Great tutorial by Mike Bostock. Data from Natural Earth and insee.
forked from bricedev's block: France population
license: mit |
Great tutorial by Mike Bostock. Data from Natural Earth and insee.
forked from bricedev's block: France population
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name | population | |
Ain | 603827 | |
Aisne | 541302 | |
Allier | 342729 | |
Alpes-de-Haute-Provence | 160959 | |
Hautes-Alpes | 138605 | |
Alpes-Maritimes | 1081244 | |
Ardèche | 317277 | |
Ardennes | 283110 | |
Ariège | 152286 | |
Aube | 303997 | |
Aude | 359967 | |
Aveyron | 275813 | |
Bouches-du-Rhône | 1975896 | |
Calvados | 685262 | |
Cantal | 147577 | |
Charente | 352705 | |
Charente-Maritime | 625682 | |
Cher | 311694 | |
Corrèze | 242454 | |
Corse-du-Sud | 145846 | |
Haute-Corse | 168640 | |
Côte-d'Or | 525931 | |
Côtes-d'Armor | 594375 | |
Creuse | 122560 | |
Dordogne | 415168 | |
Doubs | 529103 | |
Drôme | 487993 | |
Eure | 588111 | |
Eure-et-Loir | 430416 | |
Finistère | 899870 | |
Gard | 718357 | |
Haute-Garonne | 1260226 | |
Gers | 188893 | |
Gironde | 1463662 | |
Hérault | 1062036 | |
Ille-et-Vilaine | 996439 | |
Indre | 230175 | |
Indre-et-Loire | 593683 | |
Isère | 1215212 | |
Jura | 261294 | |
Landes | 387929 | |
Loir-et-Cher | 331280 | |
Loire | 749053 | |
Haute-Loire | 224907 | |
Loire-Atlantique | 1296364 | |
Loiret | 659587 | |
Lot | 174754 | |
Lot-et-Garonne | 330866 | |
Lozère | 77156 | |
Maine-et-Loire | 790343 | |
Manche | 499531 | |
Marne | 566571 | |
Haute-Marne | 182375 | |
Mayenne | 307031 | |
Meurthe-et-Moselle | 733124 | |
Meuse | 193557 | |
Morbihan | 727083 | |
Moselle | 1045146 | |
Nièvre | 218341 | |
Nord | 2579208 | |
Oise | 805642 | |
Orne | 290891 | |
Pas-de-Calais | 1462807 | |
Puy-de-Dôme | 635469 | |
Pyrénées-Atlantiques | 656608 | |
Hautes-Pyrénées | 229228 | |
Pyrénées-Orientales | 452530 | |
Bas-Rhin | 1099269 | |
Haut-Rhin | 753056 | |
Rhône | 1744236 | |
Haute-Saône | 239695 | |
Saône-et-Loire | 555999 | |
Sarthe | 565718 | |
Savoie | 418949 | |
Haute-Savoie | 746994 | |
Paris | 2249975 | |
Seine-Maritime | 1251282 | |
Seine-et-Marne | 1338427 | |
Yvelines | 1413635 | |
Deux-Sèvres | 370939 | |
Somme | 571211 | |
Tarn | 377675 | |
Tarn-et-Garonne | 244545 | |
Var | 1012735 | |
Vaucluse | 546630 | |
Vendée | 641657 | |
Vienne | 428447 | |
Haute-Vienne | 376058 | |
Vosges | 378830 | |
Yonne | 342463 | |
Territoire de Belfort | 143348 | |
Essonne | 1225191 | |
Hauts-de-Seine | 1581628 | |
Seine-Saint-Denis | 1529928 | |
Val-de-Marne | 1333702 | |
Val-d'Oise | 1180365 |