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Last active December 19, 2017 14:06
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Voronoï playground: Voronoï map (study)
license: gpl-3.0
border: no

This block is a Work In Progress, which tries to implements a Voronoï map (i.e., one-level treemap) based on the algorithm presented in Computing Voronoi Treemaps - Faster, Simpler, and Resolution-independent. Because this algorithm requires the computation of weighted Voronoï, this block uses the d3-weighted-voronoi plugin.

Without going into details (cf. the scientific paper), at each iteration :

  • the weighted voronoi diagram is computed based on each weighted sites
  • then, each site is re-position at the center of its influence area
  • then, another weighted voronoi diagram is computed based on each weighted relocated sites
  • then, each site is re-weighted in order to fit its expected influence area

The algorithm stops when each site is no longer moved or re-weighted (more exactly, when each site is moved or is re-weighted below a certain treshold), or if a certain number of iterations is reached.

Notes :

  • only one level, no nested hierarchy
  • as stated in the scientifc paper, the algorithm reaches a stable state at approximatively 15%-20% of error (sum of differences between computed areas and expected areas is about 15%-20% of the total available area)
  • experiments show that near-zero weights are difficult to handle, causing flickering

User interactions :

  • you can choose to draw the Weighted Voronoï Diagram (default) or the weights (visualized as circles).
  • you can hide/show sites
  • you can choose among different rendering (greyscale, radial rainbow, or conical rainbow (default, having hard-&-fun time to implement it because canvas don't provides conical gradient)).

Acknowledgments to :

