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Last active November 4, 2018 10:51
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package com.codingblocks;
import java.util.*;
public class AdjacencyMapGraph <T> {
private Map<T, Vertex> vertexMap;
private Map<Vertex, Vertex> parents;
public void refreshUnion(){
parents = new HashMap<>();
for (Vertex vertex : vertexMap.values()) {
parents.put(vertex, null);
public Vertex find(Vertex vertex){
while (parents.get(vertex) != null){
vertex = parents.get(vertex);
return vertex;
public void union(Vertex first, Vertex second){
parents.put(find(first), find(second));
public AdjacencyMapGraph() {
vertexMap = new HashMap<>();
public void addVertex(T value){
if (!vertexMap.containsKey(value)){
Vertex vertex = new Vertex(value);
vertexMap.put(value, vertex);
public void addEdge(T first, T second){
if (vertexMap.containsKey(first) && vertexMap.containsKey(second)) {
vertexMap.get(first).addNeighbour(second, 1);
vertexMap.get(second).addNeighbour(first, 1);
public void addEdgeWeight(T first, T second, int weight){
if (vertexMap.containsKey(first) && vertexMap.containsKey(second)) {
vertexMap.get(first).addNeighbour(second, weight);
vertexMap.get(second).addNeighbour(first, weight);
public void BFT(){
if (vertexMap.isEmpty()){
Queue<Vertex> queue = new LinkedList<>();
Set<Vertex> processed = new HashSet<>();
Vertex vertex = vertexMap.values().iterator().next();
while (!queue.isEmpty()){
Vertex front = queue.remove();
for (Vertex neighbour : front.neighbours.keySet()) {
if (!processed.contains(neighbour)){
public int mst(){
LinkedList<Edge> result = new LinkedList<>();
ArrayList<Edge> edges = new ArrayList<>();
int mst_sum = 0;
for (Vertex vertex : vertexMap.values()) {
for (Vertex neighbour: vertex.neighbours.keySet()) {
edges.add(new Edge(vertex, neighbour, vertex.neighbours.get(neighbour)));
edges.sort(new Comparator<Edge>() {
public int compare(Edge o1, Edge o2) {
return o1.weight - o2.weight;
for (Edge edge : edges) {
if (find(edge.first) != find(edge.second)){
union(edge.first, edge.second);
mst_sum += edge.weight;
return mst_sum;
public AdjacencyMapGraph<T> mst_graph(){
LinkedList<Edge> result = new LinkedList<>();
ArrayList<Edge> edges = new ArrayList<>();
for (Vertex vertex : vertexMap.values()) {
for (Vertex neighbour: vertex.neighbours.keySet()) {
edges.add(new Edge(vertex, neighbour, vertex.neighbours.get(neighbour)));
edges.sort(new Comparator<Edge>() {
public int compare(Edge o1, Edge o2) {
return o1.weight - o2.weight;
for (Edge edge : edges) {
if (find(edge.first) != find(edge.second)){
union(edge.first, edge.second);
AdjacencyMapGraph<T> graph = new AdjacencyMapGraph<>();
for (Edge edge : result) {
if (!graph.vertexMap.containsKey(edge.first.value)){
graph.vertexMap.put(edge.first.value, edge.first);
if (!graph.vertexMap.containsKey(edge.second.value)){
graph.vertexMap.put(edge.second.value, edge.second);
graph.addEdgeWeight(edge.first.value, edge.second.value, edge.weight);
return graph;
public int prims(){
if (vertexMap.isEmpty()){
return 0;
int sum = 0;
Set<Vertex> visited = new HashSet<>();
PriorityQueue<Edge> priorityQueue = new PriorityQueue<>();
Vertex vertex = vertexMap.values().iterator().next();
for (Vertex neighbour: vertex.neighbours.keySet()) {
priorityQueue.add(new Edge(vertex, neighbour, vertex.neighbours.get(neighbour)));
while (!priorityQueue.isEmpty()){
Edge front = priorityQueue.remove();
if (visited.contains(front.first) && visited.contains(front.second)){
sum += front.weight;
if (!visited.contains(front.first)){
for (Vertex neighbour: front.first.neighbours.keySet()) {
priorityQueue.add(new Edge(front.first, neighbour, front.first.neighbours.get(neighbour)));
if (!visited.contains(front.second)){
for (Vertex neighbour: front.second.neighbours.keySet()) {
priorityQueue.add(new Edge(front.second, neighbour, front.second.neighbours.get(neighbour)));
return sum;
private class Vertex {
private T value;
private Map<Vertex, Integer> neighbours;
public Vertex(T value) {
this.value = value;
this.neighbours = new HashMap<>();
public void addNeighbour(T value, int weight){
neighbours.put(vertexMap.get(value), weight);
private class Edge implements Comparable<Edge> {
Vertex first;
Vertex second;
int weight;
public Edge(Vertex first, Vertex second, int weight) {
this.first = first;
this.second = second;
this.weight = weight;
public int compareTo(Edge o) {
return this.weight - o.weight;
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