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Created May 4, 2018 15:59
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create function dbo.udf_OrdnanceSurvey_WGS84 (@east int, @north int)
returns geography
if @east is null
or @north is null
or (@east = 0 and @north = 0) -- 0,0 is a legitmate co-ordinate, but in our DB it's used instead of missing locations
return null
-- Adapted from
-- JS reference:
-- See also:
--Latitude and Longitude are calculated based on BOTH the easting and northing values from the OSGB36
--This UDF takes both easting and northing values in OSGB36 projection and you must specify if a latitude or longitude co-ordinate should be returned.
--IT first converts E/N values to lat and long in OSGB36 projection, then converts those values to lat/lng in WGS84 projection
declare @π float,
@K0 float,
@OriginLat float,
@OriginLong float,
@OriginX float,
@OriginY float,
@a float,
@b float,
@e2 float,
@ex float,
@n1 float,
@n2 float,
@n3 float,
@OriginNorthings float,
@lat float,
@lon float,
@Northing float,
@Easting float
select @π = 3.14159265358979323846, @K0 = 0.9996012717 -- grid scale factor on central meridean
, @OriginLat = 49.0, @OriginLong = -2.0, @OriginX = 400000 -- 400 kM
, @OriginY = -100000 -- 100 kM
, @a = 6377563.396 -- Airy Spheroid
, @b = 6356256.910
-- compute interim values
select @a = @a * @K0, @b = @b * @K0
set @n1 = (@a - @b) / (@a + @b)
set @n2 = @n1 * @n1
set @n3 = @n2 * @n1
set @lat = @OriginLat * @π / 180.0 -- to radians
select @e2 = (@a * @a - @b * @b) / (@a * @a) -- first eccentricity
, @ex = (@a * @a - @b * @b) / (@b * @b) -- second eccentricity
set @OriginNorthings = @b * @lat + @b * (@n1 * (1.0 + 5.0 * @n1 * (1.0 + @n1) / 4.0) * @lat - 3.0 * @n1 * (1.0 + @n1 * (1.0 + 7.0 * @n1 / 8.0)) * sin(@lat) * cos(@lat) + (15.0 * @n1 * (@n1 + @n2) / 8.0) * sin(2.0 * @lat) * cos(2.0 * @lat) - (35.0 * @n3 / 24.0) * sin(3.0 * @lat) * cos(3.0 * @lat))
select @Northing = @north - @OriginY, @Easting = @east - @OriginX
declare @nu float,
@phid float,
@phid2 float,
@t2 float,
@t float,
@q2 float,
@c float,
@s float,
@nphid float,
@dnphid float,
@nu2 float,
@nudivrho float,
@invnurho float,
@rho float,
@eta2 float
/* Evaluate M term: latitude of the northing on the centre meridian */
set @Northing = @Northing + @OriginNorthings
set @phid = @Northing / (@b * (1.0 + @n1 + 5.0 * (@n2 + @n3) / 4.0)) - 1.0
set @phid2 = @phid + 1.0
while (abs(@phid2 - @phid) > 0.000001)
set @phid = @phid2;
set @nphid = @b * @phid + @b * (@n1 * (1.0 + 5.0 * @n1 * (1.0 + @n1) / 4.0) * @phid - 3.0 * @n1 * (1.0 + @n1 * (1.0 + 7.0 * @n1 / 8.0)) * sin(@phid) * cos(@phid) + (15.0 * @n1 * (@n1 + @n2) / 8.0) * sin(2.0 * @phid) * cos(2.0 * @phid) - (35.0 * @n3 / 24.0) * sin(3.0 * @phid) * cos(3.0 * @phid))
set @dnphid = @b * ((1.0 + @n1 + 5.0 * (@n2 + @n3) / 4.0) - 3.0 * (@n1 + @n2 + 7.0 * @n3 / 8.0) * cos(2.0 * @phid) + (15.0 * (@n2 + @n3) / 4.0) * cos(4 * @phid) - (35.0 * @n3 / 8.0) * cos(6.0 * @phid))
set @phid2 = @phid - (@nphid - @Northing) / @dnphid
select @c = cos(@phid), @s = sin(@phid), @t = tan(@phid)
