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Created February 20, 2009 20:43
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root@master:/etc/puppet/manifests/classes# cat poolparty.pp
class poolparty {
class varwww {
file { "custom":
name => 'custom'
include varwww
class heartbeat {
# Variables
$ha_nodenames = generate('/usr/bin/env', '/usr/bin/server-list-active', '-c', 'name', '-n', 'app')
$ha_node_ips = generate('/usr/bin/env', '/usr/bin/server-list-active', '-c', 'ip', '-n', 'app')
$ha_timeout = '5s'
$ha_port = '80'
file { "/etc/ha.d/":
notify => Service['heartbeat'],
ensure => 'present',
mode => 444,
content => template(""),
name => '/etc/ha.d/'
file { "/etc/ha.d/":
notify => Service['heartbeat'],
ensure => 'present',
mode => 600,
content => template(""),
name => '/etc/ha.d/'
file { "/etc/ha.d/authkeys":
notify => Service['heartbeat'],
ensure => 'present',
mode => 600,
content => template("authkeys"),
name => '/etc/ha.d/authkeys'
file { "/etc/ha.d/cib.xml":
notify => Exec['heartbeat-update-cib'],
ensure => 'present',
mode => 444,
content => template("cib.xml"),
name => '/etc/ha.d/cib.xml'
file { "/etc/ha.d/haresources":
ensure => 'present',
mode => 644,
content => template("haresources"),
name => '/etc/ha.d/haresources'
file { "/etc/ha.d":
ensure => 'directory',
mode => 644,
name => '/etc/ha.d'
service { "heartbeat":
ensure => 'running'
exec { "heartbeat-update-cib":
command => '/usr/sbin/cibadmin -R -x /etc/ha.d/cib.xml',
path => '/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/local/bin:$PATH',
refreshonly => true
package { "heartbeat":
ensure => 'installed'
include heartbeat
class haproxy {
# $hostnamemaster
case $hostname {
master : {
# Variables
$name_haproxy = 'app'
$nodenames_haproxy = generate('/usr/bin/env', '/usr/bin/server-list-active', '-c', 'name', '-n', 'app')
$node_ips_haproxy = generate('/usr/bin/env', '/usr/bin/server-list-active', '-c', 'ip', '-n', 'app')
$ports_haproxy = [ '80' ]
$forwarding_port = '8080'
$proxy_mode = 'http'
line {
'/etc/default/haproxy_line' :
file => '/etc/default/haproxy',
line => 'ENABLED=1',
ensure => 'present'
line {
'/etc/default/syslogd_line' :
file => '/etc/default/syslogd',
line => 'SYSLOGD="-r"',
ensure => 'present'
line {
'/etc/syslog.conf_line' :
file => '/etc/syslog.conf',
line => 'local0.* /var/log/haproxy.log',
notify => Service['sysklogd'],
ensure => 'present'
file { "/etc/haproxy.cfg":
notify => Service['haproxy'],
ensure => 'present',
require => Package['haproxy'],
mode => 644,
content => template("haproxy.conf"),
name => '/etc/haproxy.cfg'
package { "haproxy":
ensure => 'installed'
service { "sysklogd":
ensure => 'running',
name => 'sysklogd'
service { "haproxy":
notify => Exec['reloadhaproxy'],
ensure => 'running',
name => 'haproxy'
exec { "reloadhaproxy":
command => '/etc/init.d/haproxy reload',
require => Package['haproxy'],
path => '/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/local/bin:$PATH'
default : {}
# $hostnamemaster
case $hostname {
master : {
# Variables
default : {}
include haproxy
class ruby {
line {
'/etc/profile_line' :
file => '/etc/profile',
line => 'export PATH=$PATH:/var/lib/gems/1.8/bin:/sbin',
ensure => 'present'
package { "libreadline-ruby1.8":
ensure => 'installed'
package { "libruby1.8":
ensure => 'installed'
package { "ruby1.8-dev":
ensure => 'installed'
package { "ruby1.8":
ensure => 'installed'
include ruby
class poolparty_base_packages {
# $hostnamemaster
case $hostname {
master : {
cron { "ensure puppetmaster is running":
ensure => 'present',
command => '. /etc/profile && puppetmasterd --verbose',
hour => '1',
name => 'ensure puppetmaster is running'
exec { "update_hosts":
command => '. /etc/profile && server-update-hosts -n app',
path => '/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/local/bin:$PATH'
exec { "Handle load":
