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Last active July 19, 2023 15:13
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Dice roller script
open System
open System.Text.RegularExpressions
type Operation =
| Add
| Subtract
type Dice = { Amount: int; Sides: int }
type Modification =
| Dice of dice: Dice
| Value of value: int
type RollDescription =
{ Dice: Dice
Modifiers: Operation * Modification list }
type RolledDice = { Sides: int; Rolls: int list }
type CalculatedModifications =
| Dice of dice: RolledDice
| Value of value: int
let rnd = Random(int DateTime.Now.Ticks)
let roll dice =
[ 1 .. dice.Amount ] |> (fun _ -> rnd.Next(1, dice.Sides + 1))
let calculateModification =
| Modification.Value value -> CalculatedModifications.Value value
| Modification.Dice dice ->
let rolls = roll dice
CalculatedModifications.Dice { Sides = dice.Sides; Rolls = rolls }
let calculateTotal initialRoll =
(fun acc (op, modifier) ->
let result =
match modifier with
| Dice dice -> dice.Rolls |> List.sum
| Value value -> value
match op with
| Add -> acc + result
| Subtract -> acc - result)
(initialRoll |> List.sum)
let printModifiers = (fun (op, modifier) ->
let operation =
match op with
| Add -> " + "
| Subtract -> " - "
match modifier with
| Dice dice -> operation + String.Join(operation, dice.Rolls)
| Value value -> $"{operation}{value}")
>> fun result -> String.Join("", result)
let regexOptions = RegexOptions.IgnoreCase ||| RegexOptions.Compiled
let dieRegex = Regex(@"(?<amount>\d*)[d](?<sides>\d+)", regexOptions)
let createDice description =
let matches = dieRegex.Match(description)
let amount = matches.Groups["amount"].Value
let amount = if String.IsNullOrEmpty amount then 1 else int amount
let sides = int matches.Groups["sides"].Value
{ Amount = amount; Sides = sides }
let modifierRegex = Regex(@"[ ]*(?<sign>[+-])[ ]*((?<dice>\d*[d]\d+)|(?<val>\d+))", regexOptions)
let createModifiers description =
let modifierMatch = modifierRegex.Match(description)
let operation =
match modifierMatch.Groups["sign"].Value with
| "+" -> Add
| "-" -> Subtract
| _ -> failwith $"""invalid modifier: {modifierMatch.Groups["sign"].Value}"""
let modifier =
match modifierMatch.Groups["dice"].Value with
| "" -> Modification.Value(int modifierMatch.Groups["val"].Value)
| _ -> Modification.Dice(createDice modifierMatch.Groups["dice"].Value)
operation, modifier
let rollRegex = Regex(@"(?<dice>\d*[d]\d+){1}(?<mod>[ ]*[+-][ ]*(\d*[d]\d+|\d+))*", regexOptions)
let rec rollDice () =
printf "describe roll: "
let input = Console.ReadLine()
if not <| (input = "quit" || input = "q") then
let ``match`` = rollRegex.Match(input)
if ``match``.Success then
let dice = createDice ``match``.Groups["dice"].Value
let initialRoll = roll dice
let modifiers =
|> Seq.toList
|> (fun m -> createModifiers m.Value)
|> (fun (op, modifier) -> op, calculateModification modifier)
let total = calculateTotal initialRoll modifiers
printf $"rolled: {total}"
Console.ForegroundColor <- ConsoleColor.DarkGray
printfn $""" >> {String.Join(" + ", initialRoll)}{modifiers |> printModifiers}"""
Console.ForegroundColor <- ConsoleColor.Red
printfn "invalid roll"
printfn "roll declaration must be in the form of: 2d20 + 5d6 - 2"
rollDice ()
printfn "welcome to the dice roller!"
printfn "type 'quit' or 'q' to exit"
rollDice ()
printfn "goodbye!"
