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Created June 8, 2022 14:31
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Script that combines all stock data from different sources together
import os
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
from datetime import date
import VIX
import new_earnings
import tiingo_data as tii
import US_bond
import crisis_dataset
script_location = os.getcwd()
#get VIX Volatility index
vix_df = VIX.get_vix()
#get 10Y_bond index
usa_bond = US_bond.download_tables()
#get last crisis date data
last_crisis = crisis_dataset.get_dates()
#Get all companies sector, industry, location, etc
metadata = tii.fetch_metadata()
# Get earnings esteem
dow30 = ["AXP", "AMGN", "AAPL", "BA", "CAT", "CSCO", "CVX", "GS", "HD", "HON", "IBM", "INTC", "JNJ", "KO", "JPM", "MCD", "MMM", "MRK", "MSFT", "NKE", "PG", "TRV", "UNH", "CRM", "VZ", "V", "WBA", "WMT", "DIS", "DOW"]
todays_date =
#a stock symbol to get data
for symbol in dow30[:]:
#How long historical data we need
historical_dates_range = 1450
#How long Moving Average we take
MA_gener_days = 180
# Hitorical Prices Open, Close, Low, High, Volume for historical data
stock_dataset = tii.fetch_stock(symbol, todays_date, historical_dates_range)
# Adding a Moving Average and price position over/below MA to the previous dataset
#data = tii.create_dataset(stock_dataset, MA_gener_days)
# Getting stock market cap, PE Ratio, PB Ratio
fundamentals = tii.fetch_fundamentals(symbol, todays_date, historical_dates_range)
# Financial KPIs
statements = tii.fetch_statements(symbol, todays_date, historical_dates_range)
# Get stock sector and industry
stock_metadata = metadata[metadata.ticker == symbol.lower()][["sector","industry"]].copy()
# stock dividents & earnings
stock_earnings, stock_dividends = new_earnings.get_earn_and_dividends(symbol)
# Combining all stock's data
big_dataset = tii.combine_tables(stock_dataset, statements, fundamentals, stock_metadata, historical_dates_range)
big_dataset = big_dataset.join(vix, how = 'left')
big_dataset.dropna(inplace = True)
#Combining data with US Bonds
big_dataset = big_dataset.join(usa_bond, how = 'left')
#Combining data with earnings & dividends info
big_dataset = big_dataset.join(stock_earnings, how = 'left')
big_dataset = big_dataset.join(stock_dividends, how = 'left')
big_dataset.sort_values(by = 'date', axis = 0, ascending = False, inplace = True)
big_dataset["10Y_bond_MoM"] = big_dataset["10Y_bonds"]-big_dataset["10Y_bonds"].shift(-22)
big_dataset["Debt-to-Equity_Ratio"] = big_dataset["totalAssets"]/big_dataset["totalLiabilities"]
big_dataset["DividendsYield"] = big_dataset["payDiv"]/big_dataset["marketCap"]
big_dataset["PayoutRatio"] = big_dataset["payDiv"]/big_dataset["grossProfit"]
big_dataset["Acc_Rec_Pay_Ration"] = big_dataset["acctRec"]/big_dataset["acctPay"]
big_dataset["Earnings_per_stock"] = big_dataset["epsDil"]/big_dataset["close"]
big_dataset["future_30dprice_change"] = (big_dataset["close"].shift(22) - big_dataset["close"])/big_dataset["close"].shift(22)
#big_dataset = big_dataset[["roe", "longTermDebtEquity", "grossMargin", "revenueQoQ", "rps", "epsQoQ", "piotroskiFScore", "currentRatio", "roa", "profitMargin","peRatio", "pbRatio","trailingPEG1Y","VIX_high","sector","industry","10Y_bonds", "10Y_bond_MoM","Debt-to-Equity_Ratio","DividendsYield","PayoutRatio","Acc_Rec_Pay_Ration","Earnings_per_stock","dividends_change","prev_div_change","days_after_divid_report","surprise_%", "expected_growth", "previous_surprise","days_after_earn_report"]]
#CALC Debt-to-Equity_Ratio, DividendsYield, Payout ratio, Acc_Rec_Pay_Ration, YoY Debt ratio, YoY eps, YoY investments
#REPLACE DividendsYield, Payout ratio by estimates in Future Periods
csv_file = symbol + ".csv"
path_to_all_data = os. path. join(script_location, "CSVs")
path_to_all_data = os. path. join(path_to_all_data, csv_file)
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