<html lang="en">
<meta charset="utf-8" />
<title>Voronoï playground: Voronoï map (study)</title>
<meta name="description" content="Voronoi map in D3.js (study)">
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
#layouter {
text-align: center;
position: relative;
#wip {
display: none;
position: absolute;
top: 220px;
left: 120px;
font-size: 40px;
text-align: center;
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position: absolute;
top: 5px;
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bottom: 5px;
left: 5px;
.control.right {
right: 5px;
.control.right div{
text-align: right;
.control.left div{
text-align: left;
.control .separator {
height: 5px;
canvas {
margin: 1px;
border-radius: 1000px;
box-shadow: 2px 2px 6px grey;
canvas#background-image, canvas#alpha {
display: none;
<div id="layouter">
<canvas id="background-image"></canvas>
<canvas id="alpha"></canvas>
<canvas id="colored"></canvas>
<div id="control0" class="control top left">
<input id="cellsOrCircles" type="radio" name="cellsOrCircles" value="cells" checked onchange="cellsOrCirclesUpdated('cells')"> Weighted Voronoï
<input id="cellsOrCircles" type="radio" name="cellsOrCircles" value="circles" onchange="cellsOrCirclesUpdated('circles')"> Weights
<div id="control1" class="control bottom left">
<input id="showSites" type="checkbox" name="showSites" onchange="siteVisibilityUpdated()"> Show sites
<div id="control2" class="control bottom right">
Grey <input id="bgImgGrey" type="radio" name="bgImg" onchange="bgImgUpdated('grey')">
Radial rainbow <input id="bgImgRadialRainbow" type="radio" name="bgImg" onchange="bgImgUpdated('radialRainbow')">
Canonical rainbow <input id="bgImgCanonicalRainbow" type="radio" name="bgImg" checked onchange="bgImgUpdated('canonicalRainbow')">
<div id="wip">
Work in progress ...
var _PI = Math.PI,
_2PI = 2*Math.PI,
sqrt = Math.sqrt,
sqr = function(d) { return Math.pow(d,2); }
epsilon = 1;
//begin: layout conf.
var totalWidth = 550,
totalHeight = 500,
controlsHeight = 0,
canvasRadius = (totalHeight-controlsHeight)/2,
canvasbw = 1, //canvas border width
canvasHeight = 2*canvasRadius,
canvasWidth = 2*canvasRadius,
radius = canvasRadius-canvasbw,
width = 2*canvasRadius,
height = 2*canvasRadius,
halfRadius = radius/2
halfWidth = halfRadius,
halfHeight = halfRadius,
quarterRadius = radius/4;
quarterWidth = quarterRadius,
quarterHeight = quarterRadius;
//end: layout conf.
//begin: drawing conf.
var drawSites = false,
bgType = "canonicalRainbow",
drawCellsOrCircles = "cells",
bgImgCanvas, alphaCanvas, coloredCanvas,
bgImgContext, alphaContext, coloredContext,
//end: drawing conf.
//begin: init layout
//end: init layout
//begin: voronoi treemap conf.
var circlingPolygon = computeCyclingPolygon(),
weightedVoronoi = d3.weightedVoronoi().clip(circlingPolygon),
siteCount = 20,
baseWeight = 2000,
convergenceTreshold = 0.01, // 0.01 means 1% error
totalArea = Math.abs(d3.polygonArea(circlingPolygon)),
areaErrorTreshold = convergenceTreshold*totalArea,
maxIterationCount = 100,
useMaxIterationCount = true;
var totalWeight, avgWeight;
//end: voronoi treemap conf.
function computeCyclingPolygon() {
var circlingPolygon = [];
for (a=0; a<_2PI; a+=_2PI/60) {
[radius+0.5+(radius)*Math.cos(a), radius+0.5+(radius)*Math.sin(a)]
return circlingPolygon;
//begin: user interaction handlers
function siteVisibilityUpdated() {
drawSites ="#showSites").node().checked;
function bgImgUpdated(newType) {
bgType = newType;
resetBackgroundImage() ;
function cellsOrCirclesUpdated(type) {
drawCellsOrCircles = type;
//end: user interaction handlers
function adapt(polygons, iterationCount) {
var converged, adaptedTreemapPoints;
adaptedTreemapPoints = adaptPlacementsAndWeights(polygons);
polygons = weightedVoronoi(adaptedTreemapPoints);
if (polygons.length<siteCount) {
console.log("at least 1 site has no area, which is not supposed to arise");
// below code is for experimentation purpose: draw iterimediate state
// redraw(adaptedTreemapPoints, polygons);
adaptedTreemapPoints = adaptWeights(polygons);
polygons = weightedVoronoi(adaptedTreemapPoints);
if (polygons.length<siteCount) {
console.log("at least 1 site has no area, which is not supposed to arise");
redraw(adaptedTreemapPoints, polygons);
converged = overallConvergence(polygons);
if (useMaxIterationCount && iterationCount===maxIterationCount) {
console.log("Max iteration reached")