command => '. /etc/profile && cloud-handle-load -n app',
path => '/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/local/bin:$PATH'
exec { "Ensure provisioning":
command => '. /etc/profile && server-ensure-provisioning -n app',
path => '/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/local/bin:$PATH'
exec { "start master messenger":
command => '. /etc/profile && server-start-master',
path => '/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/local/bin:$PATH'
exec { "start client server":
command => '. /etc/profile && server-start-client',
path => '/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/local/bin:$PATH'
exec { "Maintain the cloud":
command => '. /etc/profile && cloud-maintain -n app',
path => '/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/local/bin:$PATH'
default : {}
# $hostnamemaster
case $hostname {
master : {
default : {}
file { "/usr/bin/puppetrunner":
ensure => 'present',
mode => 744,
content => template("puppetrunner"),
name => '/usr/bin/puppetrunner'
file { "/usr/bin/puppetrerun":
ensure => 'present',
mode => 744,
content => template("puppetrerun"),
name => '/usr/bin/puppetrerun'
file { "/usr/bin/puppetcleaner":
ensure => 'present',
mode => 744,
content => template("puppetcleaner"),
name => '/usr/bin/puppetcleaner'
cron { "Run the provisioner":
ensure => 'present',
command => '/usr/bin/puppetrunner',
minute => '*/15',
name => 'Run the provisioner'
package { "erlang":
ensure => 'installed'
package { "erlang-dev":
ensure => 'installed'
package { "erlang-src":
ensure => 'installed'
# flexmock
case $hostname {
master : {
exec { "download-flexmock":
command => 'wget -O flexmock.gem',
path => '/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/local/bin:$PATH',
unless => 'test -f /var/poolparty/flexmock.gem',
cwd => '/var/poolparty'
default : {}
file { "/var/poolparty/flexmock.gem":
mode => 644,
source => 'puppet://master/files/flexmock.gem'
exec { "flexmock":
command => 'gem install --no-ri --no-rdoc /var/poolparty/flexmock.gem',
require => File['/var/poolparty/flexmock.gem'],
path => '/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/local/bin:$PATH',
cwd => '/var/poolparty',
unless => 'gem list --local flexmock | grep flexmock '
# lockfile
case $hostname {
master : {
exec { "download-lockfile":
command => 'wget -O lockfile.gem',
path => '/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/local/bin:$PATH',
unless => 'test -f /var/poolparty/lockfile.gem',
cwd => '/var/poolparty'
default : {}
file { "/var/poolparty/lockfile.gem":
mode => 644,
source => 'puppet://master/files/lockfile.gem'
exec { "lockfile":
command => 'gem install --no-ri --no-rdoc /var/poolparty/lockfile.gem',
require => File['/var/poolparty/lockfile.gem'],
path => '/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/local/bin:$PATH',
cwd => '/var/poolparty',
unless => 'gem list --local lockfile | grep lockfile '
# logging
case $hostname {
master : {
exec { "download-logging":
command => 'wget -O logging.gem',
path => '/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/local/bin:$PATH',
unless => 'test -f /var/poolparty/logging.gem',
cwd => '/var/poolparty'
default : {}
file { "/var/poolparty/logging.gem":
mode => 644,
source => 'puppet://master/files/logging.gem'
exec { "logging":
command => 'gem install --no-ri --no-rdoc /var/poolparty/logging.gem',
require => [ Exec['flexmock'], Exec['lockfile'], File['/var/poolparty/logging.gem'] ],
path => '/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/local/bin:$PATH',
cwd => '/var/poolparty',
unless => 'gem list --local logging | grep logging '
# rubyforge
case $hostname {
master : {
exec { "download-rubyforge":
command => 'wget -O rubyforge.gem',
path => '/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/local/bin:$PATH',
unless => 'test -f /var/poolparty/rubyforge.gem',
cwd => '/var/poolparty'
default : {}
