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Last active January 7, 2023 07:10
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  • Save KebabLord/1d1cd6155bdccc5d943e87d09188164a to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save KebabLord/1d1cd6155bdccc5d943e87d09188164a to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
kali tool launcher dmenu. Created for my kali-i3wm build:
dmenu_="dmenu -b -l 20 -fn terminus"
menu=$(jq -r 'keys_unsorted[]' menu.json | $dmenu_ )
[ -v "$menu" ] && exit
cmd=$(jq -r ".[\"${menu}\"] | keys_unsorted[]" menu.json | $dmenu_)
[ -v "$cmd" ] && exit
run=$(jq -r ".[\"${menu}\"][\"${cmd}\"]" menu.json)
[ -v "$run" ] && exit
eval "$run" &>/dev/null & disown
"Top 10":{
"aircrack-ng":"urxvtcd -geometry 100x30 -title 'aircrack-ng' -e sh -c \"aircrack-ng --help; bash -l\"",
"burpsuite":"java -jar /usr/bin/burpsuite.jar",
"hydra":"urxvtcd -geometry 100x30 -title 'hydra' -e sh -c \"hydra; bash -l\"",
"john":"urxvtcd -geometry 100x30 -title 'john' -e sh -c \"john; bash -l\"",
"metasploit-framework":"urxvtcd -geometry 100x30 -title 'metasploit' -e sh -c \"msfconsole; bash -l\"",
"nmap":"urxvtcd -geometry 100x30 -title 'nmap' -e sh -c \"nmap; bash -l\"",
"sqlmap":"urxvtcd -geometry 100x30 -title 'sqlmap' -e sh -c \"sqlmap -h; bash -l\"",
"DNS Analysis":{
"dnsdict6":"urxvtcd -geometry 100x30 -title 'dnsdict6' -e sh -c \"dnsdict6; bash -l\"",
"dnsenum":"urxvtcd -geometry 100x30 -title 'dnsenum' -e sh -c \"dnsenum -h; bash -l\"",
"dnsmap":"urxvtcd -geometry 100x30 -title 'dnsmap' -e sh -c \"dnsmap; bash -l\"",
"dnsrecon":"urxvtcd -geometry 100x30 -title 'dnsrecon' -e sh -c \" -h; bash -l\"",
"dnsrevenum6":"urxvtcd -geometry 100x30 -title 'dnsrevenum6' -e sh -c \"dnsrevenum6; bash -l\"",
"dnstracker":"urxvtcd -geometry 100x30 -title 'dnstracker' -e sh -c \"dnstracker; bash -l\"",
"dnswalk":"urxvtcd -geometry 100x30 -title 'dnswalk' -e sh -c \"dnswalk --help; bash -l\"",
"fierce":"urxvtcd -geometry 100x30 -title 'fierce' -e sh -c \"fierce -h; bash -l\"",
"nmap":"urxvt -geometry 100x30 -title 'nmap' -e sh -c 'nmap; bash -l'",
"urlcrazy":"urxvtcd -geometry 100x30 -title 'urlcrazy' -e sh -c \"urlcrazy -h; bash -l\"",
"IDS/IPS Identification":{
"fragroute":"urxvtcd -geometry 100x30 -title 'fragroute' -e sh -c \"fragroute -h; bash -l\"",
"fragrouter":"urxvtcd -geometry 100x30 -title 'fragrouter' -e sh -c \"fragrouter -h; bash -l\"",
"ftest":"urxvtcd -geometry 100x30 -title 'ftest' -e sh -c \"ftest; bash -l\"",
"lbd":"urxvtcd -geometry 100x30 -title 'lbd' -e sh -c \"lbd; bash -l\"",
"wafw00f":"urxvtcd -geometry 100x30 -title 'wafw00f' -e sh -c \"wafw00f -h; bash -l\""
