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Created December 19, 2021 01:21
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Save KeatonTech/45375a25c1f3e8e621915284691e1108 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
advent of code 2021:16
use itertools::Itertools;
use bitvec::prelude::*;
// Creates an iterator of bits from a hexadecimal input file
// Does not need to load the whole file into memory
fn bit_stream_from_hex_input(filename: &'static str) -> impl Iterator<Item=bool> {
.map(|mb| mb.unwrap())
.map(|byte| byte as char)
.map(|char| char.to_digit(16))
.take_while(|mc| mc.is_some())
.map(|mc| mc.unwrap())
.map(|(msn, lsn)| (msn * 16 + lsn) as u8)
.flat_map(|byte| BitVec::<Msb0, _>::from_element(byte).into_iter())
// Reads a Big-endian number from the bit stream with a certain number of binary digits.
fn read_number<B, N, const C: u8>(from_bit_stream: &mut B) -> Option<N> where
B: Iterator<Item=bool>,
N: CanStoreBits<C>,
N: core::ops::Shl<u8, Output=N>,
N: core::ops::BitOrAssign<N>,
N: From<bool>
let mut ret = N::from(false);
for i in (0..C).rev() {
let bit =;
ret |= N::from(bit) << i;
return Some(ret);
// Helper trait (and macro) used to determine whether an output integer format
// can represent a given number of bits from a bit stream (C).
trait CanStoreBits<const C: u8> {}
macro_rules! can_store_up_to_bits {
($entry:ident $($tokens:tt)*) => {
can_store_up_to_bits!{0, $entry $($tokens)*}
($acc:expr, $entry:ident $token:tt $($tokens:tt)*) => {
can_store_up_to_bits!{2*$acc, $entry $($tokens)*}
can_store_up_to_bits!{2*$acc + 1, $entry $($tokens)*}
($count:expr, $entry:ident) => {
impl CanStoreBits<{$count + 1u8}> for $entry {}
can_store_up_to_bits!(u8 ###);
can_store_up_to_bits!(u16 ####);
can_store_up_to_bits!(u32 #####);
can_store_up_to_bits!(usize #####);
can_store_up_to_bits!(u64 ######);
struct Packet {
version: u8,
type_id: u8,
bit_length: u16,
content: PacketContent
enum PacketContent {
fn read_packet<B>(from_bit_stream: &mut B) -> Option<Packet> where B: Iterator<Item=bool> {
let version = read_number::<_, _, 3>(from_bit_stream)?;
let type_id = read_number::<_, _, 3>(from_bit_stream)?;
let content_and_length = match type_id {
4 => read_packet_literal(from_bit_stream)?,
_ => read_child_packets(from_bit_stream)?
Some(Packet {
bit_length: content_and_length.1 + 6,
content: content_and_length.0
fn read_packet_literal<B>(from_bit_stream: &mut B) -> Option<(PacketContent, u16)>
where B: Iterator<Item=bool>
let mut ret = 0;
let mut bit_length = 5;
while == true {
bit_length += 5;
ret <<= 4;
ret += read_number::<_, usize, 4>(from_bit_stream)?;
ret <<= 4;
ret += read_number::<_, usize, 4>(from_bit_stream)?;
return Some((PacketContent::Literal(ret), bit_length));
fn read_child_packets<B>(from_bit_stream: &mut B) -> Option<(PacketContent, u16)>
where B: Iterator<Item=bool>
if {
let count = read_number::<_, _, 11>(from_bit_stream)?;
let children = read_child_packets_by_count(from_bit_stream, count)?;
Some((children.0, children.1 + 12))
} else {
let count = read_number::<_, _, 15>(from_bit_stream)?;
let children = read_child_packets_by_length(from_bit_stream, count)?;
Some((children.0, children.1 + 16))
fn read_child_packets_by_length<B>(from_bit_stream: &mut B, bit_length: u16) -> Option<(PacketContent, u16)>
where B: Iterator<Item=bool>
let mut accumulated_length = 0u16;
let mut children: Vec<Packet> = vec![];
loop {
let new_child_packet = read_packet(from_bit_stream)?;
accumulated_length += new_child_packet.bit_length;