#r "nuget: FParsec-Big-Data-Edition"
open System
open FParsec
type Dice =
| Dice of count: int * sides: int
| Value of int
type RolledDice =
| RolledDice of sides: int * rolls: int list
| Value of int
type Expression<'a> =
| First of 'a
| Plus of 'a
| Minus of 'a
let map f =
| First x -> First(f x)
| Plus x -> Plus(f x)
| Minus x -> Minus(f x)
let random = Random(int DateTime.Now.Ticks)
let value = pint32 |>> Dice.Value
let dice = attempt ((pint32 <|>% 1 .>> pchar 'd' .>>. pint32) |>> Dice.Dice)
let term = choice [ dice; value ]
let modifier =
[ attempt (spaces >>. pchar '+' .>> spaces >>. term |>> Plus)
attempt (spaces >>. pchar '-' .>> spaces >>. term |>> Minus) ]
let parser = pipe2 (term |>> First) (many modifier) (fun head tail -> head :: tail)
let evaluate =
let roll =
| Dice.Dice(count, sides) ->
let rolls = List.init count (fun _ -> random.Next(1, sides + 1))
RolledDice(sides, rolls)
| Dice.Value value -> Value value (map roll)
let rec parseAndEvaluate () =
printf "describe roll: "
let input = Console.ReadLine()
if not <| (input = "quit" || input = "q") then
run parser input
|> function
| Success(result, _, _) -> Result.Ok(evaluate result)
| Failure(message, _, _) -> Result.Error message
|> function
| Result.Ok result ->
let total =
let sumDice =
| RolledDice(_, rolls) -> rolls |> List.sum
| Value value -> value
|> List.sumBy (function
| First value -> sumDice value
| Plus value -> sumDice value
| Minus value -> sumDice value * -1)
printf $"total: {total}"
Console.ForegroundColor <- ConsoleColor.DarkGray
printf " >> "
let plus = " + "
let minus = " - "
let format rolledDice =
match rolledDice with
| RolledDice(sides, rolls) -> $"""d{sides}({String.Join(plus, rolls |> string)})"""
| Value value -> value |> string
|> List.iter (function
| First roll -> printf $"{format roll}"
| Plus roll -> printf $"{plus}{format roll}"
| Minus roll -> printf $"{minus}{format roll}")
printfn ""
| Result.Error message ->
Console.ForegroundColor <- ConsoleColor.Red
printfn $"error: {message}"
printfn "type 'quit' or 'q' to exit"
printfn "provide rolls in the format: 1d6 + 2 - 3d10 + 2d8 - 6"
parseAndEvaluate ()
printfn "welcome to the dice roller!"
printfn "type 'quit' or 'q' to exit"
parseAndEvaluate ()
printfn "goodbye!"
open System
open System.Text.RegularExpressions
let regexOptions = RegexOptions.IgnoreCase ||| RegexOptions.Compiled
let rollDice (sides: int) =
let rnd = Random(int DateTime.Now.Ticks)
rnd.Next(1, sides + 1)
let parseDice (diceDescription: string) =
let regex = Regex(@"(?<count>\d*)[d](?<sides>\d+)", regexOptions)
let matches = regex.Match(diceDescription)
if matches.Success then
let count = matches.Groups["count"].Value
let count = if count = String.Empty then 1 else int count
let sides = int matches.Groups["sides"].Value
[ for i in 1..count -> rollDice sides ]
failwith $"invalid dice description: {matches.Value}"
let rec parseMod (modDescriptions: Capture list) =
let regex =
Regex(@"[ ]*(?<sign>[+-])[ ]*(?<dice>\d*[d]\d+|(?<val>\d+))", regexOptions)
match modDescriptions with
| modifier :: rest ->
|> fun matches ->
if matches.Success then
let isAdd = matches.Groups["sign"].Value = "+"
let dice = matches.Groups["dice"].Value
let value = matches.Groups["val"].Value
let values =
if value = String.Empty then
parseDice dice
[ int value ]
let values = values |> (fun x -> if isAdd then x else -x)
values @ parseMod rest
failwith $"invalid modifier description: {modifier.Value}"
| [] -> []
let parseRoll (rollDescription: string) =
let regex =
Regex(@"(?<dice>\d*[d]\d+){1}(?<mod>[ ]*[+-][ ]*(\d*[d]\d+|\d+))*", regexOptions)
let matches = regex.Match(rollDescription)
if matches.Success then
let dice = parseDice matches.Groups["dice"].Value
let modifiers = parseMod (matches.Groups["mod"].Captures |> List.ofSeq)
Ok(dice @ modifiers)
Error "invalid roll description\nroll descriptions should be in the form of: 2d6 + 1d4 - 1"
let concat<'a> format (values: 'a list) =
values.Tail |> List.fold (fun acc x -> acc + (format x)) (values.Head.ToString())
let rec askForRoll () =
printf "describe the roll: "
let roll = Console.ReadLine()
if not <| (roll = "quit" || roll = "q") then
match parseRoll roll with
| Ok roll ->
let description = roll |> concat (fun x -> if x > 0 then $" + {x}" else $" - {abs x}")
printfn $"result = {roll |> List.sum} >> {description}"
printfn $"dbg {roll}"
| Error err -> printfn $"{err}"
askForRoll ()
printfn "welcome to the dice roller!"
printfn "type 'quit' or 'q' to exit"
askForRoll ()
printfn "goodbye!"
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