"Live Host Identification":{
"alive6":"urxvtcd -geometry 100x30 -title 'alive6' -e sh -c \"alive6; bash -l\"",
"arping":"urxvtcd -geometry 100x30 -title 'arping' -e sh -c \"arping; bash -l\"",
"cdpsnarf":"urxvtcd -geometry 100x30 -title 'cdpsnarf' -e sh -c \"cdpsnarf -h; bash -l\"",
"detect-new-ip6":"urxvtcd -geometry 100x30 -title 'detect-new-ip6' -e sh -c \"detect-new-ip6; bash -l\"",
"detect_sniffer6":"urxvtcd -geometry 100x30 -title 'detect_sniffer6' -e sh -c \"detect_sniffer6; bash -l\"",
"dmitry":"urxvtcd -geometry 100x30 -title 'dmitry' -e sh -c \"dmitry; bash -l\"",
"dnmap-client":"urxvtcd -geometry 100x30 -title 'dnmap-client' -e sh -c \"dnmap_client; bash -l\"",
"dnmap-server":"urxvtcd -geometry 100x30 -title 'dnmap-server' -e sh -c \"dnmap_server; bash -l\"",
"fping":"urxvtcd -geometry 100x30 -title 'fping' -e sh -c \"fping -h; bash -l\"",
"hping3":"urxvtcd -geometry 100x30 -title 'hping3' -e sh -c \"hping3 -h; bash -l\"",
"inverse_lookup6":"urxvtcd -geometry 100x30 -title 'inverse_lookup6' -e sh -c \"inverse_lookup6; bash -l\"",
"miranda":"urxvtcd -geometry 100x30 -title 'miranda' -e sh -c \"miranda -h; bash -l\"",
"ncat":"urxvtcd -geometry 100x30 -title 'ncat' -e sh -c \"ncat -h; bash -l\"",
"netdiscover":"urxvtcd -geometry 100x30 -title 'netdiscover' -e sh -c \"netdiscover -h; bash -l\"",
"nmap":"urxvtcd -geometry 100x30 -title 'nmap' -e sh -c \"nmap; bash -l\"",
"passive_discovery6":"urxvtcd -geometry 100x30 -title 'passive_discovery6' -e sh -c \"passive_discovery6; bash -l\"",
"thcping6":"urxvtcd -geometry 100x30 -title 'thcping6' -e sh -c \"thcping6; bash -l\"",
"wol-e":"urxvtcd -geometry 100x30 -title 'wol-e' -e sh -c \"wol-e -h; bash -l\"",
"xprobe2":"urxvtcd -geometry 100x30 -title 'xprobe2' -e sh -c \"xprobe2 -h; bash -l\"",
"Network Scanners":{
"dmitry":"urxvtcd -geometry 100x30 -title 'dmitry' -e sh -c \"dmitry; bash -l\"",
"dnmap-client":"urxvtcd -geometry 100x30 -title 'dnmap-client' -e sh -c \"dnmap_client; bash -l\"",
"dnmap-server":"urxvtcd -geometry 100x30 -title 'dnmap-server' -e sh -c \"dnmap_server; bash -l\"",
"netdiscover":"urxvtcd -geometry 100x30 -title 'netdiscover' -e sh -c \"netdiscover -h; bash -l\"",
"nmap":"urxvtcd -geometry 100x30 -title 'nmap' -e sh -c \"nmap; bash -l\"",
"OS Fingerprinting":{
"dnmap-client":"urxvtcd -geometry 100x30 -title 'dnmap-client' -e sh -c \"dnmap_client; bash -l\"",
"dnmap-server":"urxvtcd -geometry 100x30 -title 'dnmap-server' -e sh -c \"dnmap_server; bash -l\"",
"miranda":"urxvtcd -geometry 100x30 -title 'miranda' -e sh -c \"miranda -h; bash -l\"",
"nmap":"urxvtcd -geometry 100x30 -title 'nmap' -e sh -c \"nmap; bash -l\"",
