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Created February 22, 2022 06:48
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Colour - pyproject.toml
name = "colour"
version = "0.4.0"
description = "Colour Science for Python"
license = "BSD-3-Clause"
authors = [ "Colour Developers <>" ]
maintainers = [ "Colour Developers <>" ]
readme = 'README.rst'
repository = ""
homepage = ""
keywords = [
classifiers = [
"Development Status :: 3 - Alpha",
"Environment :: Console",
"Intended Audience :: Developers",
"Intended Audience :: Science/Research",
"License :: OSI Approved",
"Natural Language :: English",
"Operating System :: OS Independent",
"Programming Language :: Python :: 3",
"Topic :: Scientific/Engineering",
"Topic :: Software Development"
python = ">= 3.8, < 3.11"
imageio = ">= 2, < 3"
numpy = ">= 1.19, < 2"
scipy = ">= 1.5, < 2"
typing-extensions = ">= 4, < 5" # Convenience for Google Colab.
matplotlib = { version = ">= 3.2, != 3.5.0, != 3.5.1", optional = true }
networkx = { version = ">= 2, < 3", optional = true }
pandas = { version = ">= 1, < 2", optional = true }
pygraphviz = { version = ">= 1, < 2", optional = true }
scikit-learn = { version = ">= 1, < 2", optional = true }
tqdm = { version = ">= 4, < 5", optional = true }
trimesh = { version = ">= 3, < 4", optional = true }
biblib-simple = { version = "*", optional = true } # Development dependency.
black = { version = "*", optional = true } # Development dependency.
coverage = { version = "!= 6.3", optional = true } # Development dependency.
coveralls = { version = "*", optional = true } # Development dependency.
flake8 = { version = "*", optional = true } # Development dependency.
flynt = { version = "*", optional = true } # Development dependency.
invoke = { version = "*", optional = true } # Development dependency.
jupyter = { version = "*", optional = true } # Development dependency.
mypy = { version = "*", optional = true } # Development dependency.
pre-commit = { version = "*", optional = true } # Development dependency.
pydata-sphinx-theme = { version = "*", optional = true } # Development dependency.
pydocstyle = { version = "*", optional = true } # Development dependency.
pytest = { version = "*", optional = true } # Development dependency.
pytest-cov = { version = "*", optional = true } # Development dependency.
pyupgrade = { version = "*", optional = true } # Development dependency.
restructuredtext-lint = { version = "*", optional = true } # Development dependency.
sphinx = { version = ">= 4, < 5", optional = true } # Development dependency.
sphinxcontrib-bibtex = { version = "*", optional = true } # Development dependency.
toml = { version = "*", optional = true } # Development dependency.
twine = { version = "*", optional = true } # Development dependency.
biblib-simple = "*"
black = "*"
coverage = "!= 6.3"
coveralls = "*"
flake8 = "*"
flynt = "*"
invoke = "*"
jupyter = "*"
mypy = "*"
pre-commit = "*"
pydata-sphinx-theme = "*"
pydocstyle = "*"
pytest = "*"
pytest-cov = "*"
pyupgrade = "*"
restructuredtext-lint = "*"
sphinx = ">= 4, < 5"
sphinxcontrib-bibtex = "*"
toml = "*"
twine = "*"
development = [
graphviz = [ "pygraphviz" ]
meshing = [ "trimesh" ]
optional = [ "networkx", "pandas", "scikit-learn", "tqdm" ]
plotting = [ "matplotlib" ]
read-the-docs = [
line-length = 79
exclude = '''
| \.mypy_cache
| build
| dist
plugins = "numpy.typing.mypy_plugin"
ignore_missing_imports = true
convention = "numpy"
add-ignore = "D104,D200,D202,D205,D301,D400"
requires = [ "poetry>=0.12" ]
build-backend = "poetry.masonry.api"
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