file { "/var/poolparty/rubyforge.gem":
mode => 644,
source => 'puppet://master/files/rubyforge.gem'
exec { "rubyforge":
command => 'gem install --no-ri --no-rdoc /var/poolparty/rubyforge.gem',
require => File['/var/poolparty/rubyforge.gem'],
path => '/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/local/bin:$PATH',
cwd => '/var/poolparty',
unless => 'gem list --local rubyforge | grep rubyforge '
# hoe
case $hostname {
master : {
exec { "download-hoe":
command => 'wget -O hoe.gem',
path => '/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/local/bin:$PATH',
unless => 'test -f /var/poolparty/hoe.gem',
cwd => '/var/poolparty'
default : {}
file { "/var/poolparty/hoe.gem":
mode => 644,
source => 'puppet://master/files/hoe.gem'
exec { "hoe":
command => 'gem install --no-ri --no-rdoc /var/poolparty/hoe.gem',
require => [ Exec['rubyforge'], File['/var/poolparty/hoe.gem'] ],
path => '/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/local/bin:$PATH',
cwd => '/var/poolparty',
unless => 'gem list --local hoe | grep hoe | grep 1.8'
# ZenTest
case $hostname {
master : {
exec { "download-ZenTest":
command => 'wget -O ZenTest.gem',
path => '/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/local/bin:$PATH',
unless => 'test -f /var/poolparty/ZenTest.gem',
cwd => '/var/poolparty'
default : {}
file { "/var/poolparty/ZenTest.gem":
mode => 644,
source => 'puppet://master/files/ZenTest.gem'
exec { "ZenTest":
command => 'gem install --no-ri --no-rdoc /var/poolparty/ZenTest.gem',
require => [ Exec['hoe'], Exec['rubyforge'], File['/var/poolparty/ZenTest.gem'] ],
path => '/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/local/bin:$PATH',
cwd => '/var/poolparty',
unless => 'gem list --local ZenTest | grep ZenTest '
# rake
case $hostname {
master : {
exec { "download-rake":
command => 'wget -O rake.gem',
path => '/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/local/bin:$PATH',
unless => 'test -f /var/poolparty/rake.gem',
cwd => '/var/poolparty'
default : {}
file { "/var/poolparty/rake.gem":
mode => 644,
source => 'puppet://master/files/rake.gem'
exec { "rake":
command => 'gem install --no-ri --no-rdoc /var/poolparty/rake.gem',
require => File['/var/poolparty/rake.gem'],
path => '/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/local/bin:$PATH',
cwd => '/var/poolparty',
unless => 'gem list --local rake | grep rake '
# xmlsimple
case $hostname {
master : {
exec { "download-xml-simple":
command => 'wget -O xml-simple.gem',
path => '/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/local/bin:$PATH',
unless => 'test -f /var/poolparty/xml-simple.gem',
cwd => '/var/poolparty'
default : {}
file { "/var/poolparty/xml-simple.gem":
mode => 644,
source => 'puppet://master/files/xml-simple.gem'
exec { "xml-simple":
command => 'gem install --no-ri --no-rdoc /var/poolparty/xml-simple.gem',
require => File['/var/poolparty/xml-simple.gem'],
path => '/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/local/bin:$PATH',
cwd => '/var/poolparty',
unless => 'gem list --local xml-simple | grep xml-simple '
# amazonec2
case $hostname {
master : {
exec { "download-amazon-ec2":
command => 'wget -O amazon-ec2.gem',
path => '/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/local/bin:$PATH',
unless => 'test -f /var/poolparty/amazon-ec2.gem',
cwd => '/var/poolparty'
default : {}
file { "/var/poolparty/amazon-ec2.gem":
mode => 644,
source => 'puppet://master/files/amazon-ec2.gem'
exec { "amazon-ec2":
command => 'gem install --no-ri --no-rdoc /var/poolparty/amazon-ec2.gem',
require => [ Exec['xml-simple'], File['/var/poolparty/amazon-ec2.gem'] ],
path => '/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/local/bin:$PATH',
cwd => '/var/poolparty',
unless => 'gem list --local amazon-ec2 | grep amazon-ec2 '
# sexp_processor
case $hostname {
master : {
