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Created August 15, 2020 23:07
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// assuming "Board" has a getTokenAt(row, column) function
// that returns "red", "blue", or null for each position
// and an isInBounds(row, column) function that returns
// true if row and column are valid, false if they are off the board
// returns number of players tokens that are connected in a direction
// (Board, string, int, int, int, int) -> int
function countConnectedInDirection(board, player, newTokenRow, newTokenColumn, directionX, directionY) {
var count = 1; // number connected, starts at 1 because of the new token
// scan "forward" in direction
var x = newTokenRow + directionX;
var y = newTokenColumn + directionY;
// while on the board and the token at (x,y) is the current players
while (board.isInBounds(x, y) && board.getTokenAt(x, y) === player) {
x += directionX;
y += directionY;
// scan "backward" in direction
var x = newTokenRow - directionX;
var y = newTokenColumn - directionY;
// while on the board and the token at (x,y) is the current players
while (board.isInBounds(x, y) && board.getTokenAt(x, y) === player) {
x -= directionX;
y -= directionY;
return count;
// check each direction for a win
// (Board, string, int, int) -> bool
function doesNewTokenResultInWinForPlayer(board, player, newTokenRow, newTokenColumn) {
// check column
let columnCount = countConnectedInDirection(board, player, newTokenRow, newTokenColumn, 0, 1); // change row by 0, columnn by 1
if (columnCount >= 4) {
return true;
// row wins
let rowCount = countConnectedInDirection(board, player, newTokenRow, newTokenColumn, 1, 0); // change row by 1, column by 0
if (rowCount >= 4) {
return true;
// check if diagonal that "descends left-to-right" wins
let diagonalOne = countConnectedInDirection(board, playr, newTokenRow, newTokenColumn, 1, 1); // change row by 1, column by 1
if (diagonalOne >= 4) {
return true;
// check if diagonal that "assends left-to-right" wins
let diagonalTwo = countConnectedInDirection(board, playr, newTokenRow, newTokenColumn, 1, -1); // change row by 1, column by 1
if (diagonalTwo >= 4) {
return true;
// if none of these conditions won, the result is false
return false;
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