"OSINT Analysis":{
"dmitry":"urxvtcd -geometry 100x30 -title 'dmitry' -e sh -c \"dmitry; bash -l\"",
"jigsaw":"urxvtcd -geometry 100x30 -title 'jigsaw' -e sh -c \"jigsaw -h; bash -l\"",
"metagoofil":"urxvtcd -geometry 100x30 -title 'metagoofil' -e sh -c \"metagoofil; bash -l\"",
"theharvester":"urxvtcd -geometry 100x30 -title 'theharvester' -e sh -c \"theharvester; bash -l\"",
"twofi":"urxvtcd -geometry 100x30 -title 'twofi' -e sh -c \"twofi -h; bash -l\"",
"urlcrazy":"urxvtcd -geometry 100x30 -title 'urlcrazy' -e sh -c \"urlcrazy -h; bash -l\""
"Route Analysis":{
"0trace":"urxvtcd -geometry 100x30 -title '0trace' -e sh -c \"; bash -l\"",
"dnmap-client":"urxvtcd -geometry 100x30 -title 'dnmap-client' -e sh -c \"dnmap_client; bash -l\"",
"dnmap-server":"urxvtcd -geometry 100x30 -title 'dnmap-server' -e sh -c \"dnmap_server; bash -l\"",
"intrace":"urxvtcd -geometry 100x30 -title 'intrace' -e sh -c \"intrace; bash -l\"",
"netmask":"urxvtcd -geometry 100x30 -title 'netmask' -e sh -c \"netmask -h; bash -l\"",
"trace6":"urxvtcd -geometry 100x30 -title 'trace6' -e sh -c \"trace6; bash -l\""
"Service Fingerprinting":{
"dnmap-client":"urxvtcd -geometry 100x30 -title 'dnmap-client' -e sh -c \"dnmap_client; bash -l\"",
"dnmap-server":"urxvtcd -geometry 100x30 -title 'dnmap-server' -e sh -c \"dnmap_server; bash -l\"",
"implementation6":"urxvtcd -geometry 100x30 -title 'implementation6' -e sh -c \"implementation6; bash -l\"",
"implementation6d":"urxvtcd -geometry 100x30 -title 'implementation6d' -e sh -c \"implementation6d; bash -l\"",
"ncat":"urxvtcd -geometry 100x30 -title 'ncat' -e sh -c \"ncat -h; bash -l\"",
"nmap":"urxvtcd -geometry 100x30 -title 'nmap' -e sh -c \"nmap; bash -l\"",
"sslscan":"urxvtcd -geometry 100x30 -title 'sslscan' -e sh -c \"sslscan; bash -l\"",
"sslyze":"urxvtcd -geometry 100x30 -title 'sslyze' -e sh -c \"sslyze -h; bash -l\"",
"tlssled":"urxvtcd -geometry 100x30 -title 'tlssled' -e sh -c \"tlssled; bash -l\"",
"SMB Analysis":{
"acccheck":"urxvtcd -geometry 100x30 -title 'acccheck' -e sh -c \"; bash -l\"",
"nbtscan":"urxvtcd -geometry 100x30 -title 'nbtscan' -e sh -c \"nbtscan -h; bash -l\"",
"nmap":"urxvtcd -geometry 100x30 -title 'nmap' -e sh -c \"nmap; bash -l\"",
"SMTP Analysis":{
"nmap":"urxvtcd -geometry 100x30 -title 'nmap' -e sh -c \"nmap; bash -l\"",
"smtp-user-enum":"urxvtcd -geometry 100x30 -title 'smtp-user-enum' -e sh -c \"smtp-user-enum -h; bash -l\"",
"swaks":"urxvtcd -geometry 100x30 -title 'swaks' -e sh -c \"swaks --help; bash -l\"",
"SNMP Analysis":{
"braa":"urxvtcd -geometry 100x30 -title 'braa' -e sh -c \"braa -h; bash -l\"",