exec { "download-sexp_processor":
command => 'wget -O sexp_processor.gem',
path => '/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/local/bin:$PATH',
unless => 'test -f /var/poolparty/sexp_processor.gem',
cwd => '/var/poolparty'
default : {}
file { "/var/poolparty/sexp_processor.gem":
mode => 644,
source => 'puppet://master/files/sexp_processor.gem'
exec { "sexp_processor":
command => 'gem install --no-ri --no-rdoc /var/poolparty/sexp_processor.gem',
require => File['/var/poolparty/sexp_processor.gem'],
path => '/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/local/bin:$PATH',
cwd => '/var/poolparty',
unless => 'gem list --local sexp_processor | grep sexp_processor '
# netssh
case $hostname {
master : {
exec { "download-net-ssh":
command => 'wget -O net-ssh.gem',
path => '/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/local/bin:$PATH',
unless => 'test -f /var/poolparty/net-ssh.gem',
cwd => '/var/poolparty'
default : {}
file { "/var/poolparty/net-ssh.gem":
mode => 644,
source => 'puppet://master/files/net-ssh.gem'
exec { "net-ssh":
command => 'gem install --no-ri --no-rdoc /var/poolparty/net-ssh.gem',
require => File['/var/poolparty/net-ssh.gem'],
path => '/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/local/bin:$PATH',
cwd => '/var/poolparty',
unless => 'gem list --local net-ssh | grep net-ssh | grep 2.0.10'
# netsftp
case $hostname {
master : {
exec { "download-net-sftp":
command => 'wget -O net-sftp.gem',
path => '/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/local/bin:$PATH',
unless => 'test -f /var/poolparty/net-sftp.gem',
cwd => '/var/poolparty'
default : {}
file { "/var/poolparty/net-sftp.gem":
mode => 644,
source => 'puppet://master/files/net-sftp.gem'
exec { "net-sftp":
command => 'gem install --no-ri --no-rdoc /var/poolparty/net-sftp.gem',
require => File['/var/poolparty/net-sftp.gem'],
path => '/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/local/bin:$PATH',
cwd => '/var/poolparty',
unless => 'gem list --local net-sftp | grep net-sftp '
# netscp
case $hostname {
master : {
exec { "download-net-scp":
command => 'wget -O net-scp.gem',
path => '/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/local/bin:$PATH',
unless => 'test -f /var/poolparty/net-scp.gem',
cwd => '/var/poolparty'
default : {}
file { "/var/poolparty/net-scp.gem":
mode => 644,
source => 'puppet://master/files/net-scp.gem'
exec { "net-scp":
command => 'gem install --no-ri --no-rdoc /var/poolparty/net-scp.gem',
require => File['/var/poolparty/net-scp.gem'],
path => '/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/local/bin:$PATH',
cwd => '/var/poolparty',
unless => 'gem list --local net-scp | grep net-scp '
# netsshgateway
case $hostname {
master : {
exec { "download-net-ssh-gateway":
command => 'wget -O net-ssh-gateway.gem',
path => '/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/local/bin:$PATH',
unless => 'test -f /var/poolparty/net-ssh-gateway.gem',
cwd => '/var/poolparty'
default : {}
file { "/var/poolparty/net-ssh-gateway.gem":
mode => 644,
source => 'puppet://master/files/net-ssh-gateway.gem'
exec { "net-ssh-gateway":
command => 'gem install --no-ri --no-rdoc /var/poolparty/net-ssh-gateway.gem',
require => File['/var/poolparty/net-ssh-gateway.gem'],
path => '/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/local/bin:$PATH',
cwd => '/var/poolparty',
unless => 'gem list --local net-ssh-gateway | grep net-ssh-gateway '
# highline
case $hostname {
master : {
exec { "download-highline":
command => 'wget -O highline.gem',
path => '/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/local/bin:$PATH',
unless => 'test -f /var/poolparty/highline.gem',
cwd => '/var/poolparty'
default : {}
file { "/var/poolparty/highline.gem":
mode => 644,
source => 'puppet://master/files/highline.gem'
exec { "highline":
command => 'gem install --no-ri --no-rdoc /var/poolparty/highline.gem',