if bit_length == accumulated_length {
return Some((PacketContent::Children(children), bit_length));
} else if accumulated_length > bit_length {
panic!("Invalid packet children. Found a split at {}, not {}", accumulated_length, bit_length);
fn read_child_packets_by_count<B>(from_bit_stream: &mut B, count: u16) -> Option<(PacketContent, u16)>
where B: Iterator<Item=bool>
let mut accumulated_length = 0u16;
let mut children: Vec<Packet> = vec![];
for _i in 0..count {
let new_child_packet = read_packet(from_bit_stream)?;
accumulated_length += new_child_packet.bit_length;
return Some((PacketContent::Children(children), accumulated_length));
fn sum_versions(packet: &Packet) -> usize {
match &packet.content {
PacketContent::Literal(_c) => packet.version as usize,
PacketContent::Children(children) => {
packet.version as usize + children.iter().map(|p| sum_versions(p)).sum::<usize>()
const SUM: u8 = 0;
const PRODUCT: u8 = 1;
const MINIMUM: u8 = 2;
const MAXIMUM: u8 = 3;
const GREATER_THAN: u8 = 5;
const LESS_THAN: u8 = 6;
const EQUAL_TO: u8 = 7;
impl ToString for Packet {
fn to_string(&self) -> String {
match &self.content {
PacketContent::Literal(lit) => lit.to_string(),
PacketContent::Children(children) => {
let child_strings: Vec<String> = children.iter().map(|p| p.to_string()).collect();
match self.type_id {
SUM => format!("({})", child_strings.join(" + ")),
PRODUCT => format!("({})", child_strings.join(" * ")),
MINIMUM => format!("min({})", child_strings.join(", ")),
MAXIMUM => format!("max({})", child_strings.join(", ")),
GREATER_THAN => format!("({})", child_strings.join(" > ")),
LESS_THAN => format!("({})", child_strings.join(" < ")),
EQUAL_TO => format!("({})", child_strings.join(" == ")),
_ => panic!("Invalid type Id: {}", self.type_id)
fn evaluate(packet: &Packet) -> usize {
match &packet.content {
PacketContent::Literal(lit) => *lit,
PacketContent::Children(children) => {
let mut evaluated_children = children.iter().map(|packet| evaluate(packet));
match packet.type_id {
SUM => sum(evaluated_children),
PRODUCT => product(evaluated_children),
MINIMUM => minimum(evaluated_children),
MAXIMUM => maximum(evaluated_children),
GREATER_THAN => greater_than(evaluated_children),
LESS_THAN => less_than(evaluated_children),
EQUAL_TO => equal_to(evaluated_children),
_ => panic!("Invalid type Id: {}", packet.type_id)
fn sum<I>(mut evaluated_children: I) -> usize where I: Iterator<Item=usize> {
fn product<I>(mut evaluated_children: I) -> usize where I: Iterator<Item=usize> {
evaluated_children.fold(1usize, |acc, child| acc * child)
fn minimum<I>(mut evaluated_children: I) -> usize where I: Iterator<Item=usize> {
evaluated_children.fold(usize::MAX, |acc, child| std::cmp::min(acc, child))
fn maximum<I>(mut evaluated_children: I) -> usize where I: Iterator<Item=usize> {
evaluated_children.fold(0usize, |acc, child| std::cmp::max(acc, child))
fn greater_than<I>(mut evaluated_children: I) -> usize where I: Iterator<Item=usize> {
if > {1} else {0}
fn less_than<I>(mut evaluated_children: I) -> usize where I: Iterator<Item=usize> {
if < {1} else {0}
fn equal_to<I>(mut evaluated_children: I) -> usize where I: Iterator<Item=usize> {
if == {1} else {0}
fn main() {
let top_level_packet = read_packet(&mut bit_stream_from_hex_input("16.txt")).unwrap();
println!("Part One: {}", sum_versions(&top_level_packet));
println!("Packet Expression: '{}'", top_level_packet.to_string());
println!("Part Two: {}", evaluate(&top_level_packet));
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