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Last active November 10, 2019 12:30
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  • Save KenDB3/2bd29f5108e189fae9abd303ce1d9960 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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Windows Batch File that takes a quoted text command line argument, removes the quotes, and replaces spaces with underscores
REM Windows Batch File that takes a quoted text command line argument,
REM removes the quotes, and replaces spaces with underscores.
REM This is useful for passing an argument to another program.
REM Change Directory to where the Batch file is saved
CD /d "%~dp0"
set originalquotedtextwithspaces=%1
set noquotes=%originalquotedtextwithspaces:"=%
set withunderscores=%noquotes: =_%
SomeProgram.exe %withunderscores%
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