require => File['/var/poolparty/highline.gem'],
path => '/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/local/bin:$PATH',
cwd => '/var/poolparty',
unless => 'gem list --local highline | grep highline '
exec { "capistrano":
command => 'gem install --no-ri --no-rdoc capistrano',
require => [ Exec['highline'] ],
path => '/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/local/bin:/sbin:/usr/sbin:/var/lib/gems/1.8/bin',
cwd => '/tmp',
unless => 'gem list --local capistrano | grep capistrano '
# ParseTree
case $hostname {
master : {
exec { "download-ParseTree":
command => 'wget -O ParseTree.gem',
path => '/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/local/bin:$PATH',
unless => 'test -f /var/poolparty/ParseTree.gem',
cwd => '/var/poolparty'
default : {}
file { "/var/poolparty/ParseTree.gem":
mode => 644,
source => 'puppet://master/files/ParseTree.gem'
exec { "ParseTree":
command => 'gem install --no-ri --no-rdoc /var/poolparty/ParseTree.gem',
require => [ Exec['sexp_processor'], Exec['ZenTest'], File['/var/poolparty/ParseTree.gem'] ],
path => '/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/local/bin:$PATH',
cwd => '/var/poolparty',
unless => 'gem list --local ParseTree | grep ParseTree '
# ruby2ruby
case $hostname {
master : {
exec { "download-ruby2ruby":
command => 'wget -O ruby2ruby.gem',
path => '/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/local/bin:$PATH',
unless => 'test -f /var/poolparty/ruby2ruby.gem',
cwd => '/var/poolparty'
default : {}
file { "/var/poolparty/ruby2ruby.gem":
mode => 644,
source => 'puppet://master/files/ruby2ruby.gem'
exec { "ruby2ruby":
command => 'gem install --no-ri --no-rdoc /var/poolparty/ruby2ruby.gem',
require => [ Exec['ParseTree'], File['/var/poolparty/ruby2ruby.gem'] ],
path => '/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/local/bin:$PATH',
cwd => '/var/poolparty',
unless => 'gem list --local ruby2ruby | grep ruby2ruby '
# activesupport
case $hostname {
master : {
exec { "download-activesupport":
command => 'wget -O activesupport.gem',
path => '/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/local/bin:$PATH',
unless => 'test -f /var/poolparty/activesupport.gem',
cwd => '/var/poolparty'
default : {}
file { "/var/poolparty/activesupport.gem":
mode => 644,
source => 'puppet://master/files/activesupport.gem'
exec { "activesupport":
command => 'gem install --no-ri --no-rdoc /var/poolparty/activesupport.gem',
require => File['/var/poolparty/activesupport.gem'],
path => '/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/local/bin:$PATH',
cwd => '/var/poolparty',
unless => 'gem list --local activesupport | grep activesupport '
# RubyInline
case $hostname {
master : {
exec { "download-RubyInline":
command => 'wget -O RubyInline.gem',
path => '/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/local/bin:$PATH',
unless => 'test -f /var/poolparty/RubyInline.gem',
cwd => '/var/poolparty'
default : {}
file { "/var/poolparty/RubyInline.gem":
mode => 644,
source => 'puppet://master/files/RubyInline.gem'
exec { "RubyInline":
command => 'gem install --no-ri --no-rdoc /var/poolparty/RubyInline.gem',
require => File['/var/poolparty/RubyInline.gem'],
path => '/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/local/bin:$PATH',
cwd => '/var/poolparty',
unless => 'gem list --local RubyInline | grep RubyInline '
# poolparty
case $hostname {
master : {
exec { "download-poolparty":
command => 'wget -O poolparty.gem',
path => '/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/local/bin:$PATH',
unless => 'test -f /var/poolparty/poolparty.gem',
cwd => '/var/poolparty'
default : {}
file { "/var/poolparty/poolparty.gem":
mode => 644,
source => 'puppet://master/files/poolparty.gem'
exec { "poolparty":
command => 'gem install --no-ri --no-rdoc /var/poolparty/poolparty.gem',