select @t2 = @t * @t, @q2 = @Easting * @Easting
set @nu2 = (@a * @a) / (1.0 - @e2 * @s * @s)
set @nu = sqrt(@nu2)
set @nudivrho = @a * @a * @c * @c / (@b * @b) - @c * @c + 1.0
set @eta2 = @nudivrho - 1
set @rho = @nu / @nudivrho;
set @invnurho = ((1.0 - @e2 * @s * @s) * (1.0 - @e2 * @s * @s)) / (@a * @a * (1.0 - @e2))
set @lat = @phid - @t * @q2 * @invnurho / 2.0 + (@q2 * @q2 * (@t / (24 * @rho * @nu2 * @nu) * (5 + (3 * @t2) + @eta2 - (9 * @t2 * @eta2))))
set @lon = (@Easting / (@c * @nu)) - (@Easting * @q2 * ((@nudivrho + 2.0 * @t2) / (6.0 * @nu2)) / (@c * @nu)) + (@q2 * @q2 * @Easting * (5 + (28 * @t2) + (24 * @t2 * @t2)) / (120 * @nu2 * @nu2 * @nu * @c))
select @lat = @lat * 180.0 / @π, @lon = @lon * 180.0 / @π + @OriginLong
--Now convert the lat and long from OSGB36 to WGS84
declare @OGlat float,
@OGlon float,
@height float
select @OGlat = @lat, @OGlon = @lon, @height = 24 --London's mean height above sea level is 24 metres. Adjust for other locations.
declare @deg2rad float,
@rad2deg float,
@radOGlat float,
@radOGlon float
select @deg2rad = @π / 180, @rad2deg = 180 / @π
--first off convert to radians
select @radOGlat = @OGlat * @deg2rad, @radOGlon = @OGlon * @deg2rad
--these are the values for WGS84(GRS80) to OSGB36(Airy)
declare @a2 float,
@h float,
@xp float,
@yp float,
@zp float,
@xr float,
@yr float,
@zr float,
@sf float,
@e float,
@v float,
@x float,
@y float,
@z float,
@xrot float,
@yrot float,
@zrot float,
@hx float,
@hy float,
@hz float,
@newLon float,
@newLat float,
@p float,
@errvalue float,
@lat0 float
select @a2 = 6378137 -- WGS84_AXIS
, @e2 = 0.00669438037928458 -- WGS84_ECCENTRIC
, @h = @height -- height above datum (from $GPGGA sentence)
, @a = 6377563.396 -- OSGB_AXIS
, @e = 0.0066705397616 -- OSGB_ECCENTRIC
, @xp = 446.448, @yp = -125.157, @zp = 542.06, @xr = 0.1502, @yr = 0.247, @zr = 0.8421, @s = -20.4894
-- convert to cartesian; lat, lon are in radians
set @sf = @s * 0.000001
set @v = @a / (sqrt(1 - (@e * (sin(@radOGlat) * sin(@radOGlat)))))
set @x = (@v + @h) * cos(@radOGlat) * cos(@radOGlon)
set @y = (@v + @h) * cos(@radOGlat) * sin(@radOGlon)
set @z = ((1 - @e) * @v + @h) * sin(@radOGlat)
-- transform cartesian
set @xrot = (@xr / 3600) * @deg2rad
set @yrot = (@yr / 3600) * @deg2rad
set @zrot = (@zr / 3600) * @deg2rad
set @hx = @x + (@x * @sf) - (@y * @zrot) + (@z * @yrot) + @xp
set @hy = (@x * @zrot) + @y + (@y * @sf) - (@z * @xrot) + @yp
set @hz = (-1 * @x * @yrot) + (@y * @xrot) + @z + (@z * @sf) + @zp
-- Convert back to lat, lon
set @newLon = atan(@hy / @hx)
set @p = sqrt((@hx * @hx) + (@hy * @hy))
set @newLat = atan(@hz / (@p * (1 - @e2)))
set @v = @a2 / (sqrt(1 - @e2 * (sin(@newLat) * sin(@newLat))))
set @errvalue = 1.0;
set @lat0 = 0
while (@errvalue > 0.001)
set @lat0 = atan((@hz + @e2 * @v * sin(@newLat)) / @p)
set @errvalue = abs(@lat0 - @newLat)
set @newLat = @lat0
--convert back to degrees
set @newLat = @newLat * @rad2deg
set @newLon = @newLon * @rad2deg
return geography::Point(@newLat, @newLon, 4326)
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