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Last active October 20, 2020 13:00
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$ITGkey = "ITGAPIKey"
$ITGbaseURI = ""
$UnifiBaseUri = ""
$UnifiUser = "APIUSER"
$UnifiPassword = "APIPAssword"
$FlexAssetName = "Unifi Controller Autodoc Vcampai"
$Description = "A network one-page document that displays the unifi status."
$TableStyling = "<th>", "<th style=`"background-color:#4CAF50`">"
#Settings IT-Glue logon information
If (Get-Module -ListAvailable -Name "ITGlueAPI") {
Import-module ITGlueAPI
Else {
Install-Module ITGlueAPI -Force
Import-Module ITGlueAPI
Add-ITGlueBaseURI -base_uri $ITGbaseURI
Add-ITGlueAPIKey $ITGkey
write-host "Checking if Flexible Asset exists in IT-Glue." -foregroundColor green
$FilterID = (Get-ITGlueFlexibleAssetTypes -filter_name $FlexAssetName).data
if (!$FilterID) {
write-host "Does not exist, creating new." -foregroundColor green
$NewFlexAssetData =
type = 'flexible-asset-types'
attributes = @{
name = $FlexAssetName
icon = 'sitemap'
description = $description
relationships = @{
"flexible-asset-fields" = @{
data = @(
type = "flexible_asset_fields"
attributes = @{
order = 1
name = "Site Name"
kind = "Text"
required = $true
"show-in-list" = $true
"use-for-title" = $true
type = "flexible_asset_fields"
attributes = @{
order = 2
name = "WAN"
kind = "Textbox"
required = $false
"show-in-list" = $false
type = "flexible_asset_fields"
attributes = @{
order = 3
name = "LAN"
kind = "Textbox"
required = $false
"show-in-list" = $false
type = "flexible_asset_fields"
attributes = @{
order = 4
name = "VPN"
kind = "Textbox"
required = $false
"show-in-list" = $false
type = "flexible_asset_fields"
attributes = @{
order = 5
name = "Wi-Fi"
kind = "Textbox"
required = $false
"show-in-list" = $false
type = "flexible_asset_fields"
attributes = @{
order = 6
name = "Port Forwards"
kind = "Textbox"
required = $false
"show-in-list" = $false
type = "flexible_asset_fields"
attributes = @{
order = 7
name = "Devices"
kind = "Textbox"
required = $false
"show-in-list" = $false
}, @{
type = "flexible_asset_fields"
attributes = @{
order = 8
name = "Switches"
kind = "Textbox"
required = $false
"show-in-list" = $false
New-ITGlueFlexibleAssetTypes -Data $NewFlexAssetData
$FilterID = (Get-ITGlueFlexibleAssetTypes -filter_name $FlexAssetName).data
write-host "Start documentation process." -foregroundColor green
$UniFiCredentials = @{
username = $UnifiUser
password = $UnifiPassword
remember = $true
} | ConvertTo-Json
write-host "Logging in to Unifi API." -ForegroundColor Green
try {
Invoke-RestMethod -Uri "$UnifiBaseUri/login" -Method POST -Body $uniFiCredentials -SessionVariable websession
catch {
write-host "Failed to log in on the Unifi API. Error was: $($_.Exception.Message)" -ForegroundColor Red
write-host "Collecting sites from Unifi API." -ForegroundColor Green
try {
$sites = (Invoke-RestMethod -Uri "$UnifiBaseUri/self/sites" -WebSession $websession).data
catch {
write-host "Failed to collect the sites. Error was: $($_.Exception.Message)" -ForegroundColor Red
foreach ($site in $sites) {
$ITGlueOrgID = $site.desc.split('()')[1]
if (!$ITGlueOrgID) {
write-host "Could not get IT-Glue OrgID for site $($site.desc). Moving on to next site." -ForegroundColor Yellow
else {
write-host "Documenting $($site.desc), using ITGlue ID: $ITGlueOrgID" -ForegroundColor Green
$unifiDevices = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri "$UnifiBaseUri/s/$($" -WebSession $websession
$UnifiSwitches = $ | Where-Object { $_.type -contains "usw" }
$SwitchPorts = foreach ($unifiswitch in $UnifiSwitches) {
"<h2>$($ - $($unifiswitch.mac)</h2> <table><tr>"
foreach ($Port in $unifiswitch.port_table) {
foreach ($Port in $unifiswitch.port_table) {
$colour = if ($port.up -eq $true) { '02ab26' } else { 'ad2323' }
$speed = switch ($port.speed) {
10000 { "10Gb" }
1000 { "1Gb" }
100 { "100Mb" }
10 { "10Mb" }
0 { "Port off" }
"<td style='background-color:#$($colour)'>$speed</td>"
foreach ($Port in $unifiswitch.port_table) {
$poestate = if ($port.poe_enable -eq $true) { 'PoE on'; $colour = '02ab26' } elseif ($port.port_poe -eq $false) { 'No PoE'; $colour = '#696363' } else { "PoE Off"; $colour = 'ad2323' }
"<td style='background-color:#$($colour)'>$Poestate</td >"
$uaps = $ | Where-Object { $_.type -contains "uap" }
