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Last active October 23, 2019 22:28
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distance-limited Voronoi Interaction II
license: mit

This block is based on Step 3 - Voronoi Scatterplot - Tooltip attached to circle from @NadiehBremer

The Voronoi technics (used to improve interactive experience) is something I like. But I'm quite confused when the mouse is far away from points/subjectsOfMatter. In the original example, this situation arises in the viz's top-left and bottom-right corners.

This block attempts to overcome this issue by:

  • still using the Voronoi partition to identifiy the closest point/subjectOfMmatter when they are close to each others
  • and, checking if the distance from the point to the mouse is close enought (max distance checking)

For the sake of illustration, interactive areas appear in (very) light blue. Voronoï cells and interactive zones would not be rendered in the final viz.

The implementation in this block uses a clipPath on the voronoi layer in order to cut off too large cells (cf. lines 128->142 of script.js). Other ways could be:

  • use JS to determine if the pointer is close enought to display the tooltip (cf. this block)
  • produce adequate path for each limited Voronoï cell (adequate path = path corresponding to (voronoï cell INTERSECT max-distance-from-point circle); cf. this block)

Acknowledgments to:

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<div class="row scatter">
<h5 style="color: #3B3B3B;">Life expectancy versus GDP per Capita</h5>
<h6 style="color: #A6A6A6;">Voronoi - tooltip shown only if mouse is close enougth</h6>
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<div id="chart">
<clippath id="global-cut-off">
<div id = "legend" class="col-sm-3">
<div class="legendTitle" style="font-size: 12px;">REGION</div>
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//////////////////////// Set-up ////////////////////////////
//Quick fix for resizing some things for mobile-ish viewers
var mobileScreen = ($( window ).innerWidth() < 500 ? true : false);
var margin = {left: 30, top: 20, right: 20, bottom: 20},
width = Math.min($("#chart").width(), 800) - margin.left - margin.right,
height = width*2/3
maxDistanceFromPoint = 50;
var svg ="svg")
.attr("width", (width + margin.left + margin.right))
.attr("height", (height + + margin.bottom));
var wrapper = svg.append("g").attr("class", "chordWrapper")
.attr("transform", "translate(" + margin.left + "," + + ")");
///////////// Initialize Axes & Scales ///////////////
var opacityCircles = 0.7;
//Set the color for each region
var color = d3.scale.ordinal()
.range(["#EFB605", "#E58903", "#E01A25", "#C20049", "#991C71", "#66489F", "#2074A0", "#10A66E", "#7EB852"])
.domain(["Africa | North & East", "Africa | South & West", "America | North & Central", "America | South",
"Asia | East & Central", "Asia | South & West", "Europe | North & West", "Europe | South & East", "Oceania"]);
//Set the new x axis range
var xScale = d3.scale.log()
.range([0, width])
.domain([100,2e5]); //I prefer this exact scale over the true range and then using "nice"
//.domain(d3.extent(countries, function(d) { return d.GDP_perCapita; }))
//Set new x-axis
var xAxis = d3.svg.axis()
.tickFormat(function (d) { //Difficult function to create better ticks
return xScale.tickFormat((mobileScreen ? 4 : 8),function(d) {
var prefix = d3.formatPrefix(d);
return "$" + prefix.scale(d) + prefix.symbol;
//Append the x-axis
.attr("class", "x axis")
.attr("transform", "translate(" + 0 + "," + height + ")")
//Set the new y axis range
var yScale = d3.scale.linear()
.domain(d3.extent(countries, function(d) { return d.lifeExpectancy; }))
var yAxis = d3.svg.axis()
.ticks(6) //Set rough # of ticks
//Append the y-axis
.attr("class", "y axis")
.attr("transform", "translate(" + 0 + "," + 0 + ")")
//Scale for the bubble size
var rScale = d3.scale.sqrt()
.range([mobileScreen ? 1 : 2, mobileScreen ? 10 : 16])
.domain(d3.extent(countries, function(d) { return d.GDP; }));
/////////////////// Scatterplot Circles ////////////////////
//Initiate a group element for the circles
var circleGroup = wrapper.append("g")
.attr("class", "circleWrapper");
//Place the country circles
.data(countries.sort(function(a,b) { return b.GDP > a.GDP; })) //Sort so the biggest circles are below
.attr("class", function(d,i) { return "countries " + d.CountryCode; })
.style("opacity", opacityCircles)
.style("fill", function(d) {return color(d.Region);})
.attr("cx", function(d) {return xScale(d.GDP_perCapita);})
.attr("cy", function(d) {return yScale(d.lifeExpectancy);})
.attr("r", function(d) {return rScale(d.GDP);});
//////////////////////// Voronoi /////////////////////////////
//Initiate the voronoi function
//Use the same variables of the data in the .x and .y as used in the cx and cy of the circle call
//The clip extent will make the boundaries end nicely along the chart area instead of splitting up the entire SVG
//(if you do not do this it would mean that you already see a tooltip when your mouse is still in the axis area, which is confusing)
var voronoi = d3.geom.voronoi()
.x(function(d) { return xScale(d.GDP_perCapita); })
.y(function(d) { return yScale(d.lifeExpectancy); })
.clipExtent([[0, 0], [width, height]]);
var voronoiCells = voronoi(countries);
//Initiate a group element to place the voronoi diagram in
var voronoiGroup = wrapper.append("g")
.attr("class", "voronoiWrapper");
//Create the Voronoi diagram
.data(voronoiCells) //Use vononoi() with your dataset inside
.attr("d", function(d, i) { return "M" + d.join("L") + "Z"; })
.datum(function(d, i) { return d.point; })
//Give each cell a unique class where the unique part corresponds to the circle classes
.attr("class", function(d,i) { return "voronoi " + d.CountryCode; })
.style("stroke", "lightblue") //I use this to look at how the cells are dispersed as a check
.style("fill", "none")
.style("pointer-events", "all")
// .on("mouseover", showTooltip)
.on("mouseenter", showTooltip)
.on("mouseout", removeTooltip);
///////////////// distance-limited Voronoï /////////////////
//Define a clip-path which is the union of all interactive zones"#global-cut-off")
.attr("cx", function(d) {return xScale(d.GDP_perCapita);})
.attr("cy", function(d) {return yScale(d.lifeExpectancy);})
.attr("r", maxDistanceFromPoint);
//Apply the clip-path to the voronoi layer"clip-path", "url(#global-cut-off)");
// display interactive regions in very-light-blue, for explanation purpose only
var limitedVoronoiLayer = wrapper.insert("g", ".voronoiWrapper")
.attr("class", "limitedVoronoiLayer")
.attr("width", width)
.attr("height", height)
.style("fill", "lightblue")
.style("opacity", 0.2)
.style("clip-path", "url(#global-cut-off)");
///////////////// Initialize Labels //////////////////
//Set up X axis label
.attr("class", "x title")
.attr("text-anchor", "end")
.style("font-size", (mobileScreen ? 8 : 12) + "px")
.attr("transform", "translate(" + width + "," + (height - 10) + ")")
.text("GDP per capita [US $] - Note the logarithmic scale");
//Set up y axis label
.attr("class", "y title")
.attr("text-anchor", "end")
.style("font-size", (mobileScreen ? 8 : 12) + "px")
.attr("transform", "translate(18, 0) rotate(-90)")
.text("Life expectancy");
///////////////////////// Create the Legend////////////////////////////////
if (!mobileScreen) {
var legendMargin = {left: 5, top: 10, right: 5, bottom: 10},
legendWidth = 160,
legendHeight = 270;
var svgLegend ="#legend").append("svg")
.attr("width", (legendWidth + legendMargin.left + legendMargin.right))
.attr("height", (legendHeight + + legendMargin.bottom));
var legendWrapper = svgLegend.append("g").attr("class", "legendWrapper")
.attr("transform", "translate(" + legendMargin.left + "," + +")");
var rectSize = 16, //dimensions of the colored square
rowHeight = 22, //height of a row in the legend
maxWidth = 125; //widht of each row
//Create container per rect/text pair
var legend = legendWrapper.selectAll('.legendSquare')
.attr('class', 'legendSquare')
.attr("transform", function(d,i) { return "translate(" + 0 + "," + (i * rowHeight) + ")"; });
//Append small squares to Legend
.attr('width', rectSize)
.attr('height', rectSize)
.style('fill', function(d) {return d;});
//Append text to Legend
.attr('transform', 'translate(' + 25 + ',' + (rectSize/2) + ')')
.attr("class", "legendText")
.style("font-size", "11px")
.attr("dy", ".35em")
.text(function(d,i) { return color.domain()[i]; });
}//if !mobileScreen
else {"#legend").style("display","none");
//Show the tooltip on the hovered over circle
function showTooltip(d) {
//Save the circle element (so not the voronoi which is triggering the hover event)
//in a variable by using the unique class of the voronoi (CountryCode)
var element = d3.selectAll(".countries."+d.CountryCode);
//skip tooltip creation if already defined
existingTooltip = $(".popover");
if (existingTooltip !== null
&& existingTooltip.length >0
&& existingTooltip.text()===d.Country) {
//Define and show the tooltip using bootstrap popover
//But you can use whatever you prefer
placement: 'auto top', //place the tooltip above the item
container: '#chart', //the name (class or id) of the container
trigger: 'manual',
html : true,
content: function() { //the html content to show inside the tooltip
return "<span style='font-size: 11px; text-align: center;'>" + d.Country + "</span>"; }
//Make chosen circle more visible"opacity", 1);
}//function showTooltip
//Hide the tooltip when the mouse moves away
function removeTooltip(d) {
//Save the circle element (so not the voronoi which is triggering the hover event)
//in a variable by using the unique class of the voronoi (CountryCode)
var element = d3.selectAll(".countries."+d.CountryCode);
//Hide the tooltip
$('.popover').each(function() {
//Fade out the bright circle again"opacity", opacityCircles);
}//function removeTooltip
//iFrame handler
//iFrame handler
var pymChild = new pym.Child();
setTimeout(function() { pymChild.sendHeight(); },5000);
var countries = [
"Country": "Afghanistan",
"CountryCode": "AFG",
"Region": "Asia | South & West",
"Continent": "Asia",
"GDP": 15936784437.22,
"GDP_perCapita": 561.2,
"lifeExpectancy": 59.60009756
"Country": "Albania",
"CountryCode": "ALB",
"Region": "Europe | South & East",
"Continent": "Europe",
"GDP": 11926957254.63,
"GDP_perCapita": 4094.36,
"lifeExpectancy": 76.9785122
"Country": "Algeria",
"CountryCode": "DZA",
"Region": "Africa | North & East",
"Continent": "Africa",
"GDP": 161207304960.46,
"GDP_perCapita": 4349.57,
"lifeExpectancy": 70.61660976
"Country": "Angola",
"CountryCode": "AGO",
"Region": "Africa | South & West",
"Continent": "Africa",
"GDP": 82470894868.33,
"GDP_perCapita": 4218.65,
"lifeExpectancy": 50.65417073
"Country": "Antigua and Barbuda",
"CountryCode": "ATG",
"Region": "America | North & Central",
"Continent": "Americas",
"GDP": 1135539037.04,
"GDP_perCapita": 13017.31,
"lifeExpectancy": 75.33390244
"Country": "Argentina",
"CountryCode": "ARG",
"Region": "America | South",
"Continent": "Americas",
"GDP": 462703793707.19,
"GDP_perCapita": 11460.38,
"lifeExpectancy": 75.66356098
"Country": "Armenia",
"CountryCode": "ARM",
"Region": "Asia | South & West",
"Continent": "Asia",
"GDP": 9260287416.06,
"GDP_perCapita": 3124.78,
"lifeExpectancy": 74.21965854
"Country": "Aruba",
"CountryCode": "ABW",
"Region": "America | North & Central",
"Continent": "Americas",
"GDP": 2467703910.61,
"GDP_perCapita": 24289.14,
"lifeExpectancy": 74.95202439
"Country": "Australia",
"CountryCode": "AUS",
"Region": "Oceania",
"Continent": "Oceania",
"GDP": 1141267760188.09,
"GDP_perCapita": 51800.93,
"lifeExpectancy": 81.69512195
"Country": "Austria",
"CountryCode": "AUT",
"Region": "Europe | North & West",
"Continent": "Europe",
"GDP": 389656071767.18,
"GDP_perCapita": 46590.61,
"lifeExpectancy": 80.5804878
"Country": "Azerbaijan",
"CountryCode": "AZE",
"Region": "Asia | South & West",
"Continent": "Asia",
"GDP": 52902703376.11,
"GDP_perCapita": 5842.81,
"lifeExpectancy": 70.45029268
"Country": "Bahamas, The",
"CountryCode": "BHS",
"Region": "America | North & Central",
"Continent": "Americas",
"GDP": 7.91e+09,
"GDP_perCapita": 21941.87,
"lifeExpectancy": 74.59239024
"Country": "Bahrain",
"CountryCode": "BHR",
"Region": "Asia | South & West",
"Continent": "Asia",
"GDP": 25713544824.94,
"GDP_perCapita": 20545.97,
"lifeExpectancy": 76.26485366
"Country": "Bangladesh",
"CountryCode": "BGD",
"Region": "Asia | South & West",
"Continent": "Asia",
"GDP": 115279077465.23,
"GDP_perCapita": 762.8,
"lifeExpectancy": 69.48580488
"Country": "Barbados",
"CountryCode": "BRB",
"Region": "America | North & Central",
"Continent": "Americas",
"GDP": 4433700000,
"GDP_perCapita": 15812.28,
"lifeExpectancy": 74.80178049
"Country": "Belarus",
"CountryCode": "BLR",
"Region": "Europe | South & East",
"Continent": "Europe",
"GDP": 55220932613.96,
"GDP_perCapita": 5818.85,
"lifeExpectancy": 70.40487805
"Country": "Belgium",
"CountryCode": "BEL",
"Region": "Europe | North & West",
"Continent": "Europe",
"GDP": 484404271608.09,
"GDP_perCapita": 44358.26,
"lifeExpectancy": 80.23414634
"Country": "Belize",
"CountryCode": "BLZ",
"Region": "America | North & Central",
"Continent": "Americas",
"GDP": 1397113450,
"GDP_perCapita": 4527.34,
"lifeExpectancy": 73.2704878
"Country": "Benin",
"CountryCode": "BEN",
"Region": "Africa | South & West",
"Continent": "Africa",
"GDP": 6561782312.62,
"GDP_perCapita": 690,
"lifeExpectancy": 58.74668293
"Country": "Bermuda",
"CountryCode": "BMU",
"Region": "America | North & Central",
"Continent": "Americas",
"GDP": 5744414000,
"GDP_perCapita": 88207.33,
"lifeExpectancy": 79.28853659
"Country": "Bhutan",
"CountryCode": "BTN",
"Region": "Asia | South & West",
"Continent": "Asia",
"GDP": 1585396256.12,
"GDP_perCapita": 2211.34,
"lifeExpectancy": 67.00468293
"Country": "Bolivia",
"CountryCode": "BOL",
"Region": "America | South",
"Continent": "Americas",
"GDP": 19649631308.16,
"GDP_perCapita": 1934.67,
"lifeExpectancy": 66.31970732
"Country": "Bosnia and Herzegovina",
"CountryCode": "BIH",
"Region": "Europe | South & East",
"Continent": "Europe",
"GDP": 16847493058.85,
"GDP_perCapita": 4380.6,
"lifeExpectancy": 75.80668293
"Country": "Botswana",
"CountryCode": "BWA",
"Region": "Africa | South & West",
"Continent": "Africa",
"GDP": 13746712711.21,
"GDP_perCapita": 6980.36,
"lifeExpectancy": 46.44029268
"Country": "Brazil",
"CountryCode": "BRA",
"Region": "America | South",
"Continent": "Americas",
"GDP": 2143067871759.89,
"GDP_perCapita": 10978.26,
"lifeExpectancy": 73.07531707
"Country": "Brunei Darussalam",
"CountryCode": "BRN",
"Region": "Asia | East & Central",
"Continent": "Asia",
"GDP": 12369708858.9,
"GDP_perCapita": 30880.34,
"lifeExpectancy": 77.98865854
"Country": "Bulgaria",
"CountryCode": "BGR",
"Region": "Europe | South & East",
"Continent": "Europe",
"GDP": 48669060511.71,
"GDP_perCapita": 6580.81,
"lifeExpectancy": 73.51219512
"Country": "Burkina Faso",
"CountryCode": "BFA",
"Region": "Africa | South & West",
"Continent": "Africa",
"GDP": 8992678844.36,
"GDP_perCapita": 578.67,
"lifeExpectancy": 55.0067561
"Country": "Burundi",
"CountryCode": "BDI",
"Region": "Africa | North & East",
"Continent": "Africa",
"GDP": 2026864414.47,
"GDP_perCapita": 219.53,
"lifeExpectancy": 52.62402439
"Country": "Cabo Verde",
"CountryCode": "CPV",
"Region": "Africa | South & West",
"Continent": "Africa",
"GDP": 1664310632.51,
"GDP_perCapita": 3413.26,
"lifeExpectancy": 73.85697561
"Country": "Cambodia",
"CountryCode": "KHM",
"Region": "Asia | East & Central",
"Continent": "Asia",
"GDP": 11242266333.93,
"GDP_perCapita": 782.62,
"lifeExpectancy": 70.64336585
"Country": "Cameroon",
"CountryCode": "CMR",
"Region": "Africa | South & West",
"Continent": "Africa",
"GDP": 23622482954.8,
"GDP_perCapita": 1145.37,
"lifeExpectancy": 53.69482927
"Country": "Canada",
"CountryCode": "CAN",
"Region": "America | North & Central",
"Continent": "Americas",
"GDP": 1614072093764.07,
"GDP_perCapita": 47465.35,
"lifeExpectancy": 80.8934878
"Country": "Central African Republic",
"CountryCode": "CAF",
"Region": "Africa | South & West",
"Continent": "Africa",
"GDP": 1986014759.2,
"GDP_perCapita": 456.56,
"lifeExpectancy": 48.09873171
"Country": "Chad",
"CountryCode": "TCD",
"Region": "Africa | South & West",
"Continent": "Africa",
"GDP": 10657705536.5,
"GDP_perCapita": 909.3,
"lifeExpectancy": 49.76985366
"Country": "Chile",
"CountryCode": "CHL",
"Region": "America | South",
"Continent": "Americas",
"GDP": 217501911333.71,
"GDP_perCapita": 12681.77,
"lifeExpectancy": 79.05046341
"Country": "China",
"CountryCode": "CHN",
"Region": "Asia | East & Central",
"Continent": "Asia",
"GDP": 5930502270312.98,
"GDP_perCapita": 4433.34,
"lifeExpectancy": 74.88502439
"Country": "Colombia",
"CountryCode": "COL",
"Region": "America | South",
"Continent": "Americas",
"GDP": 287018184637.53,
"GDP_perCapita": 6179.77,
"lifeExpectancy": 73.36768293
"Country": "Comoros",
"CountryCode": "COM",
"Region": "Africa | North & East",
"Continent": "Africa",
"GDP": 516962949.5,
"GDP_perCapita": 756.81,
"lifeExpectancy": 60.20341463
"Country": "Congo, Rep.",
"CountryCode": "COG",
"Region": "Africa | South & West",
"Continent": "Africa",
"GDP": 12007880067.44,
"GDP_perCapita": 2920.41,
"lifeExpectancy": 57.20402439
"Country": "Costa Rica",
"CountryCode": "CRI",
"Region": "America | North & Central",
"Continent": "Americas",
"GDP": 36298327669.9,
"GDP_perCapita": 7773.19,
"lifeExpectancy": 79.27970732
"Country": "Cote d'Ivoire",
"CountryCode": "CIV",
"Region": "Africa | South & West",
"Continent": "Africa",
"GDP": 24884503950.68,
"GDP_perCapita": 1311.33,
"lifeExpectancy": 49.67529268
"Country": "Croatia",
"CountryCode": "HRV",
"Region": "Europe | South & East",
"Continent": "Europe",
"GDP": 59643818181.82,
"GDP_perCapita": 13500.85,
"lifeExpectancy": 76.47560976
"Country": "Cuba",
"CountryCode": "CUB",
"Region": "America | North & Central",
"Continent": "Americas",
"GDP": 64328220000,
"GDP_perCapita": 5701.96,
"lifeExpectancy": 78.71778049
"Country": "Cyprus",
"CountryCode": "CYP",
"Region": "Asia | South & West",
"Continent": "Asia",
"GDP": 23132450331.13,
"GDP_perCapita": 27889.04,
"lifeExpectancy": 79.30982927
"Country": "Czech Republic",
"CountryCode": "CZE",
"Region": "Europe | South & East",
"Continent": "Europe",
"GDP": 207016402026.36,
"GDP_perCapita": 19764.02,
"lifeExpectancy": 77.42439024
"Country": "Denmark",
"CountryCode": "DNK",
"Region": "Europe | North & West",
"Continent": "Europe",
"GDP": 319812413596.9,
"GDP_perCapita": 57647.93,
"lifeExpectancy": 79.1
"Country": "Djibouti",
"CountryCode": "DJI",
"Region": "Africa | North & East",
"Continent": "Africa",
"GDP": 1128611700.36,
"GDP_perCapita": 1353.19,
"lifeExpectancy": 60.29119512
"Country": "Dominican Republic",
"CountryCode": "DOM",
"Region": "America | North & Central",
"Continent": "Americas",
"GDP": 53042943731.14,
"GDP_perCapita": 5295.4,
"lifeExpectancy": 72.79214634
"Country": "Ecuador",
"CountryCode": "ECU",
"Region": "America | South",
"Continent": "Americas",
"GDP": 69555367000,
"GDP_perCapita": 4636.69,
"lifeExpectancy": 75.64770732
"Country": "Egypt, Arab Rep.",
"CountryCode": "EGY",
"Region": "Africa | North & East",
"Continent": "Africa",
"GDP": 218887812549.85,
"GDP_perCapita": 2803.53,
"lifeExpectancy": 70.45082927
"Country": "El Salvador",
"CountryCode": "SLV",
"Region": "America | North & Central",
"Continent": "Americas",
"GDP": 21418300000,
"GDP_perCapita": 3444.46,
"lifeExpectancy": 71.63441463
"Country": "Equatorial Guinea",
"CountryCode": "GNQ",
"Region": "Africa | South & West",
"Continent": "Africa",
"GDP": 11582917790.3,
"GDP_perCapita": 16638.13,
"lifeExpectancy": 51.53307317
"Country": "Eritrea",
"CountryCode": "ERI",
"Region": "Africa | North & East",
"Continent": "Africa",
"GDP": 2117039510.7,
"GDP_perCapita": 368.75,
"lifeExpectancy": 61.18509756
"Country": "Estonia",
"CountryCode": "EST",
"Region": "Europe | North & West",
"Continent": "Europe",
"GDP": 19479012423.35,
"GDP_perCapita": 14629.65,
"lifeExpectancy": 75.42926829
"Country": "Ethiopia",
"CountryCode": "ETH",
"Region": "Africa | North & East",
"Continent": "Africa",
"GDP": 29933790334.34,
"GDP_perCapita": 343.69,
"lifeExpectancy": 61.46795122
"Country": "Fiji",
"CountryCode": "FJI",
"Region": "Oceania",
"Continent": "Oceania",
"GDP": 3140508835.95,
"GDP_perCapita": 3649.38,
"lifeExpectancy": 69.38231707
"Country": "Finland",
"CountryCode": "FIN",
"Region": "Europe | North & West",
"Continent": "Europe",
"GDP": 247799815768.48,
"GDP_perCapita": 46202.42,
"lifeExpectancy": 79.87073171
"Country": "France",
"CountryCode": "FRA",
"Region": "Europe | North & West",
"Continent": "Europe",
"GDP": 2646837111794.78,
"GDP_perCapita": 40706.08,
"lifeExpectancy": 81.66341463
"Country": "Gabon",
"CountryCode": "GAB",
"Region": "Africa | South & West",
"Continent": "Africa",
"GDP": 14569527124.62,
"GDP_perCapita": 9362.11,
"lifeExpectancy": 62.2897561
"Country": "Gambia, The",
"CountryCode": "GMB",
"Region": "Africa | South & West",
"Continent": "Africa",
"GDP": 951827284.92,
"GDP_perCapita": 566.35,
"lifeExpectancy": 58.1335122
"Country": "Georgia",
"CountryCode": "GEO",
"Region": "Asia | South & West",
"Continent": "Asia",
"GDP": 11638536834.43,
"GDP_perCapita": 2613.76,
"lifeExpectancy": 73.67473171
"Country": "Germany",
"CountryCode": "DEU",
"Region": "Europe | North & West",
"Continent": "Europe",
"GDP": 3412008772736.86,
"GDP_perCapita": 41723.37,
"lifeExpectancy": 79.98780488
"Country": "Ghana",
"CountryCode": "GHA",
"Region": "Africa | South & West",
"Continent": "Africa",
"GDP": 32174839712.79,
"GDP_perCapita": 1326.09,
"lifeExpectancy": 60.59956098
"Country": "Greece",
"CountryCode": "GRC",
"Region": "Europe | South & East",
"Continent": "Europe",
"GDP": 299598056253.27,
"GDP_perCapita": 26861.46,
"lifeExpectancy": 80.38780488
"Country": "Grenada",
"CountryCode": "GRD",
"Region": "America | North & Central",
"Continent": "Americas",
"GDP": 771015875.27,
"GDP_perCapita": 7365.67,
"lifeExpectancy": 72.33687805
"Country": "Guatemala",
"CountryCode": "GTM",
"Region": "America | North & Central",
"Continent": "Americas",
"GDP": 41337958251.63,
"GDP_perCapita": 2882.39,
"lifeExpectancy": 70.99597561
"Country": "Guinea",
"CountryCode": "GIN",
"Region": "Africa | South & West",
"Continent": "Africa",
"GDP": 4735956475.83,
"GDP_perCapita": 435.45,
"lifeExpectancy": 55.298
"Country": "Guinea-Bissau",
"CountryCode": "GNB",
"Region": "Africa | South & West",
"Continent": "Africa",
"GDP": 847491366.89,
"GDP_perCapita": 534.15,
"lifeExpectancy": 53.55843902
"Country": "Guyana",
"CountryCode": "GUY",
"Region": "America | South",
"Continent": "Americas",
"GDP": 2259288396.24,
"GDP_perCapita": 2873.95,
"lifeExpectancy": 65.7024878
"Country": "Haiti",
"CountryCode": "HTI",
"Region": "America | North & Central",
"Continent": "Americas",
"GDP": 6622541528.57,
"GDP_perCapita": 669.19,
"lifeExpectancy": 61.8667561
"Country": "Honduras",
"CountryCode": "HND",
"Region": "America | North & Central",
"Continent": "Americas",
"GDP": 15839344591.98,
"GDP_perCapita": 2078.33,
"lifeExpectancy": 72.85031707
"Country": "Hong Kong SAR, China",
"CountryCode": "HKG",
"Region": "Asia | East & Central",
"Continent": "Asia",
"GDP": 228637697575.04,
"GDP_perCapita": 32550,
"lifeExpectancy": 82.97804878
"Country": "Hungary",
"CountryCode": "HUN",
"Region": "Europe | South & East",
"Continent": "Europe",
"GDP": 129585601615.85,
"GDP_perCapita": 12958.53,
"lifeExpectancy": 74.20731707
"Country": "Iceland",
"CountryCode": "ISL",
"Region": "Europe | North & West",
"Continent": "Europe",
"GDP": 13261035516.56,
"GDP_perCapita": 41695.99,
"lifeExpectancy": 81.89756098
"Country": "India",
"CountryCode": "IND",
"Region": "Asia | South & West",
"Continent": "Asia",
"GDP": 1708458876829.92,
"GDP_perCapita": 1417.07,
"lifeExpectancy": 65.6942439
"Country": "Indonesia",
"CountryCode": "IDN",
"Region": "Asia | East & Central",
"Continent": "Asia",
"GDP": 709190823319.75,
"GDP_perCapita": 2946.66,
"lifeExpectancy": 70.16785366
"Country": "Iran, Islamic Rep.",
"CountryCode": "IRN",
"Region": "Asia | South & West",
"Continent": "Asia",
"GDP": 422567967404.51,
"GDP_perCapita": 5674.92,
"lifeExpectancy": 73.13014634
"Country": "Iraq",
"CountryCode": "IRQ",
"Region": "Asia | South & West",
"Continent": "Asia",
"GDP": 138516722649.57,
"GDP_perCapita": 4473.71,
"lifeExpectancy": 68.8297561
"Country": "Ireland",
"CountryCode": "IRL",
"Region": "Europe | North & West",
"Continent": "Europe",
"GDP": 218435251789.12,
"GDP_perCapita": 47900.84,
"lifeExpectancy": 80.74390244
"Country": "Israel",
"CountryCode": "ISR",
"Region": "Asia | South & West",
"Continent": "Asia",
"GDP": 232907996790.59,
"GDP_perCapita": 30550.92,
"lifeExpectancy": 81.60243902
"Country": "Italy",
"CountryCode": "ITA",
"Region": "Europe | South & East",
"Continent": "Europe",
"GDP": 2126620402889.09,
"GDP_perCapita": 35875.73,
"lifeExpectancy": 82.03658537
"Country": "Jamaica",
"CountryCode": "JAM",
"Region": "America | North & Central",
"Continent": "Americas",
"GDP": 13230844040.04,
"GDP_perCapita": 4917.02,
"lifeExpectancy": 72.84712195
"Country": "Japan",
"CountryCode": "JPN",
"Region": "Asia | East & Central",
"Continent": "Asia",
"GDP": 5495387182996.1,
"GDP_perCapita": 42909.25,
"lifeExpectancy": 82.84268293
"Country": "Jordan",
"CountryCode": "JOR",
"Region": "Asia | South & West",
"Continent": "Asia",
"GDP": 26425379436.62,
"GDP_perCapita": 4370.72,
"lifeExpectancy": 73.43587805
"Country": "Kazakhstan",
"CountryCode": "KAZ",
"Region": "Asia | East & Central",
"Continent": "Asia",
"GDP": 148047348240.64,
"GDP_perCapita": 9070.65,
"lifeExpectancy": 68.29536585
"Country": "Kenya",
"CountryCode": "KEN",
"Region": "Africa | North & East",
"Continent": "Africa",
"GDP": 40000138830.87,
"GDP_perCapita": 977.78,
"lifeExpectancy": 59.54707317
"Country": "Kiribati",
"CountryCode": "KIR",
"Region": "Oceania",
"Continent": "Oceania",
"GDP": 150431113.56,
"GDP_perCapita": 1539.05,
"lifeExpectancy": 67.88382927
"Country": "Korea, Rep.",
"CountryCode": "KOR",
"Region": "Asia | East & Central",
"Continent": "Asia",
"GDP": 1094499350178.46,
"GDP_perCapita": 22151.21,
"lifeExpectancy": 80.55121951
"Country": "Kuwait",
"CountryCode": "KWT",
"Region": "Asia | South & West",
"Continent": "Asia",
"GDP": 115428557470.18,
"GDP_perCapita": 38584.48,
"lifeExpectancy": 74.16192683
"Country": "Kyrgyz Republic",
"CountryCode": "KGZ",
"Region": "Asia | East & Central",
"Continent": "Asia",
"GDP": 4794357795.07,
"GDP_perCapita": 880.04,
"lifeExpectancy": 69.3
"Country": "Lao PDR",
"CountryCode": "LAO",
"Region": "Asia | East & Central",
"Continent": "Asia",
"GDP": 7181441151.89,
"GDP_perCapita": 1122.85,
"lifeExpectancy": 66.89843902
"Country": "Latvia",
"CountryCode": "LVA",
"Region": "Europe | North & West",
"Continent": "Europe",
"GDP": 24009680459.99,
"GDP_perCapita": 11446.51,
"lifeExpectancy": 73.48292683
"Country": "Lebanon",
"CountryCode": "LBN",
"Region": "Asia | South & West",
"Continent": "Asia",
"GDP": 38009950248.76,
"GDP_perCapita": 8755.85,
"lifeExpectancy": 79.25278049
"Country": "Lesotho",
"CountryCode": "LSO",
"Region": "Africa | South & West",
"Continent": "Africa",
"GDP": 2175692207.16,
"GDP_perCapita": 1083.02,
"lifeExpectancy": 47.48341463
"Country": "Liberia",
"CountryCode": "LBR",
"Region": "Africa | South & West",
"Continent": "Africa",
"GDP": 1292696475.96,
"GDP_perCapita": 326.6,
"lifeExpectancy": 59.43431707
"Country": "Libya",
"CountryCode": "LBY",
"Region": "Africa | North & East",
"Continent": "Africa",
"GDP": 74755288916.96,
"GDP_perCapita": 12375.45,
"lifeExpectancy": 74.7924878
"Country": "Lithuania",
"CountryCode": "LTU",
"Region": "Europe | North & West",
"Continent": "Europe",
"GDP": 36709511568.12,
"GDP_perCapita": 11852.17,
"lifeExpectancy": 73.26829268
"Country": "Luxembourg",
"CountryCode": "LUX",
"Region": "Europe | North & West",
"Continent": "Europe",
"GDP": 52143650382.99,
"GDP_perCapita": 102856.97,
"lifeExpectancy": 80.63170732
"Country": "Macao SAR, China",
"CountryCode": "MAC",
"Region": "Asia | East & Central",
"Continent": "Asia",
"GDP": 28359706123.1,
"GDP_perCapita": 53045.88,
"lifeExpectancy": 79.69295122
"Country": "Macedonia, FYR",
"CountryCode": "MKD",
"Region": "Europe | South & East",
"Continent": "Europe",
"GDP": 9338674078.31,
"GDP_perCapita": 4442.3,
"lifeExpectancy": 74.72214634
"Country": "Madagascar",
"CountryCode": "MDG",
"Region": "Africa | North & East",
"Continent": "Africa",
"GDP": 8729936135.74,
"GDP_perCapita": 414.14,
"lifeExpectancy": 63.34973171
"Country": "Malawi",
"CountryCode": "MWI",
"Region": "Africa | North & East",
"Continent": "Africa",
"GDP": 5398616984.59,
"GDP_perCapita": 359.58,
"lifeExpectancy": 53.46570732
"Country": "Malaysia",
"CountryCode": "MYS",
"Region": "Asia | East & Central",
"Continent": "Asia",
"GDP": 247533525517.7,
"GDP_perCapita": 8754.24,
"lifeExpectancy": 74.49558537
"Country": "Maldives",
"CountryCode": "MDV",
"Region": "Asia | South & West",
"Continent": "Asia",
"GDP": 2134104883.7,
"GDP_perCapita": 6552.48,
"lifeExpectancy": 76.78631707
"Country": "Mali",
"CountryCode": "MLI",
"Region": "Africa | South & West",
"Continent": "Africa",
"GDP": 9422267259.99,
"GDP_perCapita": 673.69,
"lifeExpectancy": 53.77073171
"Country": "Malta",
"CountryCode": "MLT",
"Region": "Europe | South & East",
"Continent": "Europe",
"GDP": 8163841059.6,
"GDP_perCapita": 19695.26,
"lifeExpectancy": 81.39756098
"Country": "Mauritania",
"CountryCode": "MRT",
"Region": "Africa | South & West",
"Continent": "Africa",
"GDP": 3526947608.88,
"GDP_perCapita": 977.15,
"lifeExpectancy": 61.0232439
"Country": "Mauritius",
"CountryCode": "MUS",
"Region": "Africa | North & East",
"Continent": "Africa",
"GDP": 9718233910.68,
"GDP_perCapita": 7772.1,
"lifeExpectancy": 72.96731707
"Country": "Mexico",
"CountryCode": "MEX",
"Region": "America | North & Central",
"Continent": "Americas",
"GDP": 1051627949327,
"GDP_perCapita": 8920.69,
"lifeExpectancy": 76.69029268
"Country": "Micronesia, Fed. Sts.",
"CountryCode": "FSM",
"Region": "Oceania",
"Continent": "Oceania",
"GDP": 294117200,
"GDP_perCapita": 2838.45,
"lifeExpectancy": 68.62173171
"Country": "Moldova",
"CountryCode": "MDA",
"Region": "Europe | South & East",
"Continent": "Europe",
"GDP": 5811604051.97,
"GDP_perCapita": 1631.54,
"lifeExpectancy": 68.45812195
"Country": "Mongolia",
"CountryCode": "MNG",
"Region": "Asia | East & Central",
"Continent": "Asia",
"GDP": 6200357070.11,
"GDP_perCapita": 2285.65,
"lifeExpectancy": 66.89460976
"Country": "Montenegro",
"CountryCode": "MNE",
"Region": "Europe | South & East",
"Continent": "Europe",
"GDP": 4114881346.94,
"GDP_perCapita": 6636.07,
"lifeExpectancy": 74.41673171
"Country": "Morocco",
"CountryCode": "MAR",
"Region": "Africa | North & East",
"Continent": "Africa",
"GDP": 90770671431.67,
"GDP_perCapita": 2822.73,
"lifeExpectancy": 70.17158537
"Country": "Mozambique",
"CountryCode": "MOZ",
"Region": "Africa | North & East",
"Continent": "Africa",
"GDP": 10165353591.17,
"GDP_perCapita": 424.13,
"lifeExpectancy": 49.13707317
"Country": "Namibia",
"CountryCode": "NAM",
"Region": "Africa | South & West",
"Continent": "Africa",
"GDP": 11281996426.04,
"GDP_perCapita": 5177.68,
"lifeExpectancy": 62.48029268
"Country": "Nepal",
"CountryCode": "NPL",
"Region": "Asia | South & West",
"Continent": "Asia",
"GDP": 15994094606.97,
"GDP_perCapita": 595.77,
"lifeExpectancy": 67.10492683
"Country": "Netherlands",
"CountryCode": "NLD",
"Region": "Europe | North & West",
"Continent": "Europe",
"GDP": 836389937229.2,
"GDP_perCapita": 50338.25,
"lifeExpectancy": 80.70243902
"Country": "New Zealand",
"CountryCode": "NZL",
"Region": "Oceania",
"Continent": "Oceania",
"GDP": 143466743661.01,
"GDP_perCapita": 32975.55,
"lifeExpectancy": 80.70243902
"Country": "Nicaragua",
"CountryCode": "NIC",
"Region": "America | North & Central",
"Continent": "Americas",
"GDP": 8938209651.44,
"GDP_perCapita": 1535.19,
"lifeExpectancy": 73.79512195
"Country": "Niger",
"CountryCode": "NER",
"Region": "Africa | South & West",
"Continent": "Africa",
"GDP": 5718589550.16,
"GDP_perCapita": 359.8,
"lifeExpectancy": 56.98563415
"Country": "Nigeria",
"CountryCode": "NGA",
"Region": "Africa | South & West",
"Continent": "Africa",
"GDP": 369062403181.95,
"GDP_perCapita": 2310.86,
"lifeExpectancy": 51.28941463
"Country": "Norway",
"CountryCode": "NOR",
"Region": "Europe | North & West",
"Continent": "Europe",
"GDP": 420945705225.42,
"GDP_perCapita": 86096.14,
"lifeExpectancy": 80.99756098
"Country": "Oman",
"CountryCode": "OMN",
"Region": "Asia | South & West",
"Continent": "Asia",
"GDP": 58641352878.43,
"GDP_perCapita": 20922.66,
"lifeExpectancy": 76.04580488
"Country": "Pakistan",
"CountryCode": "PAK",
"Region": "Asia | South & West",
"Continent": "Asia",
"GDP": 177165635077.07,
"GDP_perCapita": 1023.2,
"lifeExpectancy": 66.12634146
"Country": "Panama",
"CountryCode": "PAN",
"Region": "America | North & Central",
"Continent": "Americas",
"GDP": 28814100000,
"GDP_perCapita": 7833.9,
"lifeExpectancy": 76.94870732
"Country": "Papua New Guinea",
"CountryCode": "PNG",
"Region": "Oceania",
"Continent": "Oceania",
"GDP": 9717175432.14,
"GDP_perCapita": 1416.72,
"lifeExpectancy": 62.00780488
"Country": "Paraguay",
"CountryCode": "PRY",
"Region": "America | South",
"Continent": "Americas",
"GDP": 20030529733.44,
"GDP_perCapita": 3100.84,
"lifeExpectancy": 72.02665854
"Country": "Peru",
"CountryCode": "PER",
"Region": "America | South",
"Continent": "Americas",
"GDP": 148522810971.5,
"GDP_perCapita": 5075.48,
"lifeExpectancy": 73.90509756
"Country": "Philippines",
"CountryCode": "PHL",
"Region": "Asia | East & Central",
"Continent": "Asia",
"GDP": 199589447424.07,
"GDP_perCapita": 2135.92,
"lifeExpectancy": 68.23026829
"Country": "Poland",
"CountryCode": "POL",
"Region": "Europe | South & East",
"Continent": "Europe",
"GDP": 476687891752.07,
"GDP_perCapita": 12484.07,
"lifeExpectancy": 76.24634146
"Country": "Portugal",
"CountryCode": "PRT",
"Region": "Europe | South & East",
"Continent": "Europe",
"GDP": 238303443425.21,
"GDP_perCapita": 22538.65,
"lifeExpectancy": 79.02682927
"Country": "Qatar",
"CountryCode": "QAT",
"Region": "Asia | South & West",
"Continent": "Asia",
"GDP": 125122249141.25,
"GDP_perCapita": 71510.16,
"lifeExpectancy": 78.14604878
"Country": "Russian Federation",
"CountryCode": "RUS",
"Region": "Europe | South & East",
"Continent": "Europe",
"GDP": 1524916112078.87,
"GDP_perCapita": 10709.77,
"lifeExpectancy": 68.85609756
"Country": "Rwanda",
"CountryCode": "RWA",
"Region": "Africa | North & East",
"Continent": "Africa",
"GDP": 5698548923.48,
"GDP_perCapita": 525.85,
"lifeExpectancy": 62.21214634
"Country": "Samoa",
"CountryCode": "WSM",
"Region": "Oceania",
"Continent": "Oceania",
"GDP": 643059403.01,
"GDP_perCapita": 3456.77,
"lifeExpectancy": 72.40802439
"Country": "Sao Tome and Principe",
"CountryCode": "STP",
"Region": "Africa | South & West",
"Continent": "Africa",
"GDP": 201037916.58,
"GDP_perCapita": 1127.98,
"lifeExpectancy": 65.85368293
"Country": "Saudi Arabia",
"CountryCode": "SAU",
"Region": "Asia | South & West",
"Continent": "Asia",
"GDP": 526811466666.67,
"GDP_perCapita": 19326.58,
"lifeExpectancy": 75.07560976
"Country": "Senegal",
"CountryCode": "SEN",
"Region": "Africa | South & West",
"Continent": "Africa",
"GDP": 12932427724.32,
"GDP_perCapita": 998.6,
"lifeExpectancy": 62.84187805
"Country": "Serbia",
"CountryCode": "SRB",
"Region": "Europe | South & East",
"Continent": "Europe",
"GDP": 39368633038.12,
"GDP_perCapita": 5399.3,
"lifeExpectancy": 74.33658537
"Country": "Seychelles",
"CountryCode": "SYC",
"Region": "Africa | North & East",
"Continent": "Africa",
"GDP": 973360306.52,
"GDP_perCapita": 10842.82,
"lifeExpectancy": 73.19756098
"Country": "Sierra Leone",
"CountryCode": "SLE",
"Region": "Africa | South & West",
"Continent": "Africa",
"GDP": 2578159495.56,
"GDP_perCapita": 448.22,
"lifeExpectancy": 44.83895122
"Country": "Singapore",
"CountryCode": "SGP",
"Region": "Asia | East & Central",
"Continent": "Asia",
"GDP": 236420337242.78,
"GDP_perCapita": 46569.69,
"lifeExpectancy": 81.54146341
"Country": "Slovak Republic",
"CountryCode": "SVK",
"Region": "Europe | South & East",
"Continent": "Europe",
"GDP": 89011919205.3,
"GDP_perCapita": 16509.9,
"lifeExpectancy": 75.11219512
"Country": "Slovenia",
"CountryCode": "SVN",
"Region": "Europe | South & East",
"Continent": "Europe",
"GDP": 47972988741.72,
"GDP_perCapita": 23417.64,
"lifeExpectancy": 79.42195122
"Country": "Solomon Islands",
"CountryCode": "SLB",
"Region": "Oceania",
"Continent": "Oceania",
"GDP": 681587104.77,
"GDP_perCapita": 1294.69,
"lifeExpectancy": 67.06665854
"Country": "South Africa",
"CountryCode": "ZAF",
"Region": "Africa | South & West",
"Continent": "Africa",
"GDP": 375349442837.19,
"GDP_perCapita": 7389.96,
"lifeExpectancy": 54.3907561
"Country": "Spain",
"CountryCode": "ESP",
"Region": "Europe | South & East",
"Continent": "Europe",
"GDP": 1431587612302.26,
"GDP_perCapita": 30736,
"lifeExpectancy": 81.62682927
"Country": "Sri Lanka",
"CountryCode": "LKA",
"Region": "Asia | South & West",
"Continent": "Asia",
"GDP": 49567521669.91,
"GDP_perCapita": 2400.02,
"lifeExpectancy": 73.75526829
"Country": "St. Lucia",
"CountryCode": "LCA",
"Region": "America | North & Central",
"Continent": "Americas",
"GDP": 1244297407.41,
"GDP_perCapita": 7014.2,
"lifeExpectancy": 74.41102439
"Country": "St. Vincent and the Grenadines",
"CountryCode": "VCT",
"Region": "America | North & Central",
"Continent": "Americas",
"GDP": 681225962.96,
"GDP_perCapita": 6231.71,
"lifeExpectancy": 72.18492683
"Country": "Sudan",
"CountryCode": "SDN",
"Region": "Africa | North & East",
"Continent": "Africa",
"GDP": 65632081240.3,
"GDP_perCapita": 1439.52,
"lifeExpectancy": 61.47829268
"Country": "Suriname",
"CountryCode": "SUR",
"Region": "America | South",
"Continent": "Americas",
"GDP": 4368398047.64,
"GDP_perCapita": 8321.39,
"lifeExpectancy": 70.33582927
"Country": "Swaziland",
"CountryCode": "SWZ",
"Region": "Africa | South & West",
"Continent": "Africa",
"GDP": 3891575151.61,
"GDP_perCapita": 3261.6,
"lifeExpectancy": 48.3457561
"Country": "Sweden",
"CountryCode": "SWE",
"Region": "Europe | North & West",
"Continent": "Europe",
"GDP": 488377689564.92,
"GDP_perCapita": 52076.26,
"lifeExpectancy": 81.45121951
"Country": "Switzerland",
"CountryCode": "CHE",
"Region": "Europe | North & West",
"Continent": "Europe",
"GDP": 581208562423.37,
"GDP_perCapita": 74276.72,
"lifeExpectancy": 82.24634146
"Country": "Tajikistan",
"CountryCode": "TJK",
"Region": "Asia | East & Central",
"Continent": "Asia",
"GDP": 5642178579.58,
"GDP_perCapita": 739.73,
"lifeExpectancy": 66.9955122
"Country": "Tanzania",
"CountryCode": "TZA",
"Region": "Africa | North & East",
"Continent": "Africa",
"GDP": 30917376837.12,
"GDP_perCapita": 707.93,
"lifeExpectancy": 59.18170732
"Country": "Thailand",
"CountryCode": "THA",
"Region": "Asia | East & Central",
"Continent": "Asia",
"GDP": 318907930075.71,
"GDP_perCapita": 4802.66,
"lifeExpectancy": 73.81378049
"Country": "Togo",
"CountryCode": "TGO",
"Region": "Africa | South & West",
"Continent": "Africa",
"GDP": 3172945506.36,
"GDP_perCapita": 503.16,
"lifeExpectancy": 55.46887805
"Country": "Tonga",
"CountryCode": "TON",
"Region": "Oceania",
"Continent": "Oceania",
"GDP": 369212477.46,
"GDP_perCapita": 3546.78,
"lifeExpectancy": 72.18263415
"Country": "Trinidad and Tobago",
"CountryCode": "TTO",
"Region": "America | North & Central",
"Continent": "Americas",
"GDP": 20758191857.98,
"GDP_perCapita": 15630.05,
"lifeExpectancy": 69.59736585
"Country": "Tunisia",
"CountryCode": "TUN",
"Region": "Africa | North & East",
"Continent": "Africa",
"GDP": 44426016487.36,
"GDP_perCapita": 4212.15,
"lifeExpectancy": 74.60243902
"Country": "Turkey",
"CountryCode": "TUR",
"Region": "Asia | South & West",
"Continent": "Asia",
"GDP": 731168051903.11,
"GDP_perCapita": 10135.75,
"lifeExpectancy": 74.21119512
"Country": "Turkmenistan",
"CountryCode": "TKM",
"Region": "Asia | East & Central",
"Continent": "Asia",
"GDP": 22148070175.44,
"GDP_perCapita": 4392.72,
"lifeExpectancy": 65.01821951
"Country": "Uganda",
"CountryCode": "UGA",
"Region": "Africa | North & East",
"Continent": "Africa",
"GDP": 18803852465.55,
"GDP_perCapita": 553.26,
"lifeExpectancy": 57.29653659
"Country": "Ukraine",
"CountryCode": "UKR",
"Region": "Europe | South & East",
"Continent": "Europe",
"GDP": 136419300367.96,
"GDP_perCapita": 2974,
"lifeExpectancy": 70.26536585
"Country": "United Arab Emirates",
"CountryCode": "ARE",
"Region": "Asia | South & West",
"Continent": "Asia",
"GDP": 286049293398.98,
"GDP_perCapita": 33885.93,
"lifeExpectancy": 76.59860976
"Country": "United Kingdom",
"CountryCode": "GBR",
"Region": "Europe | North & West",
"Continent": "Europe",
"GDP": 2407933767804.59,
"GDP_perCapita": 38363.44,
"lifeExpectancy": 80.40243902
"Country": "United States",
"CountryCode": "USA",
"Region": "America | North & Central",
"Continent": "Americas",
"GDP": 1.49644e+13,
"GDP_perCapita": 48377.39,
"lifeExpectancy": 78.54146341
"Country": "Uruguay",
"CountryCode": "URY",
"Region": "America | South",
"Continent": "Americas",
"GDP": 38881102099.88,
"GDP_perCapita": 11530.64,
"lifeExpectancy": 76.61621951
"Country": "Uzbekistan",
"CountryCode": "UZB",
"Region": "Asia | East & Central",
"Continent": "Asia",
"GDP": 39332770928.94,
"GDP_perCapita": 1377.08,
"lifeExpectancy": 67.8587561
"Country": "Vanuatu",
"CountryCode": "VUT",
"Region": "Oceania",
"Continent": "Oceania",
"GDP": 700804286.22,
"GDP_perCapita": 2965.75,
"lifeExpectancy": 70.83890244
"Country": "Venezuela, RB",
"CountryCode": "VEN",
"Region": "America | South",
"Continent": "Americas",
"GDP": 393801556872.31,
"GDP_perCapita": 13559.13,
"lifeExpectancy": 74.17046341
"Country": "Vietnam",
"CountryCode": "VNM",
"Region": "Asia | East & Central",
"Continent": "Asia",
"GDP": 115931749904.86,
"GDP_perCapita": 1333.58,
"lifeExpectancy": 75.31173171
"Country": "Yemen, Rep.",
"CountryCode": "YEM",
"Region": "Asia | South & West",
"Continent": "Asia",
"GDP": 31743751169.32,
"GDP_perCapita": 1394.53,
"lifeExpectancy": 62.52765854
"Country": "Zambia",
"CountryCode": "ZMB",
"Region": "Africa | North & East",
"Continent": "Africa",
"GDP": 20265396325.59,
"GDP_perCapita": 1533.28,
"lifeExpectancy": 54.52756098
"Country": "Zimbabwe",
"CountryCode": "ZWE",
"Region": "Africa | North & East",
"Continent": "Africa",
"GDP": 9456808200,
"GDP_perCapita": 723.16,
"lifeExpectancy": 53.59312195
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