require => [ Exec['ruby2ruby'], Exec['RubyInline'], Exec['ParseTree'], File['/var/poolparty/poolparty.gem'] ],
path => '/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/local/bin:$PATH',
cwd => '/var/poolparty',
unless => 'gem list --local poolparty | grep poolparty '
package { "rubygems":
ensure => 'installed'
exec { "build_messenger":
command => '. /etc/profile && server-build-messenger',
path => '/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/local/bin:$PATH'
exec { "start_node":
command => '. /etc/profile && server-start-node',
path => '/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/local/bin:$PATH'
include poolparty_base_packages
class user {
file { "/var/www/":
ensure => 'directory',
mode => 644,
name => '/var/www/'
include user
# Custom functions
define line($file, $line, $ensure = 'present', $notify=[]) {
case $ensure {
default: { err ( "unknown ensure value ${ensure}" ) }
present: {
exec {
"/usr/bin/env echo '${line}' >> '${file}'": unless => "/usr/bin/env grep -qFx '${line}' '${file}'",
notify => $notify
absent: {
exec {
"/usr/bin/env sed -i '' -e '/^${line}$/d' '${file}'": onlyif => "/usr/bin/env grep -qFx '${line}' '${file}'",
notify => $notify
define append_if_no_such_line($file, $line, $refreshonly = 'false') {
exec { "/bin/echo '$line' >> '$file'":
unless => "/bin/grep -Fxqe '$line' '$file'",
path => "/bin",
refreshonly => $refreshonly,
define delete_lines($file, $pattern) {
exec { "sed -i -r -e '/$pattern/d' $file":
path => "/bin",
onlyif => "/bin/grep -E '$pattern' '$file'",
define runit_service ($directory = "/etc/sv", $downif = "/bin/false", $templatedir) {
file { "$directory-$name":
path => "$directory/$name",
ensure => directory,
owner => root,
group => root,
mode => 0755,
require => Class["runit"]
file { "$directory/$name/log":
ensure => directory,
owner => root,
group => root,
mode => 0755,
require => File["$directory-$name"]
file { "$directory/$name/log/main":
ensure => directory,
owner => root,
group => root,
mode => 0755,
require => File["$directory/$name/log"]
file { "/etc/init.d/$name":
ensure => $lsbdistid ? {
'CentOS' => "/usr/local/bin/sv",
default => "/usr/bin/sv",
require => [ File["$directory/$name/run"], File["$directory/$name/log/run"] ]
file { "/var/service/$name":
ensure => "$directory/$name",
require => [ File["$directory-$name"], File["$directory/$name/run"], File["$directory/$name/log/run"] ]
file { "$directory/$name/log/run":
content => template("$templatedir/log-run.erb"),
owner => root,
group => root,
mode => 755,
require => File["$directory/$name/log"],
notify => Service[$name]
file { "$directory/$name/run":
content => template("$templatedir/run.erb"),
owner => root,
group => root,
mode => 755,
require => File["$directory-$name"],
notify => Service[$name]
service { "$name":
hasrestart => true,
hasstatus => true,
require => File["/etc/init.d/$name"]
exec { "$name-down":
command => "/etc/init.d/$name down",
onlyif => $downif,
require => File["/etc/init.d/$name"]
# Serve subversion-based code from a local location. The job of this
# module is to check the data out from subversion and keep it up to
# date, especially useful for providing data to your Puppet server.
define svnserve($source, $path, $user = false, $password = false) {
file { $path:
ensure => directory,
owner => root,
group => root
$svncmd = $user ? {
false => "/usr/bin/svn co --non-interactive $source/$name .",
default => "/usr/bin/svn co --non-interactive --username $user --password '$password' $source/$name ."
exec { "svnco-$name":
command => $svncmd,
cwd => $path,
require => File[$path],
creates => "$path/.svn"
exec { "svnupdate-$name":
command => "/usr/bin/svn update",
require => Exec["svnco-$name"],
onlyif => '/usr/bin/svn status -u --non-interactive | /bin/grep "*"',
cwd => $path
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