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Last active January 13, 2019 17:11
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rvalue test
#include <iostream>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
#include <cstring>
using namespace std;
class MyType {
MyType() {
std::cerr<<"default ctor called"<<std::endl;
pointer_ = new int;
*pointer_ = 1;
memset(array_, 0, sizeof(array_));
MyType(MyType&& other) noexcept : pointer_(nullptr) {
std::cerr<<"move ctor called"<<std::endl;
delete pointer_;
pointer_ = other.pointer_;
other.pointer_ = nullptr;
// Copy the contents of the array.
memcpy(array_, other.array_, sizeof(array_));
// Swap with our vector. Leaves the old contents in |other|.
// We could destroy the old content instead, but this is equally
// valid.
std::cerr<<"move ctor complete"<<std::endl;
MyType(const MyType& other) {
std::cerr<<"copy ctor called"<<std::endl;
// Copy memory.
pointer_ = new int;
*pointer_ = *other.pointer_;
std::cerr<<"expensive memcopies happening"<<std::endl;
memcpy(array_, other.array_, sizeof(array_));
vector_ = other.vector_;
std::cerr<<"copy ctor complete"<<std::endl;
unsigned long Size(){
return vector_.size();
~MyType() {
delete pointer_;
int* pointer_;
char array_[42]{};
std::vector<float> vector_;
class MyObjectB {
void DoSomething(MyType spot) {
if (spot.Size() > 1000) {
// do something
std::cout<<"large size"<<std::endl;
int main() {
auto a = MyType();
auto b = MyObjectB();
// Passing a by value, copy constructor called
// Passing a by value, move constructor called
default ctor called
copy ctor called
expensive memcopies happening
copy ctor complete
move ctor called
move ctor complete
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