setTimeout(reset, 1750);
} else {
if (converged) {
console.log("Stopped at iteration "+iterationCount);
setTimeout(reset, 1750);
} else {
adapt(polygons, iterationCount+1);
}, 50);
function adaptPlacementsAndWeights(polygons) {
var newTreemapPoints = [];
var polygon, treemapPoint, centroid, minDistance, adaptedWeight;
for(var i=0; i<siteCount; i++) {
polygon = polygons[i];
treemapPoint =;
centroid = d3.polygonCentroid(polygon);
// in original block, non clipped polygon was used, don't know why
minDistance = minDistanceToBorders(polygon, centroid);
adaptedWeight = Math.min(treemapPoint.weight, sqr(minDistance));
adaptedWeight = Math.max(adaptedWeight, epsilon);
index: treemapPoint.index,
targetedArea: treemapPoint.targetedArea,
x: centroid[0],
y: centroid[1],
weight: adaptedWeight
return newTreemapPoints;
function adaptWeights(polygons) {
var newTreemapPoints = [];
var polygon, treemapPoint, currentArea, adaptRatio, maxDistance, adaptedWeight;
for(var i=0; i<siteCount; i++) {
polygon = polygons[i];
treemapPoint =;
currentArea = d3.polygonArea(polygon);
adaptRatio = treemapPoint.targetedArea/currentArea;
adaptedWeight = treemapPoint.weight*sqr(adaptRatio);
maxDistance = distanceToNearestNeighbour(polygons,;
adaptedWeight = Math.min(adaptedWeight, sqr(maxDistance));
index: treemapPoint.index,
targetedArea: treemapPoint.targetedArea,
x: treemapPoint.x,
y: treemapPoint.y,
weight: adaptedWeight
return newTreemapPoints;
function minDistanceToBorders(polygon, point) {
var minDistanceToBorders;
for (var i=0; i<polygon.length; i++) {
var p1 = polygon[i];
var p2 = polygon[(i+1)%polygon.length];
var dx = p2[0] - p1[0];
var dy = p2[1] - p1[1];
var d = Math.abs(dy*point[0] - dx*point[1] + p2[0]*p1[1] - p1[0]*p2[1]) / Math.sqrt(dx*dx + dy*dy);
if (i===0 || d<minDistanceToBorders) {
minDistanceToBorders = d;
return minDistanceToBorders;
function distanceToNearestNeighbour(polygons, site) {
// may be optimized by knowing neighbours of each site
var minDistance = Infinity;
var d;
for (var i=0; i<siteCount; i++) {
if (polygons[i].site!=site) {
d = distance(polygons[i].site, site);
if (d < minDistance) {
minDistance = d;
return minDistance;
function squaredDistance(s0, s1) {
return sqr(s1.x - s0.x) + sqr(s1.y - s0.y);
function distance(s0, s1) {
return sqrt(squaredDistance(s0, s1));
function computeAreaError (polygons) {
//convergence based on summation of all sites current areas
var areaErrorSum = 0;
var polygon, treemapPoint, currentArea, areaError;
for(var i=0; i<siteCount; i++) {
polygon = polygons[i];
treemapPoint =;
currentArea = d3.polygonArea(polygon);
areaError = Math.abs(treemapPoint.targetedArea-currentArea);
areaErrorSum += areaError;
return areaErrorSum;
function overallConvergence(polygons) {
//convergence based on summation of all sites current areas
var areaError = computeAreaError(polygons);
console.log("error %: "+Math.round(areaError*100*1000/totalArea)/1000);
return areaError < areaErrorTreshold;
function reset() {
var basePoints = [];
var weight, treemapPoints, polygons;
//begin: create points
for (i=0; i<siteCount; i++) {
weight = (0+1*sqr(Math.random()))*baseWeight;
// if (i%10===0) { weight = 10*baseWeight; }
// weight = (i+1)*maxWeight; //weights of 0 are not handled
// weight = i+1; //weights of 0 are not handled
index: i,
weight: weight
//end: create points
// create treemap-related points
// (with targetArea, and initial placement)
// choose among several inital placement policies: random/pie/sortedPie
treemapPoints = createTreemapPoints(basePoints, 'random');
polygons = weightedVoronoi(treemapPoints);
alphaContext.clearRect(0, 0, width, height);
redraw(treemapPoints, polygons);
adapt(polygons, 0);
}, 1500);
function createTreemapPoints(basePoints, initialPlacementPolicy) {
var totalWeight = basePoints.reduce(function(acc, bp){ return acc+=bp.weight; }, 0);
var avgWeight = totalWeight/siteCount;
avgArea = totalArea/siteCount,
defaultWeight = avgArea/2;
if (initialPlacementPolicy === 'sortedPie') {
var sortedBasePoints = basePoints.sort(function(bp0, bp1){
return bp0.weight < bp1.weight;
return createTreemapPoints(sortedBasePoints, 'pie');
else if (initialPlacementPolicy === 'pie') {
var deltaRad = _2PI/siteCount;
var rad;
return, i) {
rad = deltaRad*i;
return {
index: bp.index,
targetedArea: totalArea*bp.weight/totalWeight,
data: bp,