$Wifinetworks = $uaps.vap_table | Group-Object Essid
$wifi = foreach ($Wifinetwork in $Wifinetworks) {
$Wifinetwork | Select-object @{n = "SSID"; e = { $_.Name } }, @{n = "Access Points"; e = { $ -join "`n" } }, @{n = "Channel"; e = { $ -join ", " } }, @{n = "Usage"; e = { $ | Sort-Object -Unique } }, @{n = "Enabled"; e = { $ | sort-object -Unique } }
$alarms = (Invoke-RestMethod -Uri "$UnifiBaseUri/s/$($" -WebSession $websession).data
$alarms = $alarms | Select-Object @{n = "Universal Time"; e = { [datetime]$_.datetime } }, @{n = "Device Name"; e = { $_.$(($_ | Get-Member | Where-Object { $_.Name -match "_name" }).name) } }, @{n = "Message"; e = { $_.msg } } -First 10
$portforward = (Invoke-RestMethod -Uri "$UnifiBaseUri/s/$($" -WebSession $websession).data
$portForward = $portforward | Select-Object Name, @{n = "Source"; e = { "$($_.src):$($_.dst_port)" } }, @{n = "Destination"; e = { "$($_.fwd):$($_.fwd_port)" } }, @{n = "Protocol"; e = { $_.proto } }
$networkConf = (Invoke-RestMethod -Uri "$UnifiBaseUri/s/$($" -WebSession $websession).data
$NetworkInfo = foreach ($network in $networkConf) {
[pscustomobject] @{
'Purpose' = $network.purpose
'Name' = $
'vlan' = "$($network.vlan_enabled) $($network.vlan)"
"LAN IP Subnet" = $network.ip_subnet
"LAN DHCP Relay Enabled" = $network.dhcp_relay_enabled
"LAN DHCP Enabled" = $network.dhcpd_enabled
"LAN Network Group" = $network.networkgroup
"LAN Domain Name" = $network.domain_name
"LAN DHCP Lease Time" = $network.dhcpd_leasetime
"LAN DNS 1" = $network.dhcpd_dns_1
"LAN DNS 2" = $network.dhcpd_dns_2
"LAN DNS 3" = $network.dhcpd_dns_3
"LAN DNS 4" = $network.dhcpd_dns_4
'DHCP Range' = "$($network.dhcpd_start) - $($network.dhcpd_stop)"
"WAN IP Type" = $network.wan_type
'WAN IP' = $network.wan_ip
"WAN Subnet" = $network.wan_netmask
'WAN Gateway' = $network.wan_gateway
"WAN DNS 1" = $network.wan_dns1
"WAN DNS 2" = $network.wan_dns2
"WAN Failover Type" = $network.wan_load_balance_type
'VPN Ike Version' = $network.ipsec_key_exchange
'VPN Encryption protocol' = $network.ipsec_encryption
'VPN Hashing protocol' = $network.ipsec_hash
'VPN DH Group' = $network.ipsec_dh_group
'VPN PFS Enabled' = $network.ipsec_pfs
'VPN Dynamic Routing' = $network.ipsec_dynamic_routing
'VPN Local IP' = $network.ipsec_local_ip
'VPN Peer IP' = $network.ipsec_peer_ip
'VPN IPSEC Key' = $network.x_ipsec_pre_shared_key
$WANs = ($networkinfo | where-object { $_.Purpose -eq "wan" } | select-object Name, *WAN* | convertto-html -frag | out-string) -replace $tablestyling
$LANS = ($networkinfo | where-object { $_.Purpose -eq "corporate" } | select-object Name, *LAN* | convertto-html -frag | out-string) -replace $tablestyling
$VPNs = ($networkinfo | where-object { $_.Purpose -eq "site-vpn" } | select-object Name, *VPN* | convertto-html -frag | out-string) -replace $tablestyling
$Wifi = ($wifi | convertto-html -frag | out-string) -replace $tablestyling
$PortForwards = ($Portforward | convertto-html -frag | out-string) -replace $tablestyling
$Switches = ($UnifiSwitches | convertto-html -frag | out-string) -replace $tablestyling
$Devices = (($ | select-object Name,type,model,firmware,mac ) | convertto-html -frag | out-string) -replace $tablestyling
$FlexAssetBody = @{
type = 'flexible-assets'
attributes = @{
traits = @{
'site-name' = $
'wan' = $WANs
'lan' = $LANS
'vpn' = $VPNs
'wi-fi' = $wifi
'port-forwards' = $PortForwards
'devices' = $Devices
'switches' = ($SwitchPorts | out-string)
write-host "Documenting to IT-Glue" -ForegroundColor Green
$ExistingFlexAsset = (Get-ITGlueFlexibleAssets -filter_flexible_asset_type_id $($filterID.ID) -filter_organization_id $ITGlueOrgID).data | Where-Object { $_.attributes.traits.'site-name' -eq $ }
#If the Asset does not exist, we edit the body to be in the form of a new asset, if not, we just upload.
if (!$ExistingFlexAsset) {
$FlexAssetBody.attributes.add('organization-id', $ITGlueOrgID)
$FlexAssetBody.attributes.add('flexible-asset-type-id', $($filterID.ID))
write-host " Creating Unifi into IT-Glue organisation $ITGlueOrgID" -ForegroundColor Green
New-ITGlueFlexibleAssets -data $FlexAssetBody
else {
write-host " Editing Unifi into IT-Glue organisation $ITGlueOrgID" -ForegroundColor Green
$ExistingFlexAsset = $ExistingFlexAsset[-1]
Set-ITGlueFlexibleAssets -id $ -data $FlexAssetBody
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