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Last active May 5, 2020 14:28
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firebase-form sample code2
"use strict";
// Firebase 初期化
import * as firebase from "firebase";
const config = {
apiKey: "api-key",
authDomain: "",
databaseURL: "",
projectId: "project-id",
storageBucket: "",
messagingSenderId: "sender-id",
export const functions = firebase.functions();
// フォームの値取得
function getVal(id: string): string {
const element: HTMLInputElement = document.getElementById(
) as HTMLInputElement;
return element.value;
// フォーム送信
function submitForm(e: any): void {
const getName = getVal("name");
const getMail = getVal("email");
const mailer = functions.httpsCallable("sendMail");
mailer({ name: getName, email: getMail })
.then(() => {
.catch(error => {
.finally(() => {
document.getElementById("contactForm").addEventListener("submit", submitForm);
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