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Last active July 12, 2023 08:23
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  • Save Keinsleif/78229f8ff2eb9fb939b4cd07bb802143 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save Keinsleif/78229f8ff2eb9fb939b4cd07bb802143 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Flashcard like input only learning mode on quizlet. Using html, css, javascript. Single file.
<!DOCTYPE html>
body {
font-familiy: "Century Schoolbook",Times;
text-align: center;
<input type="file" id="sfile">
<button id="reset" onClick="location.reload()" disabled>リセット</button>
<button id="switch">用語</button>
<pre id="status" style="font-size: large"> </pre>
<pre id="que" style="font-size: xx-large"> </pre>
<input type="text" id="ans" style="font-size: x-large" autofocus/><br>
<button id="submit" style="font-size: large">回答</button><br>
<input type="text" id="correct" style="font-size: x-large; border: none;background: #FFF;" disabled>
window.onload = async function(){
var answer = new Event("answer",{ bubbles:false, cancelable:false });
const eventPromisify = (eventTarget, eventName) => {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
eventTarget.addEventListener(eventName, (...args) => resolve(...args));
var sfile = document.getElementById("sfile")
var ans = document.getElementById("ans")
var que = document.getElementById("que")
var status = document.getElementById("status")
var correct = document.getElementById("correct")
var mode = document.getElementById("switch")
document.getElementById("submit").addEventListener("click",() => {ans.dispatchEvent(answer)});
ans.addEventListener("keydown",(e) => {if(e.code=="Enter"&& !e.isComposing){ans.dispatchEvent(answer)}})
status.reset = ()=>{status.innerText=" "}
ef=await eventPromisify(sfile,"change");
var file =;
var reader = new FileReader();
await eventPromisify(reader,"load")
for (var i=0;i<cards.length;i++){
if (cards[i].match(/\t/)){
}else {
var failed = [];
var index = 0, delay = 5;
while (failed.length != 0 || index < cards.length){
if (mode.innerText=="定義"){
if (delay != 0 && index < cards.length){
i = index;
if (failed.length != 0){
else {
if (failed.length==0){
que.innerText = cards[i][m[0]];
await eventPromisify(ans,"answer")
if (ans.value.toLowerCase() == cards[i][m[1]].toLowerCase()){
status.innerText = "OK submit again to next"
else {
status.innerText = "Failed submit again to next"
correct.value = cards[i][m[1]]
if (failed.length == 0){
delay = 5;
await eventPromisify(ans,"answer")
status.innerText = "Ended"
que.innerText = ""
rapid economic growth 急速な経済成長
a shallow river 浅い川
vary in size 大きさの点で異なる
keep silent 沈黙を保つ
primitive art 原始芸術
the previous year 前年
the former mayor 前市長
measure the depth 深さを測る
the length of time 時間の長さ
faraway countries 遠い国
examine every aspect あらゆる側面を調べる
a long distance 長い距離
decline the offer その申し出を断る
ignore his advice 彼の助言を無視する
deny the existence 存在を否定する
refuse the invitation 招待を断る
reject the proposal その提案を断る
furthermore, he continues さらに彼は続ける
nevertheless remain the same それにも関わらず同じままである
Otherwise, I will fail. さもなければ、失敗するだろう。
unless necessary もし必要でなければ
thus he became rich だから彼は裕福になった
Meanwhile, it began to rain. その間に、雨が振り始めた。
big, and moreover, heavy 大きく、その上に重い
demonstrate his ability 彼の能力を実証する
ensure safety 安全を保証する
confirm the appointment 約束を確認する
have authority 権限を持つ
administration of the building 建物の管理
command my dog to wait 自分の犬に待てと命令する
associate red with danger 赤で危険を連想する
assist the patients 患者を支援する
rescue the survivors 生存者を救出する
economic aid 経済援助
an auxiliary means 補助的な手段
a complement to his idea 彼の考えの補足
have an option 選択権がある
adopt his suggestion 彼の提案を採用する
an alternative solution 代わりの解決策
pick a winner 勝者を選ぶ
an outstanding characteristic 傑出した特徴
superior to any other 他の何よりも優れた
a fine view すばらしい眺め
respect the elderly 老人を尊敬する
a prominent leader 卓越した指導者
an efficient method 効率的な方法
the awesome experience すばらしい体験
deserve the punishment 罪に値する
compete with one another 互いに競争する
a complete victory 完全な勝利
conquer the land その土地を征服する
my mother tongue 私の母国語
a bilingual speaker 2ヶ国語を話す人
be fluent in Chinese 中国語が流ちょうである
a unique phrase 独特の言葉づかい
a popular idiom よく知られた慣用句
a dull speech 退屈なスピーチ
awkward silence 気まずい沈黙
jealous of his talent 彼の才能に嫉妬した
stum the audience 観客をびっくりさせる
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Keinsleif commented Oct 25, 2022

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