x: radius+halfRadius*Math.cos(rad)+Math.random(),
y: radius+halfRadius*Math.sin(rad)+Math.random(),
weight: defaultWeight
} else {
var x,y;
return {
//use (x,y) instead of (r,a) for a better uniform placement of sites (ie. less centered)
x = width*Math.random();
y = height*Math.random();
while (sqrt(sqr(x-radius)+sqr(y-radius))>radius) {
x = width*Math.random();
y = height*Math.random();
return {
index: bp.index,
targetedArea: totalArea*bp.weight/totalWeight,
data: bp,
x: x,
y: y,
weight: defaultWeight
/* Drawing functions */
/* Playing with canvas :-) */
/* */
/* Experiment to draw */
/* with a uniform color, */
/* or with a radial gradient, */
/* or over a background image */
function initLayout() {"#layouter").style("width", totalWidth+"px").style("height", totalHeight+"px");
d3.selectAll("canvas").attr("width", canvasWidth).attr("height", canvasHeight);
bgImgCanvas = document.querySelector("canvas#background-image");
bgImgContext = bgImgCanvas.getContext("2d");
alphaCanvas = document.querySelector("canvas#alpha");
alphaContext = alphaCanvas.getContext("2d");
coloredCanvas = document.querySelector("canvas#colored");
coloredContext = coloredCanvas.getContext("2d");
//begin: set a radial rainbow
radialGradient = coloredContext.createRadialGradient(radius, radius, 0, radius, radius, radius);
var gradientStopNumber = 10,
stopDelta = 0.9/gradientStopNumber;
hueDelta = 360/gradientStopNumber,
stop = 0.1,
hue = 0;
while (hue<360) {
radialGradient.addColorStop(stop, d3.hsl(Math.abs(hue+160), 1, 0.45));
stop += stopDelta;
hue += hueDelta;
//end: set a radial rainbow
//begin: set the background image
//end: set the initial background image
function resetBackgroundImage() {
if (bgType==="canonicalRainbow") {
//begin: make conical rainbow gradient
var imageData = bgImgContext.getImageData(0, 0, 2*radius, 2*radius);
var i = -radius,
j = -radius,
pixel = 0,
radToDeg = 180/Math.PI;
var aRad, aDeg, rgb;
while (i<radius) {
j = -radius;
while (j<radius) {
aRad = Math.atan2(j, i);
aDeg = aRad*radToDeg;
rgb = d3.hsl(aDeg, 1, 0.45).rgb();[pixel++] = rgb.r;[pixel++] = rgb.g;[pixel++] = rgb.b;[pixel++] = 255;
bgImgContext.putImageData(imageData, 0, 0);
//end: make conical rainbow gradient
} else if (bgType==="radialRainbow") {
bgImgContext.fillStyle = radialGradient;
bgImgContext.fillRect(0, 0, canvasWidth, canvasHeight);
} else {
bgImgContext.fillStyle = "grey";
bgImgContext.fillRect(0, 0, canvasWidth, canvasHeight);
function redraw(points, polygons) {
// At each iteration:
// 1- update the 'alpha' canvas
// 1.1- fade 'alpha' canvas to simulate passing time
// 1.2- add the new tessellation/weights to the 'alpha' canvas
// 2- blend 'background-image' and 'alpha' => produces colorfull rendering
alphaContext.lineWidth= 2;
//begin: add the new tessellation/weights (to the 'grey-scale' canvas)
if (drawCellsOrCircles==="cellsAndWeights") {
alphaContext.globalAlpha = 0.5;
alphaContext.globalAlpha = 0.2;
} else if (drawCellsOrCircles==="cells") {
alphaContext.globalAlpha = 0.5;
} else {
alphaContext.globalAlpha = 0.2;
//begin: add the new tessellation/weights (to the 'grey-scale' canvas)
if (drawSites) {
//begin: add sites (to 'grey-scale' canvas)
alphaContext.globalAlpha = 1;
//begin: add sites (to 'grey-scale' canvas)
//begin: use 'background-image' to color pixels of the 'grey-scale' canvas
coloredContext.clearRect(0, 0, canvasWidth, canvasHeight);
coloredContext.globalCompositeOperation = "source-over";
coloredContext.drawImage(bgImgCanvas, 0, 0);
coloredContext.globalCompositeOperation = "destination-in";
coloredContext.drawImage(alphaCanvas, 0, 0);
//begin: use 'background-image' to color pixels of the 'grey-scale' canvas
function addCell(polygon) {
alphaContext.moveTo(polygon[0][0], polygon[0][1]);
alphaContext.lineTo(vertex[0], vertex[1]);
alphaContext.lineTo(polygon[0][0], polygon[0][1]);
function addWeight(point) {
var radius = sqrt(point.weight);
alphaContext.moveTo(point.x+radius, point.y);
alphaContext.arc(point.x, point.y, radius, 0, _2PI);
function addSite(point) {
alphaContext.moveTo(point.x, point.y);
alphaContext.arc(point.x, point.y, 1, 0, _2PI);
function fade() {
var imageData = alphaContext.getImageData(0, 0, canvasWidth, canvasHeight);
for (var i = 3, l =; i < l; i += 4) {[i] = Math.max(0,[i] - 10);
alphaContext.putImageData(imageData, 0, 0);
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