"cisco-auditing-tool":"urxvtcd -geometry 100x30 -title 'cisco-auditing-tool' -e sh -c \"CAT; bash -l\"",
"cisco-torch":"urxvtcd -geometry 100x30 -title 'cisco-torch' -e sh -c \"; bash -l\"",
"copy-router-config":"urxvtcd -geometry 100x30 -title 'copy-router-config' -e sh -c \"; bash -l\"",
"merge-router-config":"urxvtcd -geometry 100x30 -title 'merge-router-config' -e sh -c \"; bash -l\"",
"nmap":"urxvtcd -geometry 100x30 -title 'nmap' -e sh -c \"nmap; bash -l\"",
"onesixtyone":"urxvtcd -geometry 100x30 -title 'onesixtyone' -e sh -c \"onesixtyone; bash -l\"",
"snmpcheck":"urxvtcd -geometry 100x30 -title 'snmpcheck' -e sh -c \"snmpcheck -h; bash -l\"",
"SSL Analysis":{
"sslcaudit":"urxvtcd -geometry 100x30 -title 'sslcaudit' -e sh -c \"sslcaudit -h; bash -l\"",
"ssldump":"urxvtcd -geometry 100x30 -title 'ssldump' -e sh -c \"ssldump -h; bash -l\"",
"sslh":"urxvtcd -geometry 100x30 -title 'sslh' -e sh -c \"sslh -h; bash -l\"",
"sslscan":"urxvtcd -geometry 100x30 -title 'sslscan' -e sh -c \"sslscan; bash -l\"",
"sslsniff":"urxvtcd -geometry 100x30 -title 'sslsniff' -e sh -c \"sslsniff; bash -l\"",
"sslsplit":"urxvtcd -geometry 100x30 -title 'sslsplit' -e sh -c \"sslsplit -h; bash -l\"",
"sslstrip":"urxvtcd -geometry 100x30 -title 'sslstrip' -e sh -c \"sslstrip -h; bash -l\"",
"sslyze":"urxvtcd -geometry 100x30 -title 'sslyze' -e sh -c \"sslyze -h; bash -l\"",
"stunnel4":"urxvtcd -geometry 100x30 -title 'stunnel4' -e sh -c \"stunnel4 -h; bash -l\"",
"tlssled":"urxvtcd -geometry 100x30 -title 'tlssled' -e sh -c \"tlssled; bash -l\""
"Telephony Analysis":{
"ace":"urxvtcd -geometry 100x30 -title 'ace' -e sh -c \"ace; bash -l\""
"Traffic Analysis":{
"0trace":"urxvtcd -geometry 100x30 -title '0trace' -e sh -c \"; bash -l\"",
"cdpsnarf":"urxvtcd -geometry 100x30 -title 'cdpsnarf' -e sh -c \"cdpsnarf -h; bash -l\"",
"ftest":"urxvtcd -geometry 100x30 -title 'ftest' -e sh -c \"ftest; bash -l\"",
"intrace":"urxvtcd -geometry 100x30 -title 'intrace' -e sh -c \"intrace; bash -l\"",
"irpas-ass":"urxvtcd -geometry 100x30 -title 'irpas-ass' -e sh -c \"ass -h; bash -l\"",
"irpass-cdp":"urxvtcd -geometry 100x30 -title 'irpass-cdp' -e sh -c \"cdp; bash -l\"",
"p0f":"urxvtcd -geometry 100x30 -title 'p0f' -e sh -c \"p0f -h; bash -l\"",
"tcpflow":"urxvtcd -geometry 100x30 -title 'tcpflow' -e sh -c \"tcpflow -h; bash -l\"",
"VoIP Analysis":{
"ace":"urxvtcd -geometry 100x30 -title 'ace' -e sh -c \"ace; bash -l\"",
"enumiax":"urxvtcd -geometry 100x30 -title 'enumiax' -e sh -c \"enumiax -h; bash -l\""
"VPN Analysis":{
"ike-scan":"urxvtcd -geometry 100x30 -title 'ike-scan' -e sh -c \"ike-scan -h; bash -l\""
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