93] uicore: ---- UI Input information --------------------
[2133.93] uicore: eval 0: ' NPSBDP_UIArmory_PromotionHero'
[2133.93] uicore: XXX CONSUME 1: ' UIMouseGuard_RotatePawn'
[2133.93] uicore: XXX CONSUME 2: ' UIAfterAction_LW'
[2133.93] uicore: XXX eval 3: ' UIFacilityGrid'
[2133.93] uicore: XXX eval 4: ' UIAvengerHUD'
[2133.93] uicore: XXX eval 5: ' UIEventNotices'
[2133.93] uicore:
[2133.93] uicore: *** Movie.Screens are what the movie has loaded: **
[2133.93] uicore: ---- UIMovie.PrintCurrentScreens() -----------------------
[2133.93] uicore: 0 std: UIAfterAction_LW UIAfterAction_LW_0
[2133.93] uicore: 1 std: UIFacilityGrid UIFacilityGrid_0
[2133.93] uicore: 2 std: UIAvengerHUD UIAvengerHUD_0
[2133.93] uicore: 3 std: UIWorldMessageMgr UIWorldMessageMgr_2
[2133.93] uicore: 4 std: UIDebugInfo UIDebugInfo_2
[2133.93] uicore: 5 std: UIEventNotices UIEventNotices_2
[2133.93] uicore: 6 std: UIMouseCursor UIMouseCursor_2
[2133.93] uicore: 7 std: UITooltipMgr UITooltipMgr_2
[2133.93] uicore: 8 std: UIDialogueBox UIDialogueBox_4
[2133.93] uicore: 9 std: UINarrativeCommLink UINarrativeCommLink_4
[2133.93] uicore: 10 std: UIAnchoredMessageMgr UIAnchoredMessageMgr_4
[2133.93] uicore: 11 std: UIMessageMgr UIMessageMgr_4
[2133.93] uicore: -----
[2133.93] uicore: TOTAL: 12 3D: 0 2D: 12
[2133.93] uicore: ---------------------------------------------------------------
[2133.93] uicore: ****************************************************
[2133.93] uicore:
[2133.93] uicore: ---- END PrintScreenStack --------------------
[2133.93] uicore: ========================================================
[2133.93] ScriptLog: END state stack output.
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