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Created December 18, 2009 15:44
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Save KeithHanson/259573 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
# boring stuff...
shell zsh
defutf8 on
startup_message off
vbell off
term xterm-color
# I use ` instead of ^-a as my screen command. You do have to be careful, though,
# to remember to hit ` twice to enter one (say, for shelling out in, and
# just pasting something with `'s is bad. You can use the binding set up below (`])
# to use pbpaste to safely paste.
escape ``
# In -> Settings -> Keyboard, set page up to send \002 and page down to send \006
# this lets you page up/down to immediately jump into copy/scrollback mode.
bindkey -d "\002" eval "copy" "stuff ^b"
bindkey -d "\006" eval "copy" "stuff ^f"
bindkey -m "\002" stuff ^b
bindkey -m "\006" stuff ^f
# This is crappy, but only way I could get it to work. In settings bind
# ^-left arrow to "\033[1;5C", and ^-right to "\033[1;5D". Lets you move
# through windows using ^-arrow keys.
bindkey "\033[1;5C" next
bindkey "\033[1;5D" prev
# Two aliases for creating new windows
bindkey "^n" screen
bindkey "^t" screen
# Rebind [ to copy to pbcopy, since I use pageup/down to enter copy mode.
bind "[" eval "writebuf" "exec sh -c 'pbcopy < /tmp/screen-exchange'"
# Bind ] to paste.
bind "]" eval "exec sh -c 'pbpaste'"
defscrollback 15000
# crazy stuff at the bottom...
caption always "%{= 9w} %-w%{= BW} %n %t %{-}%+w %-= @%H - %LD %d %LM - %c"
hardstatus alwayslastline "%{+b 9r}[ %h ] %{9y} Load: %l %-=%{b} %c %d.%m.%Y"
# Sets the title of the window to the currently running process.
shelltitle "> |zsh"
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