<meta charset="utf-8"> |
<style> |
#under-construction { |
display: none; |
position: absolute; |
top: 200px; |
left: 300px; |
font-size: 40px; |
} |
#flexer { |
display: flex; |
justify-content: space-around; |
align-items: center; |
flex-wrap: wrap; |
} |
.relativer { |
position: relative; |
} |
.cropped-blurred-points, #transparency, #pattern { |
position: absolute; |
top: 0; |
left: 0; |
} |
.cropped-blurred-points { |
transform-origin: 50% 50%; |
#animation: rotating 10s linear infinite; |
} |
.title { |
position: absolute; |
top: 50%; |
left: 50%; |
color: #aaa; |
} |
.title div { |
transform: translate(-50%, -50%); |
text-align: center; |
} |
#explanation .title div { |
line-height: 0.7em; |
transform: translate(-50%, calc(-50% - 12px)); |
} |
@keyframes rotating { |
from{ |
transform: rotate(0deg); |
} |
to{ |
transform: rotate(360deg); |
} |
} |
.hidden { |
display: none; |
} |
</style> |
<body> |
<div id="flexer"> |
<div id="explanation" class="relativer"> |
<canvas class="background"></canvas> |
<canvas id="transparency"></canvas> |
<canvas id="pattern"></canvas> |
<div class="title"><div>4 rings<br/>+<br/>2 patterns</div></div> |
</div> |
<div id="spiral" class="relativer"> |
<canvas class="background"></canvas> |
<canvas class="cropped-blurred-points"></canvas> |
<div class="title"><div>spiral</div></div> |
</div> |
<div id="zigzag" class="relativer"> |
<canvas class="background"></canvas> |
<canvas class="cropped-blurred-points"></canvas> |
<div class="title"><div>zigzag</div></div> |
</div> |
<div id="cardioid" class="relativer"> |
<canvas class="background"></canvas> |
<canvas class="cropped-blurred-points"></canvas> |
<div class="title"><div>cardioid</div></div> |
</div> |
<div id="random" class="relativer"> |
<canvas class="background"></canvas> |
<canvas class="cropped-blurred-points"></canvas> |
<div class="title"><div>random</div></div> |
</div> |
<div id="updated-random" class="relativer"> |
<canvas class="background"></canvas> |
<canvas class="cropped-blurred-points"></canvas> |
<div class="title"><div>updated<br/>random</div></div> |
</div> |
</div> |
<canvas id="points" class="hidden"></canvas> |
<canvas id="blurred-points" class="hidden"></canvas> |
<div id="under-construction"> |
</div> |
<script src="https://d3js.org/d3-timer.v1.min.js"></script> |
<script> |
const _PI = Math.PI, |
_2PI = 2*Math.PI, |
cos = Math.cos, |
sin = Math.sin, |
random = Math.random; |
//begin: display conf. |
const size = 250, |
halfSize = size/2, |
pointsPerRing = 72, // multipple of 4 |
spaceBetweenRings = halfSize/7, |
spaceFromOuter = 1.5*spaceBetweenRings; |
let ringNumber = 4; |
//end: display conf. |
const illusionTypes = ["spiral", "zigzag", "cardioid", "random", "updated-random"]; |
//begin: reusable DOM elements |
const transparencyCanvas = document.querySelector("#transparency"), |
pointsCanvas = document.querySelector("#points"), |
blurredPointsCanvas = document.querySelector("#blurred-points"); |
//end: reusable DOM elements |
initLayout(); |
drawStaticCanvases(); |
d3.interval(function(elapsed) { |
makeIllusion("updated-random"); |
}, 1000); |
function initLayout() { |
document.querySelectorAll("canvas").forEach(function(c){ |
c.width = size; |
c.height = size; |
}); |
} |
function drawStaticCanvases() { |
makeBackgrounds(); |
makeTransparency(); |
makePattern(); |
illusionTypes.forEach(it=>makeIllusion(it)); |
} |
function makeBackgrounds() { |
let backgroundContext; |
document.querySelectorAll(".background").forEach(function(c){ |
backgroundContext = c.getContext("2d"); |
backgroundContext.clearRect(0,0,size,size); |
backgroundContext.fillStyle = "grey"; |
backgroundContext.filter = "blur(2px)"; |
backgroundContext.translate(halfSize, halfSize); |
backgroundContext.beginPath(); |
backgroundContext.arc(0, 0, halfSize-5, 0, _2PI); |
backgroundContext.fill(); |
backgroundContext.resetTransform(); |
}) |
} |
function makePattern() { |
const patternCanvas = document.querySelector("#pattern") |
patternContext = patternCanvas.getContext("2d"), |
blur = 1, |
pointRadius = 2; |
patternContext.clearRect(0,0,size,size); |
patternContext.filter = "blur("+blur+"px)"; |
for (let p=0; p<2; p++) { |
patternContext.translate(halfSize+(-13+17*p)*pointRadius, halfSize+20); |
drawPoint(patternContext, 0, 0, pointRadius, "black"); |
patternContext.translate(3*pointRadius, 0); |
if (p<1) { |
drawPoint(patternContext, pointRadius, _PI/2, pointRadius, "black"); |
drawPoint(patternContext, pointRadius, -_PI/2, pointRadius, "white"); |
} else { |
drawPoint(patternContext, pointRadius, _PI/2, pointRadius, "white"); |
drawPoint(patternContext, pointRadius, -_PI/2, pointRadius, "black"); |
} |
patternContext.translate(3*pointRadius, 0); |
drawPoint(patternContext, 0, 0, pointRadius, "white"); |
patternContext.translate(3*pointRadius, 0); |
if (p<1) { |
drawPoint(patternContext, pointRadius, _PI/2, pointRadius, "white"); |
drawPoint(patternContext, pointRadius, -_PI/2, pointRadius, "black"); |
} else { |
drawPoint(patternContext, pointRadius, _PI/2, pointRadius, "black"); |
drawPoint(patternContext, pointRadius, -_PI/2, pointRadius, "white"); |
} |
patternContext.resetTransform(); |
} |
} |
function makeTransparency() { |
const transparencyContext = transparencyCanvas.getContext("2d"), |
lineWidth = halfSize/20/2, |
blur = lineWidth/2; |
let ringRadius; |
transparencyContext.clearRect(0,0,size,size); |
//begin: draw greyscale 'mate' image |
transparencyContext.fillRect(0,0,size,size); |
transparencyContext.lineWidth = lineWidth; |
transparencyContext.strokeStyle = "white"; |
transparencyContext.filter = "blur("+blur+"px)"; |
transparencyContext.translate(halfSize, halfSize); // position at canvas' center |
transparencyContext.rotate(-_PI/2); |
for (let r=0; r<ringNumber; r++) { |
ringRadius = halfSize-spaceFromOuter-r*spaceBetweenRings; |
transparencyContext.beginPath(); |
transparencyContext.arc(0, 0, ringRadius, 0, _2PI); |
//transparencyContext.arc(0, 0, ringRadius, 0, _2PI*(0.5+0.5*random())); |
transparencyContext.stroke(); |
transparencyContext.stroke(); //twice for saturation |
} |
//end: draw greyscale 'mate' image |
//begin: update alpha channel |
const imageData = transparencyContext.getImageData(0, 0, size, size), |
pixels = imageData.data; |
let pixel = 0; |
for(pixel=0 ; pixel<size*size*4; pixel+=4) { |
pixels[pixel+3]=pixels[pixel]; |
} |
transparencyContext.putImageData(imageData, 0, 0); |
//end: update alpha channel |
transparencyContext.resetTransform(); |
} |
function makeIllusion(illusionType){ |
switch (illusionType) { |
case "spiral": |
makeSpiralPoints(); |
break; |
case "zigzag": |
makeZigZagPoints(); |
break; |
case "cardioid": |
makeCardioidPoints(); |
break; |
default: |
makeRandomPoints(); |
break; |
} |
makeBlurredPoints(); |
makeCroppedBlurredPointsCanvas( |
document.querySelector("#"+illusionType+" .cropped-blurred-points") |
); |
} |
function makeSpiralPoints() { |
const pointsContext = pointsCanvas.getContext("2d"); |
let ringRadius, pointRadius, ringRadiusPlus, ringRadiusMinus; |
pointsContext.clearRect(0,0,size,size); |
pointsContext.translate(halfSize, halfSize); // position at canvas' center |
pointsContext.rotate(-_PI/2); |
for (let r=0; r<ringNumber; r++) { |
ringRadius = halfSize-spaceFromOuter-r*spaceBetweenRings; |
pointRadius = ringRadius/pointsPerRing*2; |
ringRadiusPlus = ringRadius+1.5*pointRadius; |
ringRadiusMinus = ringRadius-1.5*pointRadius; |
for (let p=0, j=0; p<pointsPerRing; p++, j+=_2PI/pointsPerRing) { |
if (p%4 === 0) { |
drawPoint(pointsContext, ringRadius, j, pointRadius, "black"); |
} |
else if (p%4 === 1) { |
drawPoint(pointsContext, ringRadiusPlus, j, pointRadius, "white"); |
drawPoint(pointsContext, ringRadiusMinus, j, pointRadius, "black"); |
} |
else if (p%4 === 2) { |
drawPoint(pointsContext, ringRadius, j, pointRadius, "white"); |
} |
else /*(p%4 === 3)*/ { |
drawPoint(pointsContext, ringRadiusPlus, j, pointRadius, "black"); |
drawPoint(pointsContext, ringRadiusMinus, j, pointRadius, "white"); |
} |
} |
} |
pointsContext.resetTransform(); |
} |
function makeZigZagPoints() { |
const pointsContext = pointsCanvas.getContext("2d"); |
let ringRadius, pointRadius, ringRadiusPlus, ringRadiusMinus; |
pointsContext.clearRect(0,0,size,size); |
pointsContext.translate(halfSize, halfSize); // position at canvas' center |
pointsContext.rotate(-_PI/2); |
for (let r=0; r<ringNumber; r++) { |
ringRadius = halfSize-spaceFromOuter-r*spaceBetweenRings; |
pointRadius = ringRadius/pointsPerRing*2; |
ringRadiusPlus = ringRadius+1.5*pointRadius; |
ringRadiusMinus = ringRadius-1.5*pointRadius; |
for (let p=0, j=0; p<pointsPerRing; p++, j+=_2PI/pointsPerRing) { |
if (p%4 === 0) { |
drawPoint(pointsContext, ringRadius, j, pointRadius, "black"); |
} |
else if (p%4 === 1) { |
if (r%2) { |
drawPoint(pointsContext, ringRadiusPlus, j, pointRadius, "white"); |
drawPoint(pointsContext, ringRadiusMinus, j, pointRadius, "black"); |
} else { |
drawPoint(pointsContext, ringRadiusPlus, j, pointRadius, "black"); |
drawPoint(pointsContext, ringRadiusMinus, j, pointRadius, "white"); |
} |
} |
else if (p%4 === 2) { |
drawPoint(pointsContext, ringRadius, j, pointRadius, "white"); |
} |
else /*(p%4 === 3)*/ { |
if (r%2) { |
drawPoint(pointsContext, ringRadiusPlus, j, pointRadius, "black"); |
drawPoint(pointsContext, ringRadiusMinus, j, pointRadius, "white"); |
} else { |
drawPoint(pointsContext, ringRadiusPlus, j, pointRadius, "white"); |
drawPoint(pointsContext, ringRadiusMinus, j, pointRadius, "black"); |
} |
} |
} |
} |
pointsContext.resetTransform(); |
} |
function makeCardioidPoints() { |
const pointsContext = pointsCanvas.getContext("2d"); |
let ringRadius, pointRadius, ringRadiusPlus, ringRadiusMinus; |
pointsContext.clearRect(0,0,size,size); |
pointsContext.translate(halfSize, halfSize); // position at canvas' center |
pointsContext.rotate(-_PI/2); |
for (let r=0; r<ringNumber; r++) { |
ringRadius = halfSize-spaceFromOuter-r*spaceBetweenRings; |
pointRadius = ringRadius/pointsPerRing*2; |
ringRadiusPlus = ringRadius+1.5*pointRadius; |
ringRadiusMinus = ringRadius-1.5*pointRadius; |
for (let p=0, j=0; p<pointsPerRing; p++, j+=_2PI/pointsPerRing) { |
if (p%4 === 0) { |
drawPoint(pointsContext, ringRadius, j, pointRadius, "black"); |
} |
else if (p%4 === 1) { |
if (p<pointsPerRing/2) { |
drawPoint(pointsContext, ringRadiusPlus, j, pointRadius, "white"); |
drawPoint(pointsContext, ringRadiusMinus, j, pointRadius, "black"); |
} else { |
drawPoint(pointsContext, ringRadiusPlus, j, pointRadius, "black"); |
drawPoint(pointsContext, ringRadiusMinus, j, pointRadius, "white"); |
} |
} |
else if (p%4 === 2) { |
drawPoint(pointsContext, ringRadius, j, pointRadius, "white"); |
} |
else /*(p%4 === 3)*/ { |
if (p<pointsPerRing/2) { |
drawPoint(pointsContext, ringRadiusPlus, j, pointRadius, "black"); |
drawPoint(pointsContext, ringRadiusMinus, j, pointRadius, "white"); |
} else { |
drawPoint(pointsContext, ringRadiusPlus, j, pointRadius, "white"); |
drawPoint(pointsContext, ringRadiusMinus, j, pointRadius, "black"); |
} |
} |
} |
} |
pointsContext.resetTransform(); |
} |
function makeRandomPoints() { |
const pointsContext = pointsCanvas.getContext("2d"); |
let ringRadius, pointRadius, ringRadiusPlus, ringRadiusMinus, slope; |
pointsContext.clearRect(0,0,size,size); |
pointsContext.translate(halfSize, halfSize); // position at canvas' center |
pointsContext.rotate(-_PI/2); |
for (let r=0; r<ringNumber; r++) { |
ringRadius = halfSize-spaceFromOuter-r*spaceBetweenRings; |
pointRadius = ringRadius/pointsPerRing*2; |
ringRadiusPlus = ringRadius+1.5*pointRadius; |
ringRadiusMinus = ringRadius-1.5*pointRadius; |
for (let p=0, j=0; p<pointsPerRing; p++, j+=_2PI/pointsPerRing) { |
if (p%16 === 0) { |
//lower modulos make more heratic illusion |
slope = (random()>0.5); |
} |
if (p%4 === 0) { |
drawPoint(pointsContext, ringRadius, j, pointRadius, "black"); |
} |
else if (p%4 === 1) { |
if (slope) { |
drawPoint(pointsContext, ringRadiusPlus, j, pointRadius, "white"); |
drawPoint(pointsContext, ringRadiusMinus, j, pointRadius, "black"); |
} else { |
drawPoint(pointsContext, ringRadiusPlus, j, pointRadius, "black"); |
drawPoint(pointsContext, ringRadiusMinus, j, pointRadius, "white"); |
} |
} |
else if (p%4 === 2) { |
drawPoint(pointsContext, ringRadius, j, pointRadius, "white"); |
} |
else { |
if (slope) { |
drawPoint(pointsContext, ringRadiusPlus, j, pointRadius, "black"); |
drawPoint(pointsContext, ringRadiusMinus, j, pointRadius, "white"); |
} else { |
drawPoint(pointsContext, ringRadiusPlus, j, pointRadius, "white"); |
drawPoint(pointsContext, ringRadiusMinus, j, pointRadius, "black"); |
} |
} |
} |
} |
pointsContext.resetTransform(); |
} |
function drawPoint(context, distance, angle, radius, color) { |
context.beginPath(); |
context.fillStyle = color; |
context.arc(distance*cos(angle), distance*sin(angle), radius, 0, _2PI); |
context.fill(); |
} |
function makeBlurredPoints() { |
const blurredPointsContext = blurredPointsCanvas.getContext("2d"), |
imageData = blurredPointsContext.createImageData(size, size), |
lineWidth = halfSize/20, |
blur = lineWidth/5; |
blurredPointsContext.clearRect(0,0,size,size); |
blurredPointsContext.filter = "blur("+blur+"px)"; |
blurredPointsContext.drawImage(pointsCanvas, 0, 0); |
blurredPointsContext.drawImage(pointsCanvas, 0, 0); //twice for saturation |
} |
function makeCroppedBlurredPointsCanvas(canvas) { |
const context = canvas.getContext("2d"); |
context.clearRect(0,0,size,size); |
//begin: use 'blurred-points' to color pixels of the 'transparency' canvas |
context.clearRect(0, 0, size, size); |
context.globalCompositeOperation = "source-over"; |
context.drawImage(blurredPointsCanvas, 0, 0); |
context.globalCompositeOperation = "destination-in"; |
context.drawImage(transparencyCanvas, 0, 0); |
//begin: use 'blurred-points' to color pixels of the 'transparency' canvas